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- Florian Simatos
- Flux publications Open Science
Flux publications Open Science
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El Masri Maxime - 262450658, Morio Jérôme, Simatos Florian, Optimal projection to improve parametric importance sampling in high dimension. 2024, Computo. ISSN 2824-7795
Optimal projection to improve parametric importance sampling in high dimension

Delbecq Scott. Auteur, Fontane Jérôme, Gourdain Nicolas, Planès Thomas, Simatos Florian, Sustainable aviation in the context of the Paris Agreement : A review of prospective scenarios and their technological mitigation levers. 2023, Progress in Aerospace Sciences. ISSN 0376-0421

Salgas, Antoine, Planès Thomas, Delbecq Scott, Simatos Florian, Lafforgue, Gilles, Cost estimation of the use of low-carbon fuels in prospective scenarios for air transport : AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum. 2023, AIAA SciTech 2023 Forum, 2023-01-27 - 2023-01-23 (2023-01-23, National Harbor, MD & ONLINE)

Delbecq Scott, Fontane Jérôme, Gourdain Nicolas, Mugnier Hugo, Planès Thomas, Simatos Florian, Aviation and climate : the state-of-the-art. 2022, 56th Edition of the 3AF International Conference on Applied Aerodynamics, 2022-03-28 - 2022-03-30 (2022-03-30, Toulouse)

Nasri Ridha, Simatos Florian, Simonian Alain, Singular perturbation for a two-class Processor-Sharing queue with impatience. 2022, Stochastic Models. ISSN 1532-6349
Singular perturbation for a two-class Processor-Sharing queue with impatience

Delbecq Scott, Fontane Jérôme, Gourdain Nicolas, Mugnier Hugo, Planès Thomas, Simatos Florian, ISAE-SUPAERO Aviation and Climate : a literature review. 2022. (Unpublished)

El Masri Maxime - 262450658, Morio Jérôme, Simatos Florian, Improvement of the cross-entropy method in high dimension for failure probability estimation through a one-dimensional projection without gradient estimation. 2021, Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 216. 107991. ISSN 0951-8320

Delbecq Scott, Fontane Jérôme, Gourdain Nicolas, Mugnier Hugo, Planès Thomas, Simatos Florian, Référentiel ISAE–SUPAERO Aviation et climat. 2021. (Unpublished)

Castiel Eyal - 24973818X, Simatos Florian, Borst Sem, Whiting Phil, Miclo Laurent, Induced idleness leads to deterministic heavy traffic limits for queue-based random-access algorithms. 2021, Annals of Applied Probability. 31 (2). 941-971. ISSN 1050-5164

Derennes Pierre - 243783701, Morio Jérôme, Simatos Florian, Simultaneous estimation of complementary moment independent and reliability-oriented sensitivity measures. 2021, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. 721-737. ISSN 0378-4754

Simatos Florian, Simonian Alain, Mobility can drastically improve the heavy traffic performance from 1/(1-rho) to log(1/(1-rho)). 2020, Queueing Systems. 95. 1-28. ISSN 0257-0130
Mobility can drastically improve the heavy traffic performance from 1/(1-rho) to log(1/(1-rho))

Derennes Pierre - 243783701, , Chabridon Vincent, Morio Jérôme, Balesdent Mathieu, Simatos Florian, Bourinet Jean-marc, Gayton Nicolas, Nonparametric importance sampling techniques for sensitivity analysis and reliability assessment of a launcher stage fallout : Modeling and Optimization in Space Engineering : State of the Art and New Challenges. 2019« In :» Modeling and Optimization in Space Engineering : State of the Art and New Challenges, Springer Optimization and Its Applications. 978-3-03-010500-6

Olivier Philippe, Simatos Florian, Simonian Alain, Performance Analysis of Data Traffic in Small Cells Networks with User Mobility : Systems Modeling : Methodologies and Tools. 2019« In :» Systems Modeling : Methodologies and Tools, EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing. 978-3-319-92377-2

Anton Elene, Ayesta Urtzi, Simatos Florian, On the impact of mobility in cellular networks. 2019, The 18th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt 2019), 2019-06-03 - 2019-06-07 (2019-06-07, Avignon)

Simatos Florian, Schertzer Emmanuel, Height and contour processes of Crump-Mode-Jagers forests (II) : The Bellman-Harris universality class. 2019, Electronic Journal of Probability. 24 (47). 1-38. ISSN 1083-6489

Derennes Pierre - 243783701, Morio Jérôme, Simatos Florian, A nonparametric importance sampling estimator for moment independent importance measures. 2019, Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 187. 3-16. ISSN 0951-8320
A nonparametric importance sampling estimator for moment independent importance measures

Simatos Florian, Schertzer Emmanuel, Height and contour processes of Crump-Mode-Jagers forests (I) : general distribution and scaling limits in the case of short edges. 2018, Electronic Journal of Probability. 23 (67). 1-43. ISSN 1083-6489

Derennes Pierre - 243783701, Morio Jérôme, Simatos Florian, Estimation of moment independent importance measures using a copula and maximum entropy framework. 2018, Winter simulation conference (WSC 2018), 2018-12-09 - 2018-12-12 (2018-12-12, Gothenburg)
Estimation of moment independent importance measures using a copula and maximum entropy framework

Simatos Florian, Reed Josh, Lakner Peter, Scaling limit of a limit order book model via the regenerative characterization of Lévy trees. 2017, Stochastic Systems. ISSN 1946-5238
Scaling limit of a limit order book model via the regenerative characterization of Lévy trees

Simatos Florian, Functional limit theorems, branching processes and stochastic networks. 2016.
Functional limit theorems, branching processes and stochastic networks

Bansaye Vincent, Kurtz Thomas G., Simatos Florian, Tightness for processes with fixed points of discontinuities and applications in varying environment. 2016, Electronic Communications in Probability. 21 (81). 1-9. ISSN 1083-589X
Tightness for processes with fixed points of discontinuities and applications in varying environment

Bansaye Vincent, Simatos Florian, On the scaling limits of Galton–Watson processes in varying environments. 2015, Electronic Journal of Probability. 20 (75). 1-36
On the scaling limits of Galton–Watson processes in varying environments

Simatos Florian, State space collapse for critical multistage epidemics. 2015, Advances in Applied Probability. 47 (3). 715-740. ISSN 0001-8678

Simatos Florian, Lambert Amaury, Asymptotic Behavior of Local Times of Compound Poisson Processes with Drift in the Infinite Variance Case. 2015, Journal of Theoretical Probability. 28 (1). 41-91. ISSN 0894-9840

Simatos Florian, Coupling limit order books and branching random walks. 2014, Journal of Applied Probability. 51 (3). 625-639. ISSN 0021-9002

Simatos Florian, Bouman Niek, Borst Sem, Lingering issues in distributed scheduling. 2014, Queueing Systems. 77 (2). 243-273. ISSN 0257-0130

Lambert Amaury, Simatos Florian, The weak convergence of regenerative processes using some excursion path decompositions. 2014, Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré (B) Probabilités et Statistiques. 50 (2). 492-511. ISSN 0246-0203
The weak convergence of regenerative processes using some excursion path decompositions

Simatos Florian, Bouman Niek, Borst Sem, Lingering issues in distributed scheduling. 2013, SIGMETRICS ’13 Proceedings of the ACM SIGMETRICS/international conference on Measurement and modeling of computer systems, 2013-06-17 - 2013-06-21 (2013-06-21, Pittsburgh)