Since April 2013, I am Associate Professor in the department DISC of ISAE-SUPARERO.
I defended my PhD Thesis in October 2012, entitled Observateurs en dimension infinie. Application à l’étude de quelques problèmes inverses, under the supervision of Karim Ramdani and Marius Tucsnak.
You can contact me via one of the following ways :
Mail address :
Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace
Département DISC
10 avenue Édouard Belin - B.P. 54 032
31 055 Toulouse, Cedex 4
E-Mail : (replace _at_ by @)
Phone : +33 561 338 087
If you like nature and beautiful pictures, visit this Portfolio.
If you like drawings, visit my artist page.
I teach :
- functional analysis
- harmonic analysis
- numerical analysis
- theory and approximation of partial differential equations
- distributions, operators and semigroups
- introduction to mixed finite elements method
You can follow my profile on :
In my PhD Thesis, I was interested in inverse problems for linear systems by the observers based algorithm introduced by Ramdani, Tucsnak and Weiss (Recovering the initial state of an infinite-dimensional system using observers, Automatica, vol. 46, pp. 1616-1625, 2010). Such problems arise for instance in medical imaging, meteorology, source identification and much more.
PhD advisor
- Guillaume Delay : with Michel Fournié. Started in November 2015, defense on August 2018, the 31st. (Currently : Associate Professor LJLL)
- Anass Serhani : with Denis Matignon. Started in October 2017, defense on September 2020, the 28th. (Currently : Post-Doc at CERFACS)
- Antoine Bendimerad-Hohl : with Denis Matignon and Laurent Lefèvre. Started in October 2022.