
1. General result:

A linear continuous-time time-invariant system: is controllable iff: for any initial value of the state at the initial time and for a given final time , there exists a control signal trajectory such that .
Let n be the system order ( ). A necessary and sufficient condition for the system to be controllable (condition ) is:
𝒞 is called the controllability matrix .

2. Proof ():

The general solution of the state equation is:
Applied to our problem (, , ), it comes:

3. Proof of the necessary condition ():

Cayley-Hamilton theorem (see: CayleyHamilton) allows to express:
Considering, without loss of generality a single input system (), equation (1) can be rewritten as :
If () then there exists a vector such that . Then pre-multiplying (3) by , it comes:
Thus the system (3) is undetermined and it is not possible de compute and thus it is not possible to compute to bring back the state to at ( then the system is uncontrollable ()) except if is in the controllolability sub-space characterized by:
where is the null-space of the matrix 𝒞.

4. Proof of the sufficient condition ():

For the sufficient condition, a new condition is introduced:
Then . Indeed, the particular control signal:
satisfies the problem (equation (1)). And thus the system is controllable ().
(Indeed: (3) in (1) gives: .)
To prove , it can be proven that :
if is not invertible (), then considering a vector , it comes:
Remark : in the single input case: and .
is a scalar quadratic function of τ and thus is always positive or null (). For its intregral to be null, it requires that: . Thus:
or using the Cayley-Hamilton expresion of (equation (2)):

5. Discrete-time case:

A linear discrete-time time-invariant system: is controllable iff: for any initial value of the state at the initial time and for a given final time N, there exists a control signal sequence such that .
Let n be the system order ( ). A necessary and sufficient condition for the system to be controllable (condition ) is:
is called the controllability matrix .
Proof: the proof in the discrete-time case is simpler than in the continuous-time case. Note that in the discrete-time case, there is a constraint on the final time: . Indeed, the direct integration of the state equation with reads:
Thus, one can solve this last equation in if and only if . Then the solution reads:

6. A particular solution in the continuous-time case:

Considering the continuous-time system with an initial state , the objective is to find a control signal trajectory such that for a given final time .
The discrete-time case can provide a solution to this problem considering that is the output of a zero order hold (ZOH) sampled at (see the following figure):
The general solution of the continuous-time state equation:
with: , , , , and the change of variable gives the discrete-time state-space representation of the system between and :
Then the solution (5) can be computed and applied to the input of the zero order hold such that . Solution (5) provides , of course: .
That is illustrated in the following MATLAB session for a 4-th order continuous-time system with an arbitrary initial condition and a given final time .

7. Illustration:

an open-loop control profile is computed such that :
The proposed example is the serie-connection of:
and is described by a SIMILINK file:
Numerical application: , , , , .
J=1;a2=1;f=0.01;xi=0.7;w=10; % Numerical application.
ans = 4×1 cell array
From now, we know that the state vector provided by linmod is: .
Gc=ss(A,B,eye(n),0); % continuous-time system
tf=3; % final time
Gd=c2d(Gc,tf/n); % discrete-time system
Cd=Bd; % controllability matrix
for ii=1:n-1;
Cd=[Ad*Cd(:,1) Cd]; % here : Cd=[Ad^(n-1)Bd,..., AdBd, Bd].
rank(Cd) % check the system is controllable
ans = 4
We consider an initial condition on the attitude θ:
x0=[1;0;0;0]; % initial condition
u_n=-inv(Cd)*Ad^n*x0 % [u_0, u_1, u_2, u_3]^T
u_n = 4×1
-3.0464 1.8214 -0.0114 0.0000
% Simulation:
for ii=1:n,
the stair-shape signal due to the ZOH sampled at can be seen on the various plot (grey lines).

8. Another solution in continuous-time:

This solution is directly computed in continuous-time and is given by equation (4). Indeed is the solution of the Lyapunov equation:
Thus can be easily computed using the MATLAB function lyap.
Then the control signal bringing the state to at () is:
That is illustrated in the following MATLAB sequence:
Qc_tf = 4×4
1019 ×
0.0001 0.0011 0.0075 -0.0012 0.0011 0.4137 -0.4917 0.0270 0.0075 -0.4917 1.5170 -0.1627 -0.0012 0.0270 -0.1627 0.0201
Clearly is ill-conditionned !! Such a solution is thus very sensitive to the condition number of and works ony for very small values of (this is due to fact that the system is unstable):
Qc_tf = 4×4
103 ×
0.0019 0.1112 0.0024 -0.0123 0.1112 8.1208 -1.8612 -0.5845 0.0024 -1.8612 2.3109 -0.1542 -0.0123 -0.5845 -0.1542 0.0863
t=[0:tf/1000:tf]; % requires a very small step!!
for ii=1:length(t),
One can see that the magnitude of the control signal (last plot) is very big ().

9. A closed-loop solution:

In the two previous illustrations, the control signal is applied in open-loop. Although it meets the constraint , the system is still unstable for . From a practical point of view a closed-loop solution is preferred.
Then, one can use a variation of the controllability definition (for linear system): a linear system is controllable iff one can compute a state feedback assigning the n closed-loop eigenvalues to any prescribed values . Of course one will choose these n eigenvalues stable and fast enough to bring back the state to efficiently. But this is an exponential converge to , contrary to the initial definition.
This new definition allows to introduce the Controllability Canonical Form (CCF) (, ) of the linear system:
One can recognize:
The objective is thus to find a state feedback control law:
such that the closed-loop dynamics () fits the prescribed dynamics:
Then the solution is obvious :
Indeed: .
It is shown that an arbitrary linear system can be tansformed into the CCN by a regular change of state vector iff:
Proof: It is well known that: and . We are going to identify (column per column, starting from the last column ) form the relations and and then check that is invertible:
The identification of provides the last column of matrix : .
The identification of the last column of provides : .
The identification of the column of provides : .
The identification of the column 2 of provides : .
Since all the colmuns of matrix are now defined, we have to check that the identification of the column 1 of works. That is confirmed thanks to the Cayley-Hamilton theorem (see: CayleyHamilton). Indeed, we get:
Finally, we have to check that is invertible. Indeed, since all its columns are linear combinations of , , , , then:
Once and are known, one can compute the state feedback gain to be applied on the initial physical state . Indeed:
Illustration: for a given n-th order system and a given vector of n specifed eigenvalues , the computation of , and are embedded in the MATLAB function acker (see also: ):
help acker
acker Pole placement gain selection using Ackermann's formula. K = acker(A,B,P) calculates the feedback gain matrix K such that the single input system . x = Ax + Bu with a feedback law of u = -Kx has closed loop poles at the values specified in vector P, i.e., P = eig(A-B*K). Note: This algorithm uses Ackermann's formula. This method is NOT numerically reliable and starts to break down rapidly for problems of order greater than 10, or for weakly controllable systems. A warning message is printed if the nonzero closed-loop poles are greater than 10% from the desired locations specified in P. See also place.
Considering the previous example , one can choose to assign the 4 closed loop eigenvalues to:
P=[-1+sqrt(-1);-1-sqrt(-1);roots([1 14 100])];
Pole Damping Frequency Time Constant (rad/TimeUnit) (TimeUnit) -7.00e+00 + 7.14e+00i 7.00e-01 1.00e+01 1.43e-01 -7.00e+00 - 7.14e+00i 7.00e-01 1.00e+01 1.43e-01 -1.00e+00 + 1.00e+00i 7.07e-01 1.41e+00 1.00e+00 -1.00e+00 - 1.00e+00i 7.07e-01 1.41e+00 1.00e+00
% Closed-loop system with the 4 states and the control signal on the
% output:
% Simulation