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Pierre Siron

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Bienvenue ! Welcome !

I am a Professor (ERE) in Computer Science at the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Control of the Aeronautics and Space Institute (ISAE) of Toulouse, France. I hold a HDR (Accreditation To Supervise Research, 2003), PhD (1984) from SUPAERO and an engineer degree (1980) from ENSEEIHT.

I am in charge of the Computer Science program of SUPAERO. My teaching activities concern algorithmic and programmation languages, operating systems, parallel and distributed programming, distributed systems and validation of systems. I am also correspondant of the MITT Phd School (équipe d’accueil doctorale MOIS) and I supervise the "Distributed Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems (HLA)" training of EUROSAE.

My main researches concern distributed systems and distributed simulation with the HLA standard.

More details can be found on my personal page : pierre.siron.free.fr
- CERTI, an open-source Run Time Infrastructure for HLA distributed simulations.
- An exhaustive list of publications.
- Hobbies : private pilote and president of the golf club of ONERA.

Contact information
e-mail : pierre (dot) siron (at) isae (dot) fr


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