Co-creator and contributor of the TACCOS inititiative (Toulouse Adhesion Cohesion. Structural Adhesive Bonding) launched in 2017. TACCOS is an informal structure for the multidisciplinary teaching and research around the structural bonding. In particular, this structure aims at investigating the questions raised from the structural adhesive bonding, basing on Chemisitry and Mechanics. The subtitle of TACCOS is "From Chemistry to Mechanics".Retour ligne automatique
This initiative is developped through a collaboration between the transverse research axis "Adherence" at CIRIMAT ( and the transverse research axis "Assembly" at ICA (http://www.institut-clement-ader.or...).
MIAM (Mastic fonctionnalisé pour l’amélioration de la performance mécanique des assemblages boulonnés)
This project aimed at (i) developping a methodoology to assess the load transferred by the sealant layer in a bolted-sealed joint and (ii) stiffening the sealant matreial to increase the load taken by the sealant.
This project was granted by University of Toulouse and by Région Occitanie.
PhD Dissertation by Minh-Nhat TO
PRACCOMET (Failure Prediction of Bonded Composite Metallic Joints)
PRACCOMET means in French "Prédiction de la Rupture d’Assemblages Collés Composites Métalliques".
This projetc aimed at developping a methodology to assess the fracture energy and critical stress at iniation to debond an adhesive layer from its adherends. The methodology made use of the 3-point bending test, the macro-element modelling and stress energy couple criterion.
This project was granted by University of Toulouse and by Région Occitanie.
PhD Dissertation by Thiago Birro