Dominant mode: illustration
1. A second order system:
Let us consider the system
described in the following Figure.
This system can be represented by the transfer functions:
or the state space representation:
Its dynamics is characterized by 2 poles or eigenvalues:
: the "slow" one,
: the "fast" one.
G=ss([0 1;-10 -11],[0;10],eye(2),zeros(2,1));
Pole Damping Frequency Time Constant
(rad/seconds) (seconds)
-1.00e+00 1.00e+00 1.00e+00 1.00e+00
-1.00e+01 1.00e+00 1.00e+01 1.00e-01
Its step response:
2. Long-term dominant mode:
Clearly the responses (it is more particularly true for
) are dominated by the slow eigenvalue
. Indeed, the long-term response in the time-domain corresponds to the low-frequency response in the frequency-domain, i.e. when
tends to 0. On the transfer functions, that means the terms in
can be neglected w.r.t to terms in s or
: Thus, it is possible to find a first order system
quite representative of the long-term response of the 2nd order system
. Such an operation is called a model reduction. Gslow=tf({10;[10 0]},[11 10]);
3. Short-term dominant mode:
The short-term step response (
): Clearly the response
is dominated by the fast eigenvalue
. Indeed, the short-term response in the time-domain corresponds to the high-frequency response in the frequency-domain, i.e. when
tends to ∞. On the transfer functions, that means the terms in
can be neglected w.r.t to terms in s or
: Thus, it is possible to find a first order transfer quite representative of the short-term response of
. For
, it is not possible to find a first order transfer representative of its short-term behavior. We will choose 0 and thus:
. Such an operation is also called a model reduction but it is completely different from the previous one. legend('G(s)','Gfast(s)')
4. Model simplification by state elimination.
The previous operations on transfer functions become tricky when we have have to cope with high order systems, with several inputs and outputs (ex: the longitudinal model of an aircraft). It is thus highly recommended to eliminate state variables directly in the state-space representation (see: doc modred). The function modred proposes 2 methods to eleminate state space variables: - 'matchdc' (i.e.: match DC gain, the defauft method ): to be used to eliminate the "fast dynamics" in order to have a reduced model representative of the long-term behavior.
In our example
is fast w.r.t.
, i.e.:
reaches its steady state almost instaneoulsly w.r.t. to the settling time of
. So we will assume
does not evolve any more). Then, in the second row of the state equation (1), we get:
. By replacing
in the first row of the state equation and in the output equation (2), the first order reduced model reads: tf(Gslow)
ans =
From input to output...
1: ----------
s + 0.9091
0.9091 s
2: ----------
s + 0.9091
Continuous-time transfer function.
- 'truncate': to be used to eliminate the "slow dynamics" in order to have a reduced model representative of the short-term behavior.
In our example
is slow w.r.t to
, i.e.: within the time constant of
has not time enough to change from its equilibrium value. So we will assume
. Then considering the second row of the state equation and the output equation (2), the first order reduced model reads: Gfast=modred(G,1,'truncate');
ans =
From input to output...
1: 0
2: ------
s + 11
Continuous-time transfer function.
This reduced model is quite obvious considering the structure of the model depicted in the block-diagram.