Flux publications Open Science ISAE-SUPAERO

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Proceedings of the International Conference on More Electric Aircraft (MEA2024). 2024, International Conference on More Electric Aircraft (MEA2024), 2024-02-08 - 2024-02-07 (2024-02-07, Toulouse)

Proceedings of the International Conference on More Electric Aircraft (MEA2024)

Antonsanti, Aubin, Ryder, Landen, Le Roch Alexandre - 22785280X, Waczynski Augustyn, Laddawan, Miko, Delo, Greg, Cillis, Analia, Waczynski Stefan, Feggans, Keith, Barth, Jonathan, Goiffon Vincent, Virmontois Cédric - 171656768, Lauenstein, Jean-Marie, Hill Robert J., Wollack Edward, Investigating Dark Current Random Telegraph Signal in a HgCdTe H4RG-10 Infrared Detector for Space Application. 2024, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 71 (8). 1738 - 1746. ISSN 0018-9499

Investigating Dark Current Random Telegraph Signal in a HgCdTe H4RG-10 Infrared Detector for Space Application

Salih Alj Antoine, Antonsanti, Aubin, Le Roch Alexandre - 22785280X, Touron Pierre, Roy François, Tournier, Arnaud, Demiguel, Stéphane, Michelot Julien, Lalucaa Valerian, Virmontois Cédric - 171656768, Magnan Pierre - 16218221X, Goiffon Vincent, Displacement Damage Effects on a CDTI based CCD-on-CMOS : Dark Current and Charge Transfer Inefficiency : Proceedings of NSREC 2024. 2024, IEEE Nuclear & Space Radiation Effects Conference (NSREC 2024), 2024-07-26 - 2024-07-22 (2024-07-22, Otttawa)

Displacement Damage Effects on a CDTI based CCD-on-CMOS : Dark Current and Charge Transfer Inefficiency : Proceedings of NSREC 2024

Antonsanti, Aubin, Goiffon Vincent, Roy François, Le Roch Alexandre - 22785280X, Ryder, Landen, Malherbe Victor, Roche, Philippe, Nier, Olivier, Virmontois Cédric - 171656768, Lauenstein, Jean-Marie, Ionizing Radiation Effects on Hole Collection Backside-Illuminated P-Type Deep-Trench Pinned Photo-MOS Pixels under Image Acquisition. 2023, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 70 (8). 1958 - 1965. ISSN 0018-9499

Ionizing Radiation Effects on Hole Collection Backside-Illuminated P-Type Deep-Trench Pinned Photo-MOS Pixels under Image Acquisition

Antonsanti, Aubin, Lauenstein, Jean-Marie, Le Roch Alexandre - 22785280X, Ryder, Landen, Virmontois Cédric - 171656768, Goiffon Vincent, Exploring Space-Radiation Induced Dark Signal and Random-Telegraph-Signal in a Sony IMX219 CMOS Image-Sensor : Proceedings of the International Image Sensor Workshop 2023, Crieff, Scotland. 2023, IISW23 International Image Sensor Workshop 2023, 2023-05-25 - 2023-05-22 (2023-05-22, Crieff)

Exploring Space-Radiation Induced Dark Signal and Random-Telegraph-Signal in a Sony IMX219 CMOS Image-Sensor : Proceedings of the International Image

Cobo Elie, Massenot Sébastien, Le Roch Alexandre - 22785280X, Corbière Franck - 226778053, Goiffon Vincent, Magnan Pierre - 16218221X, Pelouard Jean-Luc, Design of a CMOS image sensor pixel with embedded polysilicon nano-grating for near-infrared imaging enhancement. 2022, Applied Optics. 61 (4). 960-968. ISSN 1559-128X

Design of a CMOS image sensor pixel with embedded polysilicon nano-grating for near-infrared imaging enhancement

Antonsanti, Aubin, Virmontois Cédric - 171656768, Lauenstein, Jean-Marie, Le Roch Alexandre - 22785280X, Dewitte Hugo - 245229728, Goiffon Vincent, Probing Dark Current Random Telegraph Signal in a Small Pitch Vertically Pinned Photodiode CMOS Image Sensor after Proton Irradiation. 2022, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 69 (7). 1506 - 1514. ISSN 0018-9499

Probing Dark Current Random Telegraph Signal in a Small Pitch Vertically Pinned Photodiode CMOS Image Sensor after Proton Irradiation

Diouane Youssef - 182089800, Contribution to numerical optimization with applications to engineering problems. 2021.

Contribution to numerical optimization with applications to engineering problems

Jay Antoine - 204341639, Hémeryck Anne, Cristiano Fuccio, Rideau Denis, Julliard Pierre-Louis, Goiffon Vincent, Le Roch Alexandre - 22785280X, Martin-Samos Layla, Gironcoli Stefano De, Richard Nicolas, Clusters of Defects as a Possible Origin of Random Telegraph Signal in Imager Devices : a DFT based Study : 2021 International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD). 2021, 2021 International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD), 2021-09-27 - 2021-09-29 (2021-09-29, Dallas)

Clusters of Defects as a Possible Origin of Random Telegraph Signal in Imager Devices: a DFT based Study : 2021 International Conference on Simulation

Bronz Murat - 17574114X, Gavrilović Nikola, Drouin Antoine, Hattenberger Gautier, Moschetta Jean-Marc, Flight Testing of Dynamic Soaring Part-2 : Open-Field Inclined Circle Trajectory. 2021, AIAA Aviation 2021 Forum, 2021-08-06 - 2021-08-02 (2021-08-02, Virtual Event)

Flight Testing of Dynamic Soaring Part-2 : Open-Field Inclined Circle Trajectory

Bernauer Felix, Garcia Raphaël F., Murdoch Naomi, Dehant Véronique, Sollberger David, Schmelzbach Cédric, Stähler Simon Christian, Wassermann Joachim, Igel Heiner, Cadu Alexandre - 204283167, Mimoun David, Ritter Birgit, Filice Valerio, Karatekin Özgür, Ferraioli Luigi, Robertsson Johan O. A., Giardini Domenico, Lecamp Guillaume, Guattari Frederic, Bonnefois Jean-Jacques, Raucourt Sébastien de, Exploring planets and asteroids with 6DoF sensors : Utopia and realism. 2020, Earth, Planets and Space. 72 (1)

Exploring planets and asteroids with 6DoF sensors: Utopia and realism

Le Roch Alexandre - 22785280X, Virmontois Cédric - 171656768, Paillet Philippe, Belloir Jean-Marc - 20066476X, Rizzolo Serena - 226777979, Marcelot Olivier, Dewitte Hugo - 245229728, Van Uffelen Marco, Mont-Casellas Laura, Magnan Pierre - 16218221X, Goiffon Vincent, Phosphorus Versus Arsenic : Role of the Photodiode Doping Element in CMOS Image Sensor Radiation-Induced Dark Current and Random Telegraph Signal. 2020, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 67 (7). 1241-1250. ISSN 0018-9499

Phosphorus Versus Arsenic: Role of the Photodiode Doping Element in CMOS Image Sensor Radiation-Induced Dark Current and Random Telegraph Signal

Dewitte Hugo - 245229728, Rizzolo Serena - 226777979, Paillet Philippe, Magnan Pierre - 16218221X, Le Roch Alexandre - 22785280X, Corbière Franck - 226778053, Molina Romain - 233551565, Girard Sylvain, Allanche Timothé, Muller Cyprien, Desjonquères Hortense, Macé Jean Reynald, Baudu Jean-Pierre, Flores A. Saravia, Goiffon Vincent, Annealing Effects on Radiation-Hardened CMOS Image Sensors Exposed to Ultrahigh Total Ionizing Doses. 2020, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 67 (7). 1284-1292. ISSN 0018-9499

Annealing Effects on Radiation-Hardened CMOS Image Sensors Exposed to Ultrahigh Total Ionizing Doses

Goiffon Vincent, Bilba Teddy - 241970067, Deladerriere Theo - 241970245, Beaugendre Guillaume - 234292075, Le Roch Alexandre - 22785280X, Dion Arnaud, Virmontois Cédric - 171656768, Belloir Jean-Marc - 20066476X, Gaillardin Marc, Jay Antoine - 204341639, Paillet Philippe, Radiation Induced Variable Retention Time in Dynamic Random Access Memories. 2020, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 67 (1). 1-13. ISSN 0018-9499

Radiation Induced Variable Retention Time in Dynamic Random Access Memories

Paroissien Eric, Modélisation simplifiée des transferts d’effort dans les assemblages boulonnés et/ou collés. 2020.

Modélisation simplifiée des transferts d’effort dans les assemblages boulonnés et/ou collés

Durnez Clémentine - 227852303, Goiffon Vincent, Virmontois Cédric - 171656768, Magnan Pierre - 16218221X, Rubaldo Laurent, Comparison of Dark Current Random Telegraph Signals in Silicon and InSb-Based Photodetector Pixel Arrays. 2020, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 67 (11). 4940-4946. ISSN 0018-9383

Comparison of Dark Current Random Telegraph Signals in Silicon and InSb-Based Photodetector Pixel Arrays

Le Roch Alexandre - 22785280X, Virmontois Cédric - 171656768, Paillet Philippe, Warner Jeffrey H., Belloir Jean-Marc - 20066476X, Magnan Pierre - 16218221X, Goiffon Vincent, Comparison of X-Ray and Electron Radiation Effects on Dark Current Non-Uniformity and Fluctuations in CMOS Image Sensors. 2020, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 67 (1). 268-277. ISSN 0018-9499

Comparison of X-Ray and Electron Radiation Effects on Dark Current Non-Uniformity and Fluctuations in CMOS Image Sensors

Rizzolo Serena - 226777979, Le Roch Alexandre - 22785280X, Marcelot Olivier, Corbière Franck - 226778053, Paillet Philippe, Gaillardin Marc, Magnan Pierre - 16218221X, Goiffon Vincent, High Displacement Damage Dose Effects in Radiation Hardened CMOS Image Sensors. 2020, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 67 (7). 1256-1262. ISSN 0018-9499

High Displacement Damage Dose Effects in Radiation Hardened CMOS Image Sensors

Buquet, Romain, Au-delà du mythe des start-up : Discours, éthique et engagement dans l’expérience entrepreneuriale. 2020.

Au-delà du mythe des start-up: Discours, éthique et engagement dans l’expérience entrepreneuriale

Dewitte Hugo - 245229728, Rizzolo Serena - 226777979, Paillet Philippe, Magnan Pierre - 16218221X, Le Roch Alexandre - 22785280X, Corbière Franck - 226778053, Molina Romain - 233551565, Girard Sylvain, Allanche Timothé, Muller Cyprien, Desjonquères Hortense, Macé Jean Reynald, Baudu Jean-Pierre, Saravia Flores A., Goiffon Vincent, Annealing Effects on Radiation Hardened CMOS Image Sensors Exposed to Ultra High Total Ionizing Doses. 2019, Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems - RADECS 2019, 2019-09-16 - 2019-09-20 (2019-09-20, Montpellier)

Annealing Effects on Radiation Hardened CMOS Image Sensors Exposed to Ultra High Total Ionizing Doses

Le Roch Alexandre - 22785280X, Virmontois Cédric - 171656768, Paillet Philippe, Belloir Jean-Marc - 20066476X, Rizzolo Serena - 226777979, Pace Federico - 233572546, Durnez Clémentine - 227852303, Magnan Pierre - 16218221X, Goiffon Vincent, Radiation-Induced Leakage Current and Electric Field Enhancement in CMOS Image Sensor Sense Node Floating Diffusions. 2019, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 66 (3). 616-624. ISSN 0018-9499

Radiation-Induced Leakage Current and Electric Field Enhancement in CMOS Image Sensor Sense Node Floating Diffusions

Le Roch Alexandre - 22785280X, Virmontois Cédric - 171656768, Paillet Philippe, Belloir Jean-Marc - 20066476X, Rizzolo Serena - 226777979, Pace Federico - 233572546, Durnez Clémentine - 227852303, Goiffon Vincent, Radiation-Induced Leakage Current and Electric Field Enhancement in CMOS Image Sensor Floating Diffusions. 2019, 2018 IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference (NSREC 2018), 2018-07-16 - 2018-07-20 (2018-07-20, Kona)

Radiation-Induced Leakage Current and Electric Field Enhancement in CMOS Image Sensor Floating Diffusions

Le Roch Alexandre - 22785280X, Virmontois Cédric - 171656768, Goiffon Vincent, Tauziède Laurie, Belloir Jean-Marc - 20066476X, Durnez Clémentine - 227852303, Magnan Pierre - 16218221X, Radiation-Induced Defects in 8T-CMOS Global Shutter Image Sensor for Space Applications. 2018, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 65 (8). 1645-1653. ISSN 0018-9499

Radiation-Induced Defects in 8T-CMOS Global Shutter Image Sensor for Space Applications

Durnez Clémentine - 227852303, Goiffon Vincent, Virmontois Cédric - 171656768, Rizzolo Serena - 226777979, Le Roch Alexandre - 22785280X, Magnan Pierre - 16218221X, Paillet Philippe, Marcandella Claude, Rubaldo Laurent, Total Ionizing Dose Radiation-Induced Dark Current Random Telegraph Signal in Pinned Photodiode CMOS Image Sensors. 2018, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 65 (1). 92-100. ISSN 0018-9499

Total Ionizing Dose Radiation-Induced Dark Current Random Telegraph Signal in Pinned Photodiode CMOS Image Sensors

Le Roch Alexandre - 22785280X, Virmontois Cédric - 171656768, Paillet Philippe, Belloir Jean-Marc - 20066476X, Rizzolo Serena - 226777979, Pace Federico - 233572546, Durnez Clémentine - 227852303, Magnan Pierre - 16218221X, Goiffon Vincent, Radiation-Induced Leakage Current and Electric Field Enhancement in CMOS Image Sensor Sense Node Floating Diffusions. 2018, IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference (NSREC 2018), 2018-07-16 - 2018-07-20 (2018-07-20, Kona)

Radiation-Induced Leakage Current and Electric Field Enhancement in CMOS Image Sensor Sense Node Floating Diffusions

Durnez Clémentine - 227852303, Goiffon Vincent, Rizzolo Serena - 226777979, Magnan Pierre - 16218221X, Virmontois Cédric - 171656768, Rubaldo Laurent, Localization of Dark Current Random Telegraph Signal sources in pinned photodiode CMOS Image Sensors : 2017 International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF). 2017, 2017 International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF), 2017-06-20 - 2017-06-23 (2017-06-23, Vilnius)

Localization of Dark Current Random Telegraph Signal sources in pinned photodiode CMOS Image Sensors : 2017 International Conference on Noise and Fluc

Le Roch Alexandre - 22785280X, Goiffon Vincent, Durnez Clémentine - 227852303, Magnan Pierre - 16218221X, Virmontois Cédric - 171656768, Pistre L., Belloir Jean-Marc - 20066476X, Radiation Induced Defects in 8T-CMOS Global Shutter Image Sensor for Space Application. 2017, RADECS 2017 : Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems, 2017-10-02 - 2017-10-06 (2017-10-06, Geneva)

Radiation Induced Defects in 8T-CMOS Global Shutter Image Sensor for Space Application

Le Roch Alexandre - 22785280X, Goiffon Vincent, Durnez Clémentine - 227852303, Magnan Pierre - 16218221X, Virmontois Cédric - 171656768, Pistre L., Belloir Jean-Marc - 20066476X, Radiation-Induced Defects in a Commercial Image Sensor for Space Applications. 2017, CNES Workshop : CMOS Image Sensors for High Performance Applications, 2017-11-21 - 2017-11-22 (2017-11-22, Toulouse)

Radiation-Induced Defects in a Commercial Image Sensor for Space Applications

Moschetta Jean-Marc, Hattenberger Gautier, De Plinval Henry, Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicles Conference and Flight Competition 2017 (IMAV 2017). 2017

Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicles Conference and Flight Competition 2017 (IMAV 2017)

Damouche Nasrine - 198059558, Martel Matthieu, Chapoutot Alexandre, Improving the numerical accuracy of programs by automatic transformation. 2016, International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer. 19. 427–448. ISSN 1433-2779

Improving the numerical accuracy of programs by automatic transformation

Nguyen Anh-Dung - 172271096, Sénac Patrick - 050450808, Diaz Michel, Modelling mobile opportunistic networks - from mobility to structural and behavioral analysis. 2015, Ad hoc Networks. 24. 161-174. ISSN 1570-8705

Modelling mobile opportunistic networks - from mobility to structural and behavioral analysis

Cortier Alexandre. Auteur, D’Ausbourg Bruno. Directeur de thèse, Aït-Ameur Bruno. Directeur de thèse, Contribution à la validation formelle d’applications interactives Java / Cortier Alexandre

Contribution à la validation formelle d’applications interactives Java / Cortier Alexandre

Bunyawanichakul Phacharaporn. Auteur, Barrau Jean-Jacques. Directeur de thèse, Castanié Jean-Jacques. Directeur de thèse, Contribution à l’étude du comportement des inserts dans les structures sandwichs composites / Bunyawanichakul Phacharaporn

Contribution à l'étude du comportement des inserts dans les structures sandwichs composites / Bunyawanichakul Phacharaporn

Varón Durán Gloria Margarita. Auteur, Mollier Jean-Claude - 085786322. Directeur de thèse, Étude et réalisation d’un oscillateur opto-microonde à base de VCSEL pour la génération harmonique de signaux microondes / Varón Durán Gloria Margarita

Étude et réalisation d’un oscillateur opto-microonde à base de VCSEL pour la génération harmonique de signaux microondes / Varón Durán Gloria Margarit

Joyeux Sylvain. Auteur, Lacroix Simon. Directeur de thèse, Alami Simon. Directeur de thèse, Un composant logiciel pour la gestion et l’exécution de plan en robotique : application aux systèmes multi-robots = A Software Framework for Plan Management and Execution in Robotics : application to Multi-Robot Systems / Joyeux Sylvain

Un composant logiciel pour la gestion et l’exécution de plan en robotique : application aux systèmes multi-robots = A Software Framework for Plan Mana

Leplat Gillian. Auteur, Millan Pierre. Directeur de thèse, Stabilité d’un écoulement de convection naturelle en milieu confiné / Leplat Gillian

Stabilité d'un écoulement de convection naturelle en milieu confiné / Leplat Gillian

Le Roch, Alexandre, Analyse de l’augmentation et de la fluctuation discrète du courant d’obscurité des imageurs CMOS dans les environnements radiatifs spatiaux et nucléaires. Analysis of the dark current increase and its fluctuations in CMOS imagers operated in space and nuclear radiative environments

Analyse de l’augmentation et de la fluctuation discrète du courant d’obscurité des imageurs CMOS dans les environnements radiatifs spatiaux et nucléai