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- Jean-Charles Chaudemar
- Flux publications Open Science ISAE-SUPAERO
Flux publications Open Science ISAE-SUPAERO
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Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Aïello Ombeline, Saqui-Sannes Pierre de, Poitou Olivier, Mission‐based design of UAVs. 2024, Systems Engineering. ISSN 1098-1241

Mathou Charles, Delmas Kevin, Saqui-Sannes Pierre de, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Safety-oriented dynamic procedure modeling : 2024 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon). 2024, SysCon2024, 2024-04-18 - 2024-04-15 (2024-04-15, Montreal)
Safety-oriented dynamic procedure modeling : 2024 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon)

Mathou Charles, Delmas Kevin, Saqui-Sannes Pierre de, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, UAS procedures model with system architecture for safety analysis : 2024 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS). 2024, 2024 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 2024-06-07 - 2024-06-04 (2024-06-04, Chania)

Gallois Augustin, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Lizy-Destrez Stéphanie, Navarro Grégory, Paillet Alexis, Rey Julien, Moraux Estelle, Sustainable Lunar Bases : Enhancing Life Cycle Assessment with Model-Based Systems Engineering for Space Exploration Eco-design : The ICES Conference Proceedings Collection. 2024, 53rd International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES 2024), 2024-07-25 - 2024-07-21 (2024-07-21, Louisville)

Mathou Charles, Delmas Kevin, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Saqui-Sannes Pierre de, Modeling UAS Flight Procedures for SORA Safety Objectives. 2023, 2023 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon), 2023-04-17 - 2023-04-20 (2023-04-20, Vancouver)

Abi Badra Anthony, Aïello Ombeline, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Applying a Model-Based Systems Engineering Approach to Model an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Mission : 2023 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon). 2023, 2023 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon), 2023-04-20 - 2023-04-17 (2023-04-17, Vancouver)

Pantano-Calderón Santiago, Baron Claude - 069057893, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Vareilles Elise, Vingerhoeds Rob A., Regarding the COVID-19 crisis from a systems engineering perspective. 2022, 19th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2022), 2022-05-25
Regarding the COVID-19 crisis from a systems engineering perspective

Rojas Ramirez Marcos Eduardo, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Lizy-Destrez Stéphanie, Paillet Alexis, Experience gained on applied MBSE at Spaceship FR. 2022, MBSE Conference, 2022-11-22 - 2022-11-24 (2022-11-24, Toulouse)

Aïello Ombeline, Poitou Olivier, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Saqui-Sannes Pierre de, Sizing a Drone Battery by coupling MBSE and MDAO. 2022, 11th European Congress Embedded Real Time Systems (ERTS 2022), 2022-03-30 - 2022-03-31 (2022-03-31, Labège)

Garcia-Rubio Carlos, Thanissaranon Kittinan, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Bartoli Nathalie - 059362855, Lefebvre Thierry, Global Model of Aircraft Design : from Performance Requirements towards Architectures Optimization. 2021, Aerobest 2021, 2021-07-21 - 2021-07-23 (2021-07-23, Virtual event)
Global Model of Aircraft Design: from Performance Requirements towards Architectures Optimization

Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Saqui-Sannes Pierre de, MBSE and MDAO for Early Validation of Design Decisions : a Bibliography Survey. 2021, 2021 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon), 2021-04-15 - 2021-05-15 (2021-05-15, Virtual event)
MBSE and MDAO for Early Validation of Design Decisions: a Bibliography Survey

Aïello Ombeline, Sanchez Del Rio Kandel David, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Poitou Olivier, Saqui-Sannes Pierre de, Populating MBSE Models from MDAO Analysis. 2021

Bui Long Anh Toan, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Mifdaoui Ahlem, Schuller Sylvie, Hillen Brice, Functional Architecture Optimisation in a Model-Based Approach. 2020
Functional Architecture Optimisation in a Model-Based Approach

Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Poitou Olivier, Saqui-Sannes Pierre de, MBSE and MDOA for Early Validation of Design Decisions : a Bibliography Survey. 2020
MBSE and MDOA for Early Validation of Design Decisions: a Bibliography Survey

Rimani Jasmine, Lizy-Destrez Stéphanie, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Viola Nicole, MBSE approach applied to lunar surface exploration elements. 2020, Model Based Space Systems and Software Engineering (MBSE2020), 2020-09-28 - 2020-09-29 (2020-09-29, Noordwijk)

Causse Mickaël, Ponzoni Carvalho Chanel Caroline, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Durand Stéphane, Patin Bruno, Devaux Nicolas, Gueneau Jean-Louis, Mélan Claudine, Imbert Jean-Paul, The 1st International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems – ICCAS 2020. 2020
The 1st International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems – ICCAS 2020

Pant Vatsal - 235186376, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Demmou Hamid - 076332357, Using Systems Engineering to Model the Interaction of the Pilot, the Aircraft, and the Procedures. 2019, 5th International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE 2019), 2019-10-01 - 2019-10-03 (2019-10-03, Edinburgh)
Using Systems Engineering to Model the Interaction of the Pilot, the Aircraft, and the Procedures

Pant Vatsal - 235186376, Demmou Hamid - 076332357, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, STAMP-Based Methodology for Real-Time Analysis of Pilot-Machine Interaction in a Non-Intrusive Manner. 2018, STAMP Workshop 2018, 2018-03-26 - 2018-03-29 (2018-03-29, Boston)

Zhe Wang, Hugues Jérôme - 105679569, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, LeSergent Thierry, An Integrated Approach to Model Based Engineering with SysML, AADL and FACE : SAE Technical Paper Series. 2018, Aerospace Systems and Technology Conference, 2018-11-06 - 2018-11-08 (2018-11-08, London)

Pant Vatsal - 235186376, Demmou Hamid - 076332357, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Safety Analysis of Pilot-System Interaction. 2018, 12th International Conference on MOdeling, Optimization and SIMulation (MOSIM18), 2018-06-27 - 2018-06-29 (2018-06-29, Toulouse)

Lemoussu Sophie - 224924060, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Vingerhoeds Rob A., Proposition pour une Démarche de Modélisation des Processus. 2018, 12ème Conférence Internationale de MOdélisation, Optimisation et SIMulation - MOSIM’18, 2018-06-27 - 2018-06-29 (2018-06-29, Toulouse)

Lemoussu Sophie - 224924060, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Vingerhoeds Rob A., Systems Engineering and Project Management Process Modeling in the Aeronautics Context : Case Study of SMEs. 2018, International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering. 12 (2). 88-96. ISSN 2227-2771

Lemoussu Sophie - 224924060, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Vingerhoeds Rob A., Modélisation des processus de développement pour les petites et moyennes entreprises du secteur aéronautique. 2018

He Xie, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Hudson Troy L., Defaÿ François - 132346966, Fault Tolerant Control of a Quadrotor based on Parameter Estimation Techniques and use of a Reconfigurable PID Controller. 2016, 24th Mediterranean conference on control & automation (MED), 2016-06-21 - 2016-06-24 (2016-06-24, Athens)

Causse Mickaël, Le cerveau au travail : Optimiser la Performance Humaine par la Neuroergonomie. 2016.
Le cerveau au travail : Optimiser la Performance Humaine par la Neuroergonomie

Cardoso Janette, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Hamez Alexandre, Hugues Jérôme - 105679569, Siron Pierre, PRISE : une plate-forme de simulation distribuée pour l’ingénierie des systèmes embarqués. 2014, Génie Logiciel (108). 29-34. ISSN 1265-1397
PRISE : une plate-forme de simulation distribuée pour l’ingénierie des systèmes embarqués

Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Savicks Vitaly, Butler Michael, Colley John, Co-simulation of Event-B and Ptolemy II Models via FMI. 2014, ERTS 2014 "Embedded real time software and systems", 2014-02-05 - 2014-02-07 (2014-02-07, Toulouse)

Pierl Christoph, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Lizy-Destrez Stéphanie, Application of the Systems Engineering methodology to the design of the AOCS of an Earth Observation satellite. 2013, Complex Systems Design & Management (CSD&M) 2012, 2012-12-12 - 2012-12-14 (2012-12-14, Paris)

Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Bensana Eric, Seguin Christel, Model based system assessment : formalisation et évaluation de systèmes autonomes en Event-B. 2011, Model Based Safety Assessment Workshop
Model based system assessment: formalisation et évaluation de systèmes autonomes en Event-B

Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Bensana Eric, Seguin Christel, Analyse de sécurité de systèmes autonomes : formalisation et évaluation en Event-B. 2010, AFADL 2010 - Approches Formelles dans l’Assistance au Développement de Logiciels
Analyse de sécurité de systèmes autonomes: formalisation et évaluation en Event-B

Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Bensana Eric, Seguin Christel, Model based safety analysis for an Unmanned Aerial System. 2010, DRHE 2010 - Dependable Robots in Human Environments

Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Bensana Eric, Castel Charles, Seguin Christel, AltaRica and event-B models for operational safety analysis : unmanned aerial vehicle case study. 2009, Workshop on Integration of Model-based Formal Methods and Tools
AltaRica and event-B models for operational safety analysis: unmanned aerial vehicle case study

Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Castel Charles, Seguin Christel, FDIR architectures for autonomous spacecraft : specification and assessment with event-B. 2008, Conference ABZ 2008, 16/09/2018 - 18/09/2018 (18/09/2018, London)
FDIR architectures for autonomous spacecraft: specification and assessment with event-B

Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Castel Charles, Gabard Jean-François, Tessier Catherine, Z and ProCoSA based specification of a distributed FDIR in a satellite formation. 2007, CAR’07 : Second national workshop on Control Architectures of Robots, 2007-06-01 - 2007-05-31 (2007-05-31, Paris)
Z and ProCoSA based specification of a distributed FDIR in a satellite formation