Demo on the interpretation of the norm of linear systems:
1. SISO (Single Input Single Output) system:
Let us consider the second order system:
Numerical application: G=tf(w0*w0,[1 2*xi*w0 w0^2]);
The norm of : - using Matlab function norm:
- using the analytical solution (see exercise on slide 45):
1.1 Time-domain interpretation:
The impulse response of : The square root of the numerical intregration of the impulse response squared:
except the numerical integration error, we recognize the time-domain interpretation of the norm : 1.2 Frequency-domain interpretation:
The Bode response: The square root of the numerical integration of the frequency-domain response squared and divided by except the numerical integration error, we recognize the frequency-domain interpretation of the norm : since the frequency-domain response magnitude is an even function of . 1.3 Stochastic interpretation:
It can be also shown that the norm is also the standard deviation of the random signal corresponding to the steady-state of the output signal when the input signal is a normalized centered white noise (the PSD (Powed spectral density) of is : 1). To simulate such a response one have to keep in mind that is not possible to simulate a white noise on a digital computer because the variance of a white noise is infinite. We use a discrete-time approximation: the signal is sampled with a sampling period and hold over seconds on the value of a centered normal random variable . Each sample is stochatically independant from the other. Let be the variance of the this normal random variable, then the PSD of such a signal is: So to approximate a unitary withe noise, one have to choose The sampling period must be chosen such the half sampling frequency is very big with respect to the bandwidth of the system T=[0:dt:1000]; % the stop-time is large to simulate the steady state
plot(T,Y); legend('u(t)','y(t)')
The standard deviation of the output in steady state is computed statistically with the Matlab function std:
std(Y(10000:end)) % it is assumed that the steady steady is reached after 100s
except the numerical error:. Now we can consider multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems.
2. MIMO systems
Let us consider a stable system with states outputs and inputs randomly generated by Matlab function rss The direct-feedtrough matrix of must be null otherwise its norm is infinite. It is obvious from the: - frequency-domain interpretation : the magnitude of the frequency-domain response nevers goes back to 0 in high frequency when . So the integral over frequency of the magnitude squared is always infinite,
- stochastic interpretation: when the white noise on the input signal is transmitted to the output and the variance of a white noise is always infinite.
The norm of : - using Matlab function norm:
- using the analytical solution (see slide 43):
From the time-domain definition of the norm of a MIMO system defined by the state-space matrices , , : Let (the observability grammian) then is solution of the Lyapunov equation: and : Qo=lyap(G.a',G.c'*G.c)
3.0918e+00 -4.5208e-02 -1.0684e+00 -9.5959e-02 8.4245e-02
-4.5208e-02 8.3381e-01 2.9562e-01 -7.5605e-02 3.2785e-01
-1.0684e+00 2.9562e-01 1.1538e+00 6.6253e-02 2.1174e-01
-9.5959e-02 -7.5605e-02 6.6253e-02 2.4290e-01 -5.8832e-03
8.4245e-02 3.2785e-01 2.1174e-01 -5.8832e-03 5.1811e-01
2.1 Time-domain interpretation:
The impulse response of : Computation of : is the matrix of the impulse responses: Y(i,j,k) is the value at the time T(i) of the response of the j-th output to an single impulse on the k-th input.
for j=1:p,for k=1:m,Z=Z+Y(:,j,k).^2;end;end;
The square root of the numerical intregration of : except the numerical integration integration errors, we found . 2.2 Frequency-domain interpretation:
The Bode response: is the matrix of the frequency-domaine responses: MAG(i,j,k) is the value at the time T(k) of the magnitude of transfer from the j-th input to the i-th output
for i=1:p,for j=1:m,Z=Z+squeeze(MAG(i,j,:).^2);end;end;
except the numerical integration integration errors, we found again . 2.3 Stochastic interpretation:
It is the direct extension of the approach presented for SISO systems. One should keep in mind that the m normalized centered white noises on the m inputs of the system must be stochastically independent from each other. Then the results is:
. In the following Matlab sequence, since is generated randomly: - the sampling period is computed such that the sampling frequency is 100 times the highest eigenvalue magnitude (in ),
- the steaty state is assumed to start at Tst equal to 10 times the higest time-constant of ,
- the time range to compute the variance in steady state considers 10000 samples after Tst.
for i=1:m, U=[U;randn(size(T))/sqrt(dt)];end;
for i=1:p,sig2=sig2+var(Y(end-10000:end,i));end;