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Erwin Gowree

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Associate Professor in Applied Aerodynamics

Graduated with a PhD in aerodynamics from City, University of London in 2014. He stayed there for another 3 years as a Research Fellow, while conducting research in the field of boundary layer receptivity, stability and transition, and bio-inspired fluid mechanics. He has been involved in a couple of UK funded projects in collaboration with Airbus and Bombardier Aerospace. Before joining ISAE-SUPAERO in 2018, he had a brief spell in the Fans Aeromechanics team at Rolls-Royce as an aeroelasticity specialist, focussing on fan vibration due to intake flow unsteadiness.

His research interest is in the field of stability and transition of flows, and the effect on the performance of Unmanned and Micro Aerial Systems, potentially operating in the heterogeneous urban environment. The unifying theme of his research is complementary experimental and low order modelling for the development of reliable prediction and design tools. Amongst other activities, he is also working on bio-inspired fluid mechanics for aerodynamic shapes optimisation.

He looks after the Applied Aerodynamics module, 2MAE200 and intervenes in the viscous aerodynamics part of the Fundamentals of Aerodynamics module, 1MAE103 of the Master in Aerospace Engineering course at ISAE-SUPAERO.


2014, PhD in Aerodynamics, City, University of London
2009, MEng in Aeronautical Engineering, City, University of London


2018 - to date, ISAE-SUPAERO, Associate Professor
2017 - 2018, Rolls Royce, Aeroelasticity Specialist
2014 - 2017, City, University of London, Research Fellow
2013 - 2014, City, University of London, Research Assistant
2010 - 2011, Airbus Group Innovations, Research Engineer

 Membership of professional bodies

2015, member of Aerodynamic Scientific committee of 3AF
2015, Association Aéronautique et Astonautique de France (3AF), Member

 Achievements & Awards

2018, John J. Green Award, International Council of Aeronautical Sciences
2015, Airbus Fly Your Idea finalist, Team Mentor
2010, Royal Aeronautical Society University Prize

 Contact details

e-mail  : erwin-ricky.gowree isae-supaero.fr

phone : +33 5 61 33 84 58

Postal address :
10 avenue Edouard Belin BP 54032
31055 Toulouse Cedex 4, France

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