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- Emmanuel Rachelson
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Flux publications Open Science
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Berger Sandrine - 196811961, Arroyo-Ramo Andrea, Guillet Valentin - 267422261, Lahire Thibault, Martin Brice, Jardin Thierry, Rachelson Emmanuel, Bauerheim Michaël, Reliability assessment of off-policy deep reinforcement learning : A benchmark for aerodynamics. 2024, Data Centric Engineering. 5. ISSN 2632-6736
Reliability assessment of off-policy deep reinforcement learning: A benchmark for aerodynamics

Martin Brice, Jardin Thierry, Rachelson Emmanuel, Bauerheim Michaël, Vortex gust mitigation from onboard measurements using deep reinforcement learning. 2024, Data Centric Engineering. 5 (e47). ISSN 2632-6736
Vortex gust mitigation from onboard measurements using deep reinforcement learning

Le Tolguenec, Paul-Antoine, Rachelson Emmanuel, Besse, Yann, Teichteil-Königsbuch Florent, Schneider Nicolas, Waeselynck, Hélène, Wilson Dennis, Exploration-Driven Reinforcement Learning for Avionic System Fault Detection (Experience Paper) : Proceedings of the 33rd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis. 2024, 33rd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, 2024-09-20 - 2024-09-16 (2024-09-16, Vienna)

Lamothe François - 261609556, Rachelson Emmanuel, Haït Alain, Baudoin Cédric, Dupé Jean-Baptiste, Dynamic unsplittable flows with path-change penalties : New formulations and solution schemes for large instances. 2023, Computers and Operations Research. 152. ISSN 0305-0548

Corban, Baptiste, Fernex Daniel, Mullerners, Karen, Rachelson Emmanuel, Bauerheim Michaël, Jardin Thierry, Reinforcement learning for real-time flow control of vertical axis wind turbines. 2023, 76th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, 2023-11-21 - 2023-11-19 (2023-11-19, Washington, DC)
Reinforcement learning for real-time flow control of vertical axis wind turbines

Guillet Valentin - 267422261, Wilson Dennis, Aguilar-Melchor Carlos, Rachelson Emmanuel, Neural Distillation as a State Representation Bottleneck in Reinforcement Learning. 2022, Conference on Lifelong Learning Agents 2022, 2022-08-18 - 2022-08-24 (2022-08-24, Montréal)
Neural Distillation as a State Representation Bottleneck in Reinforcement Learning

Guillet Valentin - 267422261, Wilson Dennis, Aguilar-Melchor Carlos, Rachelson Emmanuel, On Neural Consolidation for Transfer in Reinforcement Learning. 2022, IEEE Symposium on Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning 2022, 2022-12-04 - 2022-12-07 (2022-12-07, Singapore)
On Neural Consolidation for Transfer in Reinforcement Learning

Berger Sandrine - 196811961, Arroyo-Ramo Andrea, Guillet Valentin - 267422261, Jardin Thierry, Rachelson Emmanuel, Bauerheim Michaël, Towards Reliable and Sample Efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning for Aerodynamics : a Benchmark Application. 2021, 74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, 2021-11-21 - 2021-11-23 (2021-11-23, Phoenix)

Ikli Sana, Mancel Catherine, Mongeau Marcel, Olive Xavier, Rachelson Emmanuel, The aircraft runway scheduling problem : A survey. 2021, Computers and Operations Research. 132. 105336. ISSN 0305-0548

Lamothe François - 261609556, Rachelson Emmanuel, Haït Alain, Baudoin Cédric, Dupé Jean-Baptiste, Randomized rounding algorithms for large scale unsplittable flow problems. 2021, Journal of Heuristics. 27 (6). 1081-1110. ISSN 1381-1231
Randomized rounding algorithms for large scale unsplittable flow problems

Templier Paul, Rachelson Emmanuel, Wilson Dennis, A geometric encoding for neural network evolution : Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. 2021, GECCO ’21 : Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 2021-07-10 - 2021-07-14 (2021-07-14, Lille)

Ikli Sana, Mancel Catherine, Mongeau Marcel, Olive Xavier, Rachelson Emmanuel, An Optimistic Planning Approach for the Aircraft Landing Problem : Air Traffic Management and Systems IV. 2021, Electronic Navigation Research Institute - EIWAC 2019, 2019-10-29 - 2019-10-31 (2019-10-31)

Lodi Andrea, Mossina Luca - 224334328, Rachelson Emmanuel, Learning to handle parameter perturbations in Combinatorial Optimization : An application to facility location. 2020, EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics. ISSN 21924376

Mossina Luca - 224334328, Rachelson Emmanuel, Delahaye Daniel, A Reinforcement Learning Perspective on the Optimal Control of Mutation Probabilities for the (1+1) Evolutionary Algorithm : First Results on the OneMax Problem. 2019, —

Lecarpentier Erwan, Rachelson Emmanuel, Non-Stationary Markov Decision Processes a Worst-Case Approach using Model-Based Reinforcement Learning. 2019, NeurIPS, 2019-12-09 - 2019-12-14 (2019-12-14, Vancouver)

Mossina Luca - 224334328, Rachelson Emmanuel, Delahaye Daniel, Multi-label Classification for the Generation of Sub-problems in Time-constrained Combinatorial Optimization. 2019, 8th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2019), 2019-02-19 - 2019-02-21 (2019-02-21, Prague)

Mossina Luca - 224334328, Rachelson Emmanuel, Delahaye Daniel, Application of Multi-label Classification to the Generation of Sub-problems in Combinatorial Optimization. 2018, International Workshop on Optimization and Learning : Challenges and Applications (OLA 2018), 2018-02-26 - 2018-02-28 (2018-02-28, Alicante)

Mossina Luca - 224334328, Rachelson Emmanuel, Naive Bayes Classification for Subset Selection in a Multi-label Setting. 2018, International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence - ICPRAI 2018, 2018-05-14 - 2018-05-17 (2018-05-17, Montréal)
Naive Bayes Classification for Subset Selection in a Multi-label Setting

Lecarpentier Erwan, Infantes Guillaume, Lesire Charles, Rachelson Emmanuel, Open Loop Execution of Tree-Search Algorithms. 2018, 2018 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2018), 2018-07-13 - 2018-07-19 (2018-07-19, Stockholm)

Lecarpentier Erwan, Rapp Sebastian, Melo Marc, Rachelson Emmanuel, Empirical evaluation of a Q-Learning Algorithm for Model-free Autonomous Soaring. 2017, Les Journées Francophones sur la Planification, la Décision et l’Apprentissage pour la conduite de systèmes (JFPDA), 2017-07-06 - 2017-07-07 (2017-07-07, Caen)
Empirical evaluation of a Q-Learning Algorithm for Model-free Autonomous Soaring

Chiplunkar Ankit - 226963764, Rachelson Emmanuel, Colombo Michele, Morlier Joseph, Approximate inference in related multi-output Gaussian Process Regression. 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 88-103. ISSN 0302-9743
Approximate inference in related multi-output Gaussian Process Regression

Chiplunkar Ankit - 226963764, Rachelson Emmanuel, Colombo Michele, Morlier Joseph, Adding Flight Mechanics to Flight Loads Surrogate Model using Multi-Output Gaussian Processes. 2016, 17th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, AIAA AVIATION Forum, 2016-06-13 - 2016-06-17 (2016-06-17, Washington)
Adding Flight Mechanics to Flight Loads Surrogate Model using Multi-Output Gaussian Processes

Chiplunkar Ankit - 226963764, Rachelson Emmanuel, Colombo Michele, Morlier Joseph, Sparse Physics-based Gaussian Process for Multi-output Regression using Variational Inference : Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods. 2016, International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, 2016-02-24 - 2016-02-26 (2016-02-26, Rome)

Chiplunkar Ankit - 226963764, Rachelson Emmanuel, Colombo Michele, Morlier Joseph, Identification of Physical Parameters Using Change-Point Kernels. 2016, SIAM Uncertainty Quantification 2016, 2016-04-05 - 2016-04-08 (2016-04-08, Lausanne)
Identification of Physical Parameters Using Change-Point Kernels

Regis Nicolas, Dehais Frédéric, Rachelson Emmanuel, Thooris Charles, Pizziol Sergio, Causse Mickaël, Tessier Catherine, Formal Detection of Attentional Tunneling in Human Operator-Automation Interactions. 2014, IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. 44 (3). 326-336. ISSN 2168-2291
Formal Detection of Attentional Tunneling in Human Operator-Automation Interactions

Rachelson Emmanuel, The Optimal swapping problem during nuclear refueling operations. 2014, Acte du 15ème congrès annuel de la Société française de recherche opérationnelle et d’aide à la décision (ROADEF), 2014-02-26 - 2014-02-28 (2014-02-28, Bordeaux)
The Optimal swapping problem during nuclear refueling operations

Rachelson Emmanuel, Towards a hybrid approach for intra-daily recourse strategies. 2011, Conference on Optimization and Practices in Industry (COPI’11), 2011-11-25 - 2011-11-23 (2011-11-23, Paris)
Towards a hybrid approach for intra-daily recourse strategies

Rachelson Emmanuel, Schnitzler François, Wehenkel Louis, Ernst Damien, Optimal sample selection for batch-mode reinforcement learning : Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. 2011, 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2011), 2011-01-30 - 2011-01-28 (2011-01-28, Rome)

Garcia Frédérick, Rachelson Emmanuel, Markov Decision Processes : Markov Decision Processes in Artificial Intelligence. 2010« In :» Markov Decision Processes in Artificial Intelligence. 978-1-84821-167-4
Markov Decision Processes : Markov Decision Processes in Artificial Intelligence

Rachelson Emmanuel, Ben Abbes Ala, Diemer Sebastien, Combining Mixed Integer Programming and Supervised Learning for Fast Re-planning : 2010 22nd IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI). 2010, 22th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence - ICTAI 2010, 2010-10-29 - 2010-10-27 (2010-10-27, Arras)

Ben Abbes Ala, Rachelson Emmanuel, Diemer Sebastien, L’apprentissage au secours de la réduction de dimension pour des problèmes d’optimisation : Actes de la 12ème conférence francophone d’apprentissage automatique (CAp). 2010, 12ème Conférence francophone d’Apprentissage Automatique (CAp), 2010-05-19 - 2010-05-17 (2010-05-17, Clermont-Ferrand)

Rachelson Emmanuel, Lagoudakis Michail G., On the Locality of Action Domination in Sequential Decision Making : Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics (ISIAM 2010). 2010, 11th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics (ISIAM 2010), 2010-01-08 - 2010-01-06 (2010-01-06, Fort Lauderdale)

Rachelson Emmanuel, Fabiani Patrick, Garcia Frédérick, Adapting an MDP planner to time-dependency : case study on a UAV coordination problem : Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Planning and Plan Execution for Real-World Systems, at the 19th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2009). 2009, 4th Workshop on Planning and Plan Execution for Real-World Systems, 2009-09-23 - 2009-09-19 (2009-09-19, Thessaloniki)

Rachelson Emmanuel, Fabiani Patrick, Garcia Frédérick, TiMDPpoly : An Improved Method for Solving Time-Dependent MDPs : Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 2009. ICTAI ’09. 2009, International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence - ICTAI 2009, 2009-11-04 - 2009-11-02 (2009-11-02, New Jersey)

Rachelson Emmanuel, Fabiani Patrick, Garcia Frédérick, Quesnel Gauthier, Une Approche basée sur la Simulation pour l’Optimisation des Processus Décisionnels Semi-Markoviens Généralisés : Actes de la Conférence Francophone d’Apprentissage Automatique (CAp 2008). 2008, Conférence Francophone d’Apprentissage Automatique (CAp 2008), 2008-05-31 - 2008-05-29 (2008-05-29, Ile de Porquerolles)

Rachelson Emmanuel, Garcia Frédérick, Fabiani Patrick, Extending the Bellman equation for MDPs to continuous actions and continuous time in the discounted case : Proceedings of International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics (ISAIM 2008). 2008, International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics - 2008, 2008-01-04 - 2008-01-02 (2008-01-02, Fort Lauderdale)

Rachelson Emmanuel, Fabiani Patrick, Garcia Frédérick, Un Algorithme Amélioré d’Itération de la Politique Approchée pour les Processus Décisionnels Semi-Markoviens Généralisés : Actes de conférences des Journées Francophones sur la Planification, la Décision et l’Apprentissage pour la conduite de systèmes (JFPDA 2008). 2008, Journées Francophones sur la Planification, la Décision et l’Apprentissage pour la conduite de systèmes (JFPDA 2008), 2008-06-20 - 2008-06-19 (2008-06-19, Metz)

Rachelson Emmanuel, Quesnel Gauthier, Garcia Frédérick, Fabiani Patrick, A Simulation-based Approach for Solving Temporal Markov Problems : Proceedings of European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2008). 2008, European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2008), 2008-08-25 - 2008-08-21 (2008-08-21, Patras)

Rachelson Emmanuel, Fabiani Patrick, Garcia Frédérick, Approximate Policy Iteration for Generalized Semi-Markov Decision Processes : an Improved Algorithm : Proceedings of the 8th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL). 2008, 8th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL), 3008-07-03 - 2008-06-30 (2008-06-30, Villeneuve d’Ascq)

Rachelson Emmanuel, Teichteil-Königsbuch Florent, Garcia Frédérick, XMDP : un modèle de planification temporelle dans l’incertain à actions paramétriques : Actes de conférences des Journées Francophones sur la Planification, la Décision et l’Apprentissage pour la conduite de systèmes (JFPDA 2007). 2007, Journées Francophones sur la Planification, la Décision et l’Apprentissage pour la conduite de systèmes (JFPDA 2007), 2007-07-06 - 2007-07-04 (2007-07-04, Grenoble)

Rachelson Emmanuel, Temporal coordination under uncertainty : initial results for the two agents case. 2007, Doctoral Consortium of the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling - 2007, 2007-09-26 - 2007-09-22 (2007-09-22, Rhode Island)
Temporal coordination under uncertainty: initial results for the two agents case

Rachelson Emmanuel, Fabiani Patrick, Farges Jean-Loup, Teichteil-Königsbuch Florent, Garcia Frédérick, Une approche du traitement du temps dans le cadre MDP : trois méthodes de découpage de la droite temporelle : Actes de conférences des Journées Francophones sur la Planification, la Décision et l’Apprentissage pour la conduite de systèmes (JFPDA 2006). 2006, Journées Francophones sur la Planification, la Décision et l’Apprentissage pour la conduite de systèmes (JFPDA 2006), 2006-05-12 - 2006-05-10 (2006-05-10, Toulouse)

Rachelson Emmanuel. Auteur, Garcia Frédérick. Directeur de thèse, Fabiani Frédérick. Directeur de thèse, Problèmes décisionnels de Markov temporels. Formalisation et résolution = Temporal Markov decision problems. Formalization and resolution / Rachelson Emmanuel