A few extra / funny / important things to know.
Most of them are the result of my adaptation to the unstructured world of academia and my personal experience.
e-mail solving
I receive more than a hundred e-mails each day (spam and mailing-lists excluded) and try to devote only around 1h to e-mail solving(*).
If you did not receive an answer from me (and expected one) :
Resend your e-mail, it probably went away with the flow without me noticing.
Can it wait ? Is it so urgent that you can’t come see me or get an answer by phone ?
Can you solve your problem without me ? I’m honored that you thought I could help, sometimes I just don’t have the answer, or it is not within my prerogatives or duties, or I just don’t have the resources to help.
Come to my office.
If your need is really urgent and can only be solved by me I’ll do my best to help you. Even if I can’t help you’ll get an answer.
(*) e-mail solving : series of actions engaged to solve a problem submitted to me by e-mail, often ending with replying to said e-mail and triggering the reception of a new request.
Happy together (for students)
You want to work with me ? Great ! Here’s what you should expect.
- be prepared to be :
autonomous : my schedule is often busy and I try to focus on where I’m most useful so you should sort out the rest by yourself as much as possible.
creative : suggest your own solutions to the problem we work on, imagine new ways of solving it, generalize from the current problem to a more formal statement.
problem-solving oriented : the goal is to solve a problem, not just think about a good way of doing it.
- in return you get :
ideas, leads, constructive criticism from me
contacts with scientific experts and great people
lots of fun
- get started in my topics of interest :
learn about Reinforcement Learning, AI planning, ML and related topics.
Usual references : "RL an introduction" by Sutton and Barto, "Algorithms for RL" by Szepesvari, the bandits and MCTS survey by Munos, the Policy Search survey by Deisenroth et al., etc.read about my current projects and interests (on SuReLI’s webpage for example)
- Once all this is clear :
Come in, let’s discuss your ideas and your interests. If I’m not the right person for you I’ll redirect you to more adequate people.
- Don’t look for culprits, look for solutions.
- When you ask a yes/no question, be prepared for both answers (that applies to me too).
- I like people. Some of my best friends are people (quote borrowed from M. Littman).
- When a measure becomes a target it ceases to be a good measure (Goodhart’s law).
- There are very few problems that can’t be solved by an extended leave.
- The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it (Brandolini’s law)
- Due tu a shortage of robots, some of our staff are human and therefore react unpredictably when abused or under pressure.