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Iulian Ober

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News : Now hiring a PhD student to work on verification and validation for digital twins models based on SysML v2 in a joint project between ISAE-SUPAERO and CEA.

I am a Professor of Systems and Software Engineering at ISAE-SUPAERO in the Theory, Modeling, and Systems Engineering research group . Until October 2021 I was an Associate Professor at the University of Toulouse - Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT).

My research domains are Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), Cyber-physical systems design and analysis, Model-based verification and validation (V&V).

My background is in semantic models for real-time systems (e.g., timed automata) and automatic verification methods such as model-checking. I was involved in a host of projects trying to apply such methods to widely used industry standard languages such as UML, SysML and SDL.

Most recently I was involved in the development of the model-checker integrated in ESA’s TASTE tool-chain. On a different topic, I worked on the verification and qualification of software items based on machine-learning for Airbus (CIFRE PhD of Eric Guillaume VIDOT).

This page is still under construction. Some more information is still available on my older page at IRIT

Advised PhD students :

  • Eric Guillaume Vidot (2019 - 2022). Co-advised with Ileana Ober. CIFRE convention with Airbus. Subject : Certifiability of systems based on Machine Learning software.
  • Mickël Trezzy (2018 - ). Co-advised with Raquel Araujo de Oliveira and Ileana Ober. Financed by a scholarship from ED MITT. Subject : Model-based development of safe and secure robotic systems.
  • Kamal Boumaza (2018 - ). Co-advised with Cherif Tolba. Université Badji Mokhtar Annaba, Algérie. Subject : Verification of emergent properties in complex systems.
  • Ronan Baduel (2016 - 2019). Co-advised with J-M. Bruel. CIFRE convention with Bombardier Transportation. Subject : An integrated model-based early validation approach for railway systems engineering.
  • Iulia Dragomir (2010 - 2014). Co-advised with C. Percebois. Subject : Contract-based Modeling and Verification of Timed Safety Requirements for System Design in SysML.
  • El Arbi Abussoror (2010 - 2013). Co-advised with Ileana Ober. Subject : Advanced diagnostic methods in formal model validation.
  • Hong-Viet Luong (graduated in October, 2010). Co-advised with C. Percebois, A-L. Courbis, T. Lambolais. Subject : Incremental construction and verification of system specifications.
  • Younes Lakhrissi (graduated in July, 2010). Co-advised with B. Coulette. Subject : Integration of behavior models in view-based analysis and design.
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