Journal articles
2022 :
” Robust Linearly Constrained Kalman Filter for General Mismatched Linear State-Space Models”, by Jordi Vilà-Valls, Eric Chaumette, Francois Vincent, Pau Closas, IEEE Transactions on Automatic and Control, Vol. 67, n° 12, pp. 6794-680, December 2022.
“Generalized Frequency Estimator with Rational Combination of Three Spectrum Lines”, Benjamin Gigleux, Francois Vincent and Eric Chaumette, IET Radar Sonar Navigation, Wiley, volume 16, Issue 7, pages 1107-1115, 2022.
“Analysis of adaptive detectors robustness to mismatches on noise mean value”, Olivier Besson and Francois Vincent, IEEE TSP, Vol. 70, 2022, pages 268-279.
2021 :
"Target detection in hyperspectral imaging combining replacement and additive models” François Vincent and Olivier Besson. Elsevier Signal Processing, Volume 188, November 2021, 108212.
"Anomaly detection for replacement model in hyperspectral imaging” François Vincent, Olivier Besson, Stefania Matteoli, Elsevier Signal Processing Volume 185, August 2021, 108079
"On the general conditions of existence for linear MMSE filters : Wiener and Kalman” E. Chaumette, J. Vila Valls, F. Vincent, Signal processing Elsevier, Volume 184, July 2021, 108052.
"Adaptive target detection in hyperspectral imaging from two sets of training samples with dfferent means” Olivier Besson, François Vincent and Stefania Matteoli, Elsevier Signal processing Volume 181, April 2021, 107909.
“Robust adaptive target detection in hyperspectral imaging” Francois Vincent and Olivier Besson, Elsevier Signal Processing research paper, Volume 181, April 2021, 107905.
"Cramér-Rao Bound for a Mixture of Real- and Integer-valued Parameter Vectors and its Application to the Linear Regression Model", Daniel Medina, Jordi Vilà-Valls ; Eric Chaumette ; François Vincent ; Pau Closas, Elsevier Signal Processing, Volume 179, February 2021, 107792
2020 :
"Non Zero Mean Adaptive Cosine Estimator and Application to Hyperspectral Imaging", Francois Vincent and Olivier Besson, IEEE SP letters, vol. 27, October 2020, pages 1989-1993
« Positioning Performance Limits of GNSS Meta-Signals and HO-BOC Signals”, Lorenzo Ortega, Daniel Medina, Jordi Vila-Valls, François Vincent, Eric Chaumette. MDPI, sensors, 2020 Jun ; 20(12) : 3586.
« Compact CRB for Delay, Doppler and Phase Estimation - Application to GNSS SPP & RTK Performance Characterization”, D. Medina, L. Ortega, J. Vilà-Valls, P. Closas, F. Vincent, E. Chaumette. IET Radar Sonar Navigation Volume : 14 , Issue : 10 , October 2020
« Performance Limits of GNSS Code-based Precise Positioning : GPS, Galileo & Meta-Signals”, Priyanka Das, Lorenzo Ortega, Jordi Vilà-Valls, Eric Chaumette, François Vincent, Loïc Davain, MDPI, sensors, 2020 Apr 13 ;20(8)
« A Stein’s approach to covariance matrix estimation using regularization of Cholesky factor and log-Cholesky metric” Olivier Besson, Francois Vincent and Xavier Gendre, Elsevier Editorial System(tm) for Statistics and Probability Letters, Volume 167, December 2020.
« Sub-pixel detection in hyperspectral imaging with elliptically contoured t-distributed background”, Elsevier Signal processing, Olivier Besson and Francois Vincent, Volume 175, October 2020
"A New Compact Delay, Doppler Stretch and Phase Estimation CRB with a Band-limited Signal for Generic Remote Sensing Applications", Priyanka Das, Jordi Vilà-Valls *, François Vincent, Loïc Davain, Eric Chaumette. Remote sensing MPDI, Remote Sens. 2020, 12(18), 2913.
“Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test for Modified Replacement Model in Hyperspectral Imaging Detection” Francois Vincent and Olivier Besson. Elsevier Signal Processing (Short communication), Volume 174, September 2020.
“One step Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test for Subpixel Target Detection in Hyperspectral Imaging”, Francois Vincent and Olivier Besson, Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensisng Volume : 58 , Issue : 6 , June 2020
”Recursive Linearly Constrained Wiener Filter for Robust Multi-Channel Signal Processing” Jordi Vila-Valls, Damien Vivet, Eric Chaumette, François Vincent, Pau Closas, Signal Processing (Special Issue on Robust Multi-Channel Signal Processing and Applications : On the Occasion of the 80th Birthday of Johann F. Böhme) Volume 167, February 2020, 107291
“Doppler-aided Positioning in GNSS receivers – A Performance Analysis”, Francois Vincent, Jordi Vila-Valls, Olivier Besson, Daniel Medina, Eric Chaumette, Volume 176, November 2020, 107713, Elsevier Signal Processing.
2019 :
« Properties of the partial Cholesky factorization and application to reduced-rank adaptive beamforming » Olivier Besson, François Vincent, Elsevier Signal Processing. September 2019.
“On LMVDR Estimators For LDSS Models : Conditions for Existence and Further Applications” IEEE Trans. on AC, 64(6), 2598-2605, 2019, Eric Chaumette, Francois Vincent, Benoit Priot, Gael Pages and Arnaud Dion
2018 :
Recursive Linearly Constrained Minimum Variance Estimator in Linear Models with Non-Stationary Constraints, François Vincent and Eric Chaumette, Elsevier, Signal Processing, Volume 149, August 2018, Pages 229-235.
2017 :
“On Lower Bounds for Non Standard Deterministic Estimation”, Nabil Kbayer, Jerome Galy , Eric Chaumette, François Vincent, Alexandre Renaux and Pascal Larzabal, IEEE Trans. on SP, 65(6) : 1538-1553, 2017
“A bias-compensated MUSIC for small number of samples”, François VINCENT, Frederic PASCAL, Olivier BESSON, Elsevier signal processing, September 2017, Vol. 138, pp. 117-120
Robust DoA estimation in case of multipath environment for a sense and avoid airborne radar, D. Bonacci, F. Vincent, B. Gigleux, IET radar, sonar & navigation 2017
Generalized likelihood ratio test for detection of Gaussian rank-one signals in Gaussian noise with unknown statistics Olivier Besson, Angelo Coluccia, Eric Chaumette, Giuseppe Ricci and Francois Vincent – IEEE TSP Volume : 65, Issue : 4, Feb.15, 15 2017
“Asymptotically Efficient GNSS Trilateration” Francois Vincent, , Eric Chaumette, Christophe Charbonnieras, Jonathan Israel, Lionel Ries, Marion Aubourg, Franck Barbiero – Elsevier Signal Processing, Volume 133, April 2017, Pages 270–277
Minimum Variance Distortionless Response Estimators For Linear Discrete State-Space Models Eric Chaumette, Benoit Priot, Francois Vincent, Gael Pages and Arnaud Dion – IEEE Automatic and Control - April 2017, Vol 62, n° 4, pp 2048-2055
before :
Eric Chaumette , François Vincent, Olivier Besson, “On ordered normally distributed vector parameter estimates” - Elsevier - Signal Processing. Vol 115- October 2015 pp 20-26.
Chengfang Ren, Jerome Galy, Eric Chaumette, Francois Vincent, Pascal Larzabal and Alexandre Renaux, - “Recursive hybrid Cramér-Rao bound for Discrete-Time Markovian Dynamic System”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters. Vol. 22, N°10, October 2015.
François Vincent, Olivier Besson, Eric Chaumette – Approximate Unconditional Maximum Likelihood Direction of Arrival Estimation for Two Closely Spaced Targets – IEEE Signal Processing Letters Vol. 22 Issue 1, pages 86-89. January 2015.
François Vincent, Olivier Besson, Eric Chaumette – Approximate maximum likelihood estimation of two closely spaced sources – Elsevier – Signal Processing. Vol. 97. April 2014. pp 83-90.
Zhongxun Liu, Nicolas Jeannin, Francois Vincent, Xuesong Wang – Modeling the Radar Signature of Raindrops in Aircraft Wake Vortices - Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology March 2013, vol. 30.
S. Rougerie, G. Carrié, F. Vincent, L. Ries, M. Monnerat, " A new multipath mitigation method for GNSS receivers based on antenna array", International Journal of Navigation and Observation, Volume 2012, Article ID 804732, special issue "Advances in Signal Tracking for GNSS Receivers : Theory and Implementation"
F. Vincent, O. Besson and C. Richard, "Matched subspace detection with hypothesis dependant noise power", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol.56, n°11 pp 5713-5718, November 2008
O. Besson, L.L. Scharf and F. Vincent, "Matched direction detectors and estimators for array processing with subspace steering vector uncertainties", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 53, no. 12, pp 4453-4463, December 2005
O. Besson, G. Varfolomeev and F. Vincent, "Amplitude estimation of a signal with known waveform in the presence of steering vector uncertainties", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 53, no. 11, pp 4403-4407, November 2005.
O. Besson and F. Vincent, "Performance analysis of beamformers using generalized loading of the covariance matrix in the presence of random steering vector errors", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 53, no. 2, pp 452-459, February 2005.
F. Vincent and O. Besson, "Steering vector errors and diagonal loading", IEE Proceedings – Radar, Sonar and Navigation, vol. 151, no. 6, pp 337-343, December 2004.
F. Vincent and O. Besson, "Estimating time-varying DOA and Doppler shift in radar array processing", Proc. IEE-F, Radar Sonar and Navigation, vol. 147, no. 6, pp 285-290, December 2000.
O. Besson, F. Vincent, P. Stoica and A.B. Gershman, "Approximate maximum likelihood estimators for array processing in multiplicative noise environments", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 48, no. 9, pp 2506-2518, September 2000.
F. Vincent and O. Besson, "Estimation de signaux chirp à amplitude variant dans le temps", Revue Traitement du Signal, vol. 16, no. 3, pp 165-174, September 1999.
Online publications
Guillaume Beaugendre, François VINCENT, Matthieu Berranger « Géolocalisation en Intérieur par Ultrasons », Journal sur l’enseignement des sciences et technologies de l’information et des systèmes, J3eA 14:1004 · January 2015 Vol. 14, Hors Série 1 –EDP Sciences.
Valérie POMMIER-BUDINGER, Bernard MOUTON, François VINCENT, " Exemple d’acquisition automatique de mesures sur une maquette de contrôle actif de vibrations", Journal sur l’enseignement des sciences et technologies de l’information et des systèmes, J3eA Vol. 8, Hors Série 1 – 1010 (2009) EDP Sciences, 2009.
F. Vincent, B. Mouton, C. Nouals, " Maquette pédagogique pour l’enseignement des systèmes radar", Journal sur l’enseignement des sciences et technologies de l’information et des systèmes, J3eA Vol. 7, Hors Série 1 - 1007 (2008) EDP Sciences, 2008.
B. Mouton, F. Vincent et C. Nouals, "Réalisation d’un radar de poursuite", Journal sur l’enseignement des sciences et technologies de l’information et des systèmes, J3eA – Vol. 4, Hors-série 2 – 032 (2005). EDP Sciences, 2005.
FR 14 01559 "Modélisation d’un signal radiofréquence reçu en proximité d’une voilure tournante et localisation de sources rayonnantes à partir d’une telle modélisation" déposé le 11/07/14.
FR 14 01561 " Antibrouillage de récepteur en présence de voilure tournante " déposé le 11/07/14.
« dispositif spatio temporel multi-antennes multi-corrélateurs pour la réjection des multi-trajets des systemes de navigation » CA-NAV1007. Référence MARKS & CLERK France : 66642FR. Date de dépôt : 27 août 2010. N° de dépôt : 10 03464. Inventeurs : Sébastien ROUGERIE, Guillaume CARRIE, François VINCENT, Lionel RIES, Michel MONNERAT. Au nom de : THALES / ONERA / CENTRE NATIONAL D’ETUDES SPATIALES
F. VINCENT, JP GOY "Procédé et dispositif de détection d’une cible masquée par des réflecteurs de forte énergie" Brevet numéro 11 56126 du 06 juillet 2011. Rockwell/Collins.
F. Galtier, F. Vincent, R. Vingerhoeds, M. Zadnik : 2007E07838FR : "knock signal detector robust to frequency uncertainties", N° Officiel du dépôt : 0703730. Date de dépôt : 25/05/2007
"A Compact CRB for the Single Source Conditional Signal Model with Application to Delay-Doppler-Phase Estimation of Band-Limited Signals", by Lorenzo Ortega, Daniel Medina, Jordi Vilà-Valls, Francois Vincent, Eric Chaumette, , soumis à 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Jeju Island, Republic of Korea
Robust Tracking under Measurement Model Mismatch via Linearly Constrained Extended Kalman Filtering, Lorenzo Ortega, Jordi Vilà-Valls, Eric Chaumette, Gael Pages, Francois Vincent, soumis à 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Jeju Island, Republic of Korea.
On the Time-Delay Estimation Accuracy Limit of GNSS Meta-Signals, Ortega, Lorenzo, Vilà-Valls, Jordi ; Chaumette, Eric ; Vincent, François 23rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, September 20 – 23, 2020, Rhodes, Greece
On the Time-Delay Estimation Performance Limit of New GNSS Acquisition Codes, Ortega, Lorenzo, Vilà-Valls, Jordi ; Chaumette, Eric ; Vincent, François accepté à International Conference on Localization and GNSS, 10th edition, 2-4 June 2020, Tampere, Finland -> virtual conf.
“An Example of Non-Standard Behavior of a Maximum Likelihood Estimator in the Large Sample Regime” Lucien Bacharach_, Jerome Galy, Eric Chaumette_, Francois Vincent_, Alexandre Renauxy, Mohammed Nabil El Korso , CAMSAP 2019.
“Subpixel Target Detection in Hyperspectral Imaging”, François Vincent, Olivier Besson CAMSAP 2019.
“On Constrained Modified Cramer-Rao Lower Bounds for Non-Standard Deterministic Estimation” Jerome Galy, Lucien Bacharrach, Eric Chaumette, François Vincent, 57th Asilomar conference, pacific grove, USA, 3-6 November 2019
DECENTRALIZED INFORMATION FILTERING UNDER SKEW-LAPLACE NOISE Jordi Vila-Valls, François Vincent, Pau Closas, 57th Asilomar conference, pacific grove, USA, 3-6 November 2019
“Doppler-Aided position estimation for HS-GNSS” Francois Vincent, Eric Chaumette, Jordi Vila-Valls. 57th Asilomar conference, pacific grove, USA, 3-6 November 2019
“Modelling Mismatch and Noise Statistics Uncertainty in Linear MMSE Estimation”, Jordi Vila-Valls, Eric Chaumette,François Vincent, Pau Closas, eusipco 2019, a coruna, 2-6 septembre 2019.
“Recursive LCMVEs with Non-Stationary Constraints and Partially Coherent Signal Sources”, Jordi Vila-Valls, Eric Chaumette,François Vincent, Pau Closas, eusipco 2019, a coruna, 2-6 septembre 2019.
“ON THE ACCURACY LIMIT OF TIME-DELAY ESTIMATION WITH A BAND-LIMITED SIGNAL”, Priyanka Das, Jordi Vila-Valls, Eric Chaumette, Francois Vincent, Loic Davain, Silvere Bonnabel, ICASSP, 12-17 May 2019, Brighton, UK.
“Detection of Swerling III-IV rank-one signals in Gaussian noise with unknown statistics” Eric chaumette, Francois vincent, Guillaume ginolhac, Assilomar conference, Pacific Grove, CA 2018.
“Linearly Constrained Wiener Filter Estimates For Linear Discrete State-Space Models”, eric chaumette, francois Vincent, Jordi Vila-Valls, Assilomar conference, Pacific Grove, CA 2018.
“ Generalized Conditional Maximum Likelihood Estimators in the Large Sample Regime ” Eric Chaumette, Francois Vincent, Alexendre Renaux, Jerome Galy, Eusipco 2018, 3-7 september 2018, Rome Italy
“New Results on LMVDR Estimators for LDSS Models” Eric Chaumette, Francois Vincent, Benoit Priot, Gael Pages and Arnaud Dion, Eusipco 2018, 3-7 september 2018, Rome Italy.
Bias-Compensated MPDR Beamformer for Small Number of Samples, F. Vincent, O. Besson, E. Chaumette, CAMSAP 2017, Curacao 10-13 december 2017.
A General Class of Recursive Minimum Variance Distortionless Response Estimators, Jerome Galy, Eric Chaumette, Francois Vincent, CAMSAP 2017, Curacao 10-13 december 2017.
Collision Target Detection using a Single Antenna for Automotive RADAR, S. ABAKAR ISSAKHA, F. VINCENT, L. FERRO-FAMIL, F. BODEREAU, IRS 2017, 28-30 June 2017, Prague, Czech Republic.
Bornes d’estimation pour modèles mal spécifiés DIONG Mouhamadou Lamine, CHAUMETTE Eric, VINCENT François, GRETSI 2017, Juan les pins, France, 5-8 Septembre 2017.
Improving Synthetic Aperture Radar Detection Using the Automatic Identification System, Fabio Manzoni Vieira, Francois Vincent, Jean-Yves Tourneret, David, Bonacci, Marc Spigai, Marie Ansart and Jacques Richard, IRS 2017, 28-30 June 2017, Prague, Czech Republic.
ON THE EFFICIENCY OF MAXIMUM-LIKELIHOOD ESTIMATORS of MISSPECIFIED MODELS, M. L. Diong, E.Chaumette and F. Vincent, EUSIPCO 2017, , 28 August – 2 Septembre 2017, KOS island, Greece.
“GENERALIZED BARANKIN-TYPE LOWER BOUNDS FOR MISSPECIFIED MODELS”, ICASSP 2017, March 5-9 2017, New Orleans, USA, M. L. Diong, E.Chaumette and F. Vincent.
“ESTIMATION ACCURACY OF NON-STANDARD MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD ESTIMATORS” ”, ICASSP 2017, March 5-9 2017, New Orleans, USA, Nabil Kbayer, Jérôme Galy, Eric chaumette, François Vincent, Alexandre Renaux, Pascal Larzabal
“Integrity Monitoring Improvement by Exploiting the Raw GNSS Signals”, Christophe Charbonnieras, Francois Vincent, Jonathan Israel, Guillaume Carrié and Marion Roudier, ION GNSS +, 25-29 September 2017, Portland Oregon, USA.
“On the Tradeoff between Resolution and Ambiguities for Non-Uniform Linear Arrays” F. Vincent, O. Besson, S. ABAKAR ISSAKHA, L. Ferro-Famil, F. Bodereau – 2016 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing, December 7–9, 2016, Greater Washington, D.C., USA.
Jerome Galy, Eric Chaumette, Francois Vincent, Alexandre Renaux and Pascal Larzabal, “LOWER BOUNDS FOR NON STANDARD DETERMINISTIC ESTIMATION”, The Ninth IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop, 10th-13th July 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Fábio Manzoni Vieira, François Vincent, Jean-Yves Tourneret, David Bonacci, Marc Spigai, Marie Ansart and Jacques Richard, « Ship Detection Using SAR and AIS Raw Data for Maritime Surveillance » Eusipco 2016 – Budapest, Hungary, 29 August- 2 Septembre 2016.
Christophe Charbonnieras, François Vincent, Guillaume Carrie, Jonathan Israel, Lionel Ries « A New GNSS Integrity Monitoring Based on Channels Joint Characterization » ION PLANS 2016 – SAVANNAH, Georgia, United States, 11-14 April 2016.
Olivier Besson, Eric Chaumette and Francois Vincent “ ADAPTIVE DETECTION of a GAUSSIAN SIGNAL in GAUSSIAN NOISE” Camsap 2015 13-16 Decembre 2015 – cancun, mexique.
Jerome Galy, Alexandre Renaux, Eric Chaumette, Francois Vincent, Pascal Larzabal“ Recursive Hybrid CRB for Markovian Systems with Time-Variant Measurement Parameters” – Camsap 2015 13-16 Decembre 2015 – cancun, mexique.
François Vincent, Matthieu Berranger, Eric Chaumette, Guillaume Beaugendre “Fire-control radar model laboratory work” – Eusipco 2015 31 Aout-04 September 2015, Nice.
Etienne Spieser, Charline Crabé, François Vincent, Nicolas Binder « Analysis Of The Best Resolution Achievable In Rotating Sound Sources Imaging Using Acoustic Arrays” – Turbo expo 2015 – 15-19 June 2015 – Montreal.
Guillaume Beaugendre, François Vincent, Matthieu Berranger « Géolocalisation en Intérieur par Ultrasons », CETSIS 2014, Besançon 27-29 Octobre 2014. Prix de la meilleure manip pédagogique (section électronique).
Franck Barbiero, François VINCENT, Thierry Deloues, Franck Letestu. Effects of rotor blade modulation on GNSS anti-jamming algorithms. ION ITM, San Diego 15-27-29 January 2014
François Vincent, Olivier Besson, Eric Chaumette. Approximate maximum likelihood direction of arrival estimation for two closely spaced sources. CAMSAP, Saint Martin 15-18 December 2013
Z. Liu, N. Jeannin, F. Vincent, X. Wang. A new Simulation Scheme for Radar Signatures of Raindrops in Wake Vortices. 16th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, part of the AMS 93rd Annual Meeting, 6-10 January 2013 in Austin, TX
Z. Liu, N. Jeannin, F. Vincent, X. Wang. Simulations of a Doppler Radar for monitoring wake vortices in rainy weather [C]. 7th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, ERAD 2012, Toulouse, 24-29 June 2012.
Z. Liu, N. Jeannin, F. Vincent, X. Wang. Radar Monitoring of Wake Turbulence in Rainy Weather : Modelling and Simulation . WakeNet3-Europe 4th Major Workshop, Langen, 28-29 February, 2012
“A New Tracking Approach for GNSS Multipath Mitigation Based on Antenna Array” Guillaume CARRIE, Sebastien ROUGERIE, Lionel RIES, François, VINCENT, Michel MONNERAT - Workshop CCT PDS – CCT TSI – CCT ECM -GNSS Antennas - Tuesday 6th of December 2011, Toulouse.
“A New Tracking Approach for Multipath Mitigation Based on Antenna Array” Sebastien ROUGERIE, Guillaume CARRIE, Lionel RIES, François VINCENT, Michel MONNERAT. 2nd CNES CCT Workshop - SPACE REFLECTO 2011 on passive reflectometry using radiocom space signals, Calais, France. 27 and 28 October 2011
“An adaptive detection of spread targets in locally Gaussian clutter using a long integration time”, Philippe Goy, François Vincent, Jean-Yves Tourneret, International Conference on Radar Systems (Radar 2012), Glasgow, 22/10/2012-25/10/2012, IET, octobre 2012.
“Clutter rejection for MTI radar using a single antenna and a long integration time” - Philippe Goy, François Vincent, Jean-Yves Tourneret- The Fourth International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing - December 13-16 2011. San Juan, Puerto Rico
“Development of a Radar Simulator for Monitoring Wake Vortices in Rainy Weather” - Z. Liu, N. Jeannin, F. Vincent, X. Wang - Radar2011 International Conference. Chengdu, China, 24-27 October, 2011
“Sonar and Radar SAR Processing for Parking Lot Detection” - James Mure-Dubois, François Vincent, David Bonacci - International Radar Symposium 2011- IRS 2011 - September 7 - 9, 2011. Leipzig, Germany
“Multi path and jam resistant antennas for GNSS receivers ” Cédric Martel, Guillaume Carrié, Nicolas Capet, Sébastien Rougerie, François Vincent, Thierry Deloues, Franck Letestu, Jérome Sokoloff, Olivier Pascal. ETTC 2011 Toulouse, France, 14-16 Juin 2011.
« Contrôle d’un système de tir balistique », F. VINCENT, M. BERRANGER, G. BEAUGENDRE, R. PASCAUD. CETSIS 2011, Trois Rivières, Canada, 23-26 Octobre 2011.
« Instrumentation d’une Fusée à Eau. », BUDINGER, Valérie - BEAUGENDRE, Guillaume - BERRANGER, Matthieu - VINCENT, François - PASCAUD, Romain CETSIS 2011, Trois Rivières, Canada, 23-26 Octobre 2011. Prix de la meilleure manip pédagogique.
“A new tracking approach for multipath mitigation based on antenna array”, Sébastien ROUGERIE, Guillaume CARRIE, Lionel RIES, François VINCENT, Michel MONNERAT. 17th Ka and Broadband Communications, Navigation and Earth Observation Conference, Palermo, Italy, October 3-5, 2011
Z. Liu, N. Jeannin, F. Vincent, X. Wang. A Radar Simulator for Monitoring Wake Turbulence in Rainy Weather . WakeNet3-Europe 3th Major Workshop, Southampton, 10-11 May, 2011
“Antenna array algorithms for multipaths mitigation/estimation in a navigation receiver ”, Sébastien ROUGERIE, François VINCENT, Guillaume CARRIE, Lionel RIES, Michel MONNERAT, ION GNSS 2010, Oregon Convention Center - Portland, Oregon. September 21-24, 2010
“Multipath mitigation methods based on antenna array” ION International Technical Meeting, January 24-26, 2011 Sans Diego, CA. S. Rougerie, G. Carrie, L. Ries, F. Vincent, R. Pascaud, E. Corbel, M. Monnerat.
“Comparison of SAGE and Classical Multi-Antenna Algorithms for Multipath Mitigation in Real-World Environment” Navitec, 8-10 December 2010 ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. Sébastien ROUGERIE, Andriy KONOVALTSEV, Manuel CUNTZ, Guillaume CARRIE, Lionel RIES, François VINCENT, Romain PASCAUD
“A new sensor array receiver for multipath mitigation in GNSS” ENC GNSS 2010, Braunschweig, Germany, 19 - 21 October 2010. S. Rougerie, L. Ries, G. Carrie, F. Vincent, R. Pascaud
MSE lower bounds for deterministic parameter estimation - Eric CHAUMETTE, Alexandre RENAUX, Pascal LARZABAL, Jérôme GALY, François VINCENT, Angela QUINLAN 2nd SONDRA workshop – Cargèse – 25-28 May 2010.
Paul Honeine, Cedric Richard, José Carlos M. Bermudez, Hichem Snoussi, Mehdi Essoloh, François Vincent "Functional estimation in Hilbert space for distributed learning in wireless sensor network ", ICASSP 2009, April 19-24 2009, Taipei, Taiwan.
François VINCENT, Olivier BESSON, Cedric RICHARD "Signal detection with noise power variation between the hypotheses", DSP/SPE 2009, January 3-7 2009, Marco Island, Florida USA.
François VINCENT, Bernard MOUTON, Claude NOUALS " Contrôle d’un Kart à 2 moteurs indépendants ", CETSIS 2008, 27-29 Octobre 2008, Bruxelles.
Valérie POMMIER-BUDINGER, Bernard MOUTON, François VINCENT, " Exemple d’acquisition automatique de mesures sur une maquette de contrôle actif de vibrations", CETSIS 2008, 27-29 Octobre 2008, Bruxelles.
E. Chaumette, J. Galy, F. Vincent, P. Larzabal, " Computable Lower Bounds for Deterministic Parameter Estimation", CAMSAP 2007, December 12-14 2007, St Thomas US Virgin Island.
F. Vincent, B. Mouton, C. Nouals, " Maquette pédagogique pour l’enseignement des systèmes radar", CETSIS 2007, Octobre 29-31 2007, Bordeaux France.
M. Zadnik, F. Vincent, R. Vingerhoeds, F. Galtier, "Détection robuste de signaux en présence d’incertitudes sur les fréquences", 21ième Colloque GRETSI, Septembre 11-14 2007, Troyes France.
M. Zadnik, F. Vincent, R. Vingerhoeds, F. Galtier, "SI Engine Knock Detection Method Robust to Resonance Frequency Changes", 8th International Conference on Engines for Automobile, Septembre 16-20 2007, Naples Italie.
E. Chaumette, J. Galy, F. Vincent , A. Renaud, P. Larzabal, " MSE Lower Bounds Conditioned by the Energy Detector ", Proceedings Eusipco 07, September 3-7 2007, Posnan Poland.
F. Vincent, B. Mouton, E. Chaumette, C. Nouals and O. Besson, "Synthetic aperture radar demonstration kit for signal processing education", Proceedings ICASSP 07, April 15-20 2007, Honolulu Hawaii USA.
G. Carrie, F. Vincent, T. Deloues, D. Pietin “ On the use of Blind Array Processors for GNSS Interference cancellation” ETTC 2007 – Toulouse- france – 12-14 June 2007.
E. Chaumette, F. Vincent, J. Galy, P. Larzabal, "On the influence of detection tests on deterministic parameters estimation", Proceedings Eusipco 06, September 4-8 2006, Florence Italie.
M. Zadnik, F. Galtier, R. Vingerhoeds, F. Vincent, "New signal processing techniques for enhanced knock detection in SI engines", 2nd Conference Knock Control for Spark Ignition Engines, September 18-19 2006, Berlin.
M. Zadnik, F. Vincent, F. Galtier and R. Vingerhoeds, "Performance analysis of knock detectors" , XVIII International Conference on Systems Engineering (ICSE 2006), Coventry University, UK : 5-7 September 2006
G. Carrie, F. Vincent, T. Deloues, D. Pietin, A. Renard, F. Letestu " Optimal STAP Algorithms to GNSS Receivers ", Proceedings ENC GNSS 2006, Manchester (GB)., May 8-10, 2006.
G. Carrie, F. Vincent, T. Deloues, D. Pietin, A. Renard, F. Letestu "Stabilizing the phase response of blind array processors for GNSS interference Cancellation", Proceedings ION PLANS 2006, San diego CA (USA), April 25-27, 2006.
G. Carrie, F. Vincent, T. Deloues, D. Pietin, A. Renard, "A new blind adaptive antenna array for GNSS interference cancellation", Proceedings ASILOMAR05, Pacific Grove CA., October 30-November 2, 2005.
F. Vincent, B. Mouton, C. Nouals, "Outil pédagogique pour l’analyse des systèmes d’imagerie RADAR", CETSIS 2005, Nancy (prix de la meilleur manip dans la catégorie électronique).
O. Besson, L.L. Scharf and F. Vincent, "Matched direction detectors", Proceedings ICASSP05, Philadelphia, March 19-23 2005.
F. Vincent and O. Besson, "Steering vector uncertainties and diagonal loading", Proceedings SAM2004, Sitges, July 18-21 2004.
O. Besson and F. Vincent, "Performance analysis for a class of robust adaptive beamformers", Proceedings ICASSP04, Montreal, May 17-21 2004.
B. Mouton, F. Vincent, C. Nouals, "Réalisation d’un RADAR de poursuite", CETSIS 2003, Toulouse.
O. Besson, F. Vincent, P. Stoica and A.B. Gershman, "Approximate maximum likelihood DOA estimation in multiplicative noise environments", Proceedings SAM2000, Cambridge, MA, March 16-17 2000.
F. Vincent and O. Besson, "Estimation de signaux chirp à amplitude variant dans le temps", Proceedings GRETSI99, Vannes, September 13-17 1999, pp 227-230.
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