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- Denis Matignon
- Flux publications Open Science
Flux publications Open Science
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Moufid Ilyes, Roncen Remi, Matignon Denis, Piot Estelle, Time-domain simulation of the acoustic nonlinear response of acoustic liners at high sound pressure level. 2024, Nonlinear Dynamics. ISSN 0924-090X

Cardoso-Ribeiro Flávio Luiz, Haine Ghislain, Le Gorrec Yann, Matignon Denis, Ramirez Hector, Port-Hamiltonian formulations for the modeling, simulation and control of fluids. 2024, Computers and Fluids. 283. ISSN 0045-7930
Port-Hamiltonian formulations for the modeling, simulation and control of fluids

Toledo-Zucco, Jesus-Pablo, Matignon Denis, Poussot-Vassal Charles, Le Gorrec Yann, Structure-preserving discretization and model order reduction of boundary-controlled 1D port-Hamiltonian systems. 2024, Systems & Control Letters. 194. 105947. ISSN 0167-6911

Cardoso-Ribeiro Flávio Luiz, Haine Ghislain, Lefèvre Laurent, Matignon Denis, Rotational shallow water equations with viscous damping and boundary control : structure-preserving spatial discretization. 2024, Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems. ISSN 0932-4194

Brugnoli Andrea, Matignon Denis, Morlier Joseph, Exact energy-conserving and linear discretization scheme for geometrically non-linear models : Proceedings 16ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures. 2024, 16ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, 2024-05-17 - 2024-05-13 (2024-05-13, Giens)

Gouzien, Mattéo, Poussot-Vassal Charles, Haine Ghislain, Matignon Denis, Data-driven structured identification of 2D Maxwell’s equation as a port-Hamiltonian system : Proceedings Numélec 2024. 2024, 10ème Conférence Européenne sur les Méthodes Numériques en Electromagnétisme, 2024-07-10 - 2024-07-08 (2024-07-08, Toulouse)

Toledo-Zucco, Jesus-Pablo, Matignon Denis, Poussot-Vassal Charles, Scattering-Passive Structure-Preserving Finite Element Method for the Boundary Controlled Transport Equation with a Moving Mesh : Proceedings LHMNLC 2024. 2024, 8th IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Non Linear Control, 2024-06-12 - 2024-06-10 (2024-06-10, Besançon)

Bendimerad-Hohl Antoine, Matignon Denis, Haine Ghislain, Lefèvre Laurent, On Stokes-Lagrange and Stokes-Dirac representations for 1D distributed port-Hamiltonian systems : Proceedings 26th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems. 2024, 26th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS), 2024-08-23 - 2024-08-19 (2024-08-19, Cambridge)

Bendimerad-Hohl Antoine, Structure-preserving spatial discretization of a coupled Heat-Wave system formulated as an irreversible port-Hamiltonian System. 2024

Drozda Luciano, Matignon Denis, Diffusive series representation for the Crandall model of acoustic impedance. 2023, Meccanica. 58. 555-564. ISSN 0025-6455
Diffusive series representation for the Crandall model of acoustic impedance

Haine Ghislain, Matignon Denis, Serhani Anass, Numerical Analysis of a Structure-Preserving Space-Discretization for an Anisotropic and Heterogeneous Boundary Controlled N-Dimensional Wave Equation As a Port-Hamiltonian System. 2023, International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling. ISSN 1705-5105

Verrier Gabriel, Matignon Denis, Haine Ghislain, Modelling and structure-preserving discretization of the Schrödinger equation as a port-Hamiltonian system, and simulation of a controlled quantum box. 2023. (Unpublished)

Verrier Gabriel, Haine Ghislain, Matignon Denis, Modelling and Structure-Preserving Discretization of the Schrödinger as a Port-Hamiltonian System, and Simulation of a Controlled Quantum Box : Geometric Science of Information. GSI 2023.. 2023« In :» Geometric Science of Information. GSI 2023.. 978-3-03-138298-7

Charlotte Miguel, Fernández Núnez Ignacio, Gourinat Yves, Matignon Denis, Port-Hamiltonian Formulations of Some Elastodynamics Theories of Isotropic and Linearly Elastic Shells : Naghdi–Reissner’s Moderately Thick Shells. 2023, Applied Sciences. ISSN 2076-3417

Mora Luis A., Le Gorrec Yann, Matignon Denis, Ramirez Hector, Irreversible port-Hamiltonian modelling of 3D compressible fluids : Proceedings of the 22nd IFAC world congress 2023. 2023, IFAC World Congress 2023, 20230709 - 20230714 (20230714, Yokohama)

Bendimerad-Hohl Antoine, Haine Ghislain, Lefèvre Laurent, Matignon Denis, Implicit port-Hamiltonian systems : structure-preserving discretization for the nonlocal vibrations in a viscoelastic nanorod, and for a seepage model : Proceedings of the 22nd IFAC world congress 2023. 2023, IFAC World Congress 2023, 09/07/2023 - 14/07/2023 (14/07/2023, Yokohama)

Bendimerad-Hohl Antoine, Haine Ghislain, Matignon Denis, Structure-preserving Discretization of the Cahn-Hilliard Equations Recast as a Port-Hamiltonian System : Geometric Science of Information. GSI 2023.. 2023« In :» Geometric Science of Information. GSI 2023.

Brugnoli Andrea, Haine Ghislain, Matignon Denis, Stokes-Dirac structures for distributed parameter port-Hamiltonian systems : An analytical viewpoint. 2023, Communications in Analysis and Mechanics. 15 (3). 362-387. ISSN 2836-3310
Stokes-Dirac structures for distributed parameter port-Hamiltonian systems: An analytical viewpoint

Poussot-Vassal Charles, Matignon Denis, Haine Ghislain, Vuillemin Pierre, Data-driven port-Hamiltonian structured identification for non-strictly passive systems : 2023 European Control Conference (ECC). 2023« In :» 2023 European Control Conference (ECC)

Matignon Denis, Haine Ghislain, The partitioned finite element method for port-Hamiltonian systems : a structure-preserving discretization for boundary controlled wave and heat PDEs. 2023

Matignon Denis, Diffusive representations for the analysis and simulation of waves in liners, porous media and fluid-solid interaction. 2023

Moufid Ilyes, Matignon Denis, Roncen Remi, Piot Estelle, Energy analysis and discretization of the time-domain equivalent fluid model for wave propagation in rigid porous media. 2022, Journal of Computational Physics. 451. 110888. ISSN 0021-9991

Haine Ghislain, Matignon Denis, Monteghetti Florian, Long-time behavior of a coupled heat-wave system using a structure-preserving finite element method. 2022, Mathematical Reports. 22 (1-2). 187-215. ISSN 2285-3898
Long-time behavior of a coupled heat-wave system using a structure-preserving finite element method

Bendimerad-Hohl Antoine, Haine Ghislain, Matignon Denis, Maschke Bernhard, Structure-preserving discretization of a coupled Allen-Cahn and heat equation system. 2022, 4th IFAC Workshop on Thermodynamic Foundations of Mathematical Systems Theory - TFMST 2022, 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-27 (2022-07-27, Montreal)
Structure-preserving discretization of a coupled Allen-Cahn and heat equation system

Brugnoli Andrea, Matignon Denis, A port-Hamiltonian formulation for the full von-Kármán plate model. 2022, 10th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC), 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22 (2022-07-22, Lyon)
A port-Hamiltonian formulation for the full von-Kármán plate model

Cardoso-Ribeiro Flávio Luiz, Matignon Denis, Lefèvre Laurent, A Partitioned Finite Element Method (PFEM) for power-preserving discretization of port-Hamiltonian systems (pHs) with polynomial nonlinearity. 2022

Haine Ghislain, Lefèvre Laurent, Matignon Denis, PFEM : a mixed structure-preserving discretization method for port-Hamiltonian systems. 2022
PFEM: a mixed structure-preserving discretization method for port-Hamiltonian systems

Haine Ghislain, Matignon Denis, Monteghetti Florian, Structure-preserving discretization of Maxwell’s equations as a port-Hamiltonian system. 2022
Structure-preserving discretization of Maxwell’s equations as a port-Hamiltonian system

Hélie Thomas, Matignon Denis, Nonlinear damping laws preserving the eigenstructure of the momentum space for conservative linear PDE problems : a port-Hamiltonian modelling. 2022, 10th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC), 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22 (2022-07-22, Lyon)

Moufid Ilyes, Matignon Denis, Roncen Remi, Piot Estelle, Multipole-model approximation of the equivalent fluid model equations for porous media in the time domain. 2022, The 15th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation (Waves 2022), 2022-07-24 - 2022-07-29 (2022-07-29, Palaiseau)

Moufid Ilyes, Matignon Denis, Roncen Remi, Piot Estelle, Stability analysis of the JCAPL equivalent fluid model equations for porous media. 2022, The 15th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, 2022-07-24 - 2022-07-29 (2022-07-29, Palaiseau)
Stability analysis of the JCAPL equivalent fluid model equations for porous media

Moufid Ilyes, Matignon Denis, Roncen Remi, Piot Estelle, Tim e-domain Wave Propagation in Rigid Porous Media using Equivalent Fluid Model with a Quadratic Nonlinearity. 2022, 10th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC), 2022-07-17 - 2022-07-22 (2022-07-22, Lyon)

Brugnoli Andrea, Haine Ghislain, Matignon Denis, Explicit structure-preserving discretization of port-Hamiltonian systems with mixed boundary control. 2022
Explicit structure-preserving discretization of port-Hamiltonian systems with mixed boundary control

Bendimerad-Hohl Antoine, Matignon Denis, Haine Ghislain, Structure-preserving discretization of Allen-Cahn and Cahn-Hilliard equations, as port-Hamiltonian systems. 2022. (Unpublished)

Cardoso-Ribeiro Flávio Luiz, Matignon Denis, Lefèvre Laurent, A Partitioned Finite Element Method for power-preserving discretization of open systems of conservation laws. 2021, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information. 38 (2). 493-533. ISSN 0265-0754

Brugnoli Andrea, Alazard Daniel, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Matignon Denis, Port-Hamiltonian flexible multibody dynamics. 2021, Multibody System Dynamics. 51 (3). 343-375. ISSN 1384-5640

Brugnoli Andrea, Alazard Daniel, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Matignon Denis, A port-Hamiltonian formulation of linear thermoelasticity and its mixed finite element discretization. 2021, Journal of Thermal Stresses. 44 (6). 643-661. ISSN 0149-5739

Mora Luis A., Le Gorrec Yann, Matignon Denis, Ramirez Hector, Yuz Juan I., On port-Hamiltonian formulations of 3-dimensional compressible Newtonian fluids. 2021, Physics of Fluids. 33 (11). 117117. ISSN 1070-6631
On port-Hamiltonian formulations of 3-dimensional compressible Newtonian fluids

Brugnoli Andrea, Alazard Daniel, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Matignon Denis, Structure-preserving discretization of port-Hamiltonian plate models. 2021, Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, 2021-08 - 2021-08 (2021-08, Cambridge)
Structure-preserving discretization of port-Hamiltonian plate models

Brugnoli Andrea, Matignon Denis, Haine Ghislain, Serhani Anass, Numerics for Physics-Based PDEs with Boundary Control : the Partitioned Finite Element Method for Port-Hamiltonian Systems. 2021

Brugnoli Andrea, Rashad Ramy, Califano Federico, Stramigioli Stefano, Matignon Denis, Mixed finite elements for port-Hamiltonian models of von Kármán beams. 2021
Mixed finite elements for port-Hamiltonian models of von Kármán beams

Cardoso-Ribeiro Flávio Luiz, Matignon Denis, Lefèvre Laurent, Dissipative Shallow Water Equations : a port-Hamiltonian formulation. 2021
Dissipative Shallow Water Equations: a port-Hamiltonian formulation

Haine Ghislain, Matignon Denis, Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equation as port-Hamiltonian systems : velocity formulation versus vorticity formulation. 2021

Vergara-Hermosilla Gastón, Matignon Denis, Tucsnak Marius, Asymptotic behaviour of a system modelling rigid structures floating in a viscous fluid. 2021, Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, 2021-08 - 2021-08 (2021-08, Cambridge)
Asymptotic behaviour of a system modelling rigid structures floating in a viscous fluid

Haine Ghislain, Matignon Denis, Structure-Preserving Discretization of a Coupled Heat-Wave System, as Interconnected Port-Hamiltonian Systems : Geometric Science of Information. 2021« In :» Geometric Science of Information

Haine Ghislain, Matignon Denis, Monteghetti Florian - 220307644, Structure-Preserving Discretization of a Coupled Heat-Wave System, as Interconnected Port-Hamiltonian Systems. 2021, Stability and Control of Infinite-Dimensional Systems, 29/09/2021 - 27/09/2021 (27/09/2021, Wuppertal)

Matignon Denis, Positive attitude and Exchange of ideas : the port-Hamiltonian way of life, a tribute to Bernhard Maschke. 2021, workshop on the occassion of Bernhard Maschke’s 60th birthday and the 30th anniversary of Port-Hamiltonian systems., 15/10/2021 - 14/10/2021 (14/10/2021, Berlin)

Matignon Denis, Diffusive representation of fractional differential systems with applications to fluid-structure interaction and acoustics : Book of abstracts SCINDIS. 2021, 3rd Workshop on Stability and Control of Infinite-Dimensional Systems (SCINDIS 2020), 29/09/2021 - 27/09/2021 (27/09/2021, Wuppertal)

Cardoso-Ribeiro Flávio Luiz, Matignon Denis, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Port-Hamiltonian model of two-dimensional shallow water equations in moving containers. 2020, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information. 37 (4). 1348-1366. ISSN 0265-0754
Port-Hamiltonian model of two-dimensional shallow water equations in moving containers

Monteghetti Florian, Matignon Denis, Piot Estelle, Time-local discretization of fractional and related diffusive operators using Gaussian quadrature with applications. 2020, Applied Numerical Mathematics. 155. 73-92. ISSN 0168-9274