Flux publications Open Science ISAE-SUPAERO

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Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Aïello Ombeline, Saqui-Sannes Pierre de, Poitou Olivier, Mission‐based design of UAVs. 2024, Systems Engineering. ISSN 1098-1241

Mission‐based design of UAVs

Mathou Charles, Delmas Kevin, Saqui-Sannes Pierre de, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Safety-oriented dynamic procedure modeling : 2024 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon). 2024, SysCon2024, 2024-04-18 - 2024-04-15 (2024-04-15, Montreal)

Safety-oriented dynamic procedure modeling : 2024 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon)

Mathou Charles, Delmas Kevin, Saqui-Sannes Pierre de, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, UAS procedures model with system architecture for safety analysis : 2024 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS). 2024, 2024 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 2024-06-07 - 2024-06-04 (2024-06-04, Chania)

UAS procedures model with system architecture for safety analysis : 2024 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)

Gallois Augustin, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Lizy-Destrez Stéphanie, Navarro Grégory, Paillet Alexis, Rey Julien, Moraux Estelle, Sustainable Lunar Bases : Enhancing Life Cycle Assessment with Model-Based Systems Engineering for Space Exploration Eco-design : The ICES Conference Proceedings Collection. 2024, 53rd International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES 2024), 2024-07-25 - 2024-07-21 (2024-07-21, Louisville)

Sustainable Lunar Bases: Enhancing Life Cycle Assessment with Model-Based Systems Engineering for Space Exploration Eco-design : The ICES Conference P

Mathou Charles, Delmas Kevin, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Saqui-Sannes Pierre de, Modeling UAS Flight Procedures for SORA Safety Objectives. 2023, 2023 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon), 2023-04-17 - 2023-04-20 (2023-04-20, Vancouver)

Modeling UAS Flight Procedures for SORA Safety Objectives

Abi Badra Anthony, Aïello Ombeline, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Applying a Model-Based Systems Engineering Approach to Model an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Mission : 2023 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon). 2023, 2023 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon), 2023-04-20 - 2023-04-17 (2023-04-17, Vancouver)

Applying a Model-Based Systems Engineering Approach to Model an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Mission : 2023 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon)

Pantano-Calderón Santiago, Baron Claude - 069057893, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Vareilles Elise, Vingerhoeds Rob A., Regarding the COVID-19 crisis from a systems engineering perspective. 2022, 19th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2022), 2022-05-25

Regarding the COVID-19 crisis from a systems engineering perspective

Rojas Ramirez Marcos Eduardo, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Lizy-Destrez Stéphanie, Paillet Alexis, Experience gained on applied MBSE at Spaceship FR. 2022, MBSE Conference, 2022-11-22 - 2022-11-24 (2022-11-24, Toulouse)

Experience gained on applied MBSE at Spaceship FR

Aïello Ombeline, Poitou Olivier, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Saqui-Sannes Pierre de, Sizing a Drone Battery by coupling MBSE and MDAO. 2022, 11th European Congress Embedded Real Time Systems (ERTS 2022), 2022-03-30 - 2022-03-31 (2022-03-31, Labège)

Sizing a Drone Battery by coupling MBSE and MDAO

Garcia-Rubio Carlos, Thanissaranon Kittinan, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Bartoli Nathalie - 059362855, Lefebvre Thierry, Global Model of Aircraft Design : from Performance Requirements towards Architectures Optimization. 2021, Aerobest 2021, 2021-07-21 - 2021-07-23 (2021-07-23, Virtual event)

Global Model of Aircraft Design: from Performance Requirements towards Architectures Optimization

Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Saqui-Sannes Pierre de, MBSE and MDAO for Early Validation of Design Decisions : a Bibliography Survey. 2021, 2021 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon), 2021-04-15 - 2021-05-15 (2021-05-15, Virtual event)

MBSE and MDAO for Early Validation of Design Decisions: a Bibliography Survey

Aïello Ombeline, Sanchez Del Rio Kandel David, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Poitou Olivier, Saqui-Sannes Pierre de, Populating MBSE Models from MDAO Analysis. 2021

Populating MBSE Models from MDAO Analysis

Bui Long Anh Toan, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Mifdaoui Ahlem, Schuller Sylvie, Hillen Brice, Functional Architecture Optimisation in a Model-Based Approach. 2020

Functional Architecture Optimisation in a Model-Based Approach

Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Poitou Olivier, Saqui-Sannes Pierre de, MBSE and MDOA for Early Validation of Design Decisions : a Bibliography Survey. 2020

MBSE and MDOA for Early Validation of Design Decisions: a Bibliography Survey

Rimani Jasmine, Lizy-Destrez Stéphanie, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Viola Nicole, MBSE approach applied to lunar surface exploration elements. 2020, Model Based Space Systems and Software Engineering (MBSE2020), 2020-09-28 - 2020-09-29 (2020-09-29, Noordwijk)

MBSE approach applied to lunar surface exploration elements

Causse Mickaël, Ponzoni Carvalho Chanel Caroline, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Durand Stéphane, Patin Bruno, Devaux Nicolas, Gueneau Jean-Louis, Mélan Claudine, Imbert Jean-Paul, The 1st International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems – ICCAS 2020. 2020

The 1st International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems – ICCAS 2020

Pant Vatsal - 235186376, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Demmou Hamid - 076332357, Using Systems Engineering to Model the Interaction of the Pilot, the Aircraft, and the Procedures. 2019, 5th International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE 2019), 2019-10-01 - 2019-10-03 (2019-10-03, Edinburgh)

Using Systems Engineering to Model the Interaction of the Pilot, the Aircraft, and the Procedures

Pant Vatsal - 235186376, Demmou Hamid - 076332357, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, STAMP-Based Methodology for Real-Time Analysis of Pilot-Machine Interaction in a Non-Intrusive Manner. 2018, STAMP Workshop 2018, 2018-03-26 - 2018-03-29 (2018-03-29, Boston)

STAMP-Based Methodology for Real-Time Analysis of Pilot-Machine Interaction in a Non-Intrusive Manner

Zhe Wang, Hugues Jérôme - 105679569, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, LeSergent Thierry, An Integrated Approach to Model Based Engineering with SysML, AADL and FACE : SAE Technical Paper Series. 2018, Aerospace Systems and Technology Conference, 2018-11-06 - 2018-11-08 (2018-11-08, London)

An Integrated Approach to Model Based Engineering with SysML, AADL and FACE : SAE Technical Paper Series

Pant Vatsal - 235186376, Demmou Hamid - 076332357, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Safety Analysis of Pilot-System Interaction. 2018, 12th International Conference on MOdeling, Optimization and SIMulation (MOSIM18), 2018-06-27 - 2018-06-29 (2018-06-29, Toulouse)

Safety Analysis of Pilot-System Interaction

Lemoussu Sophie - 224924060, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Vingerhoeds Rob A., Proposition pour une Démarche de Modélisation des Processus. 2018, 12ème Conférence Internationale de MOdélisation, Optimisation et SIMulation - MOSIM’18, 2018-06-27 - 2018-06-29 (2018-06-29, Toulouse)

Proposition pour une Démarche de Modélisation des Processus

Lemoussu Sophie - 224924060, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Vingerhoeds Rob A., Systems Engineering and Project Management Process Modeling in the Aeronautics Context : Case Study of SMEs. 2018, International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering. 12 (2). 88-96. ISSN 2227-2771

Systems Engineering and Project Management Process Modeling in the Aeronautics Context: Case Study of SMEs

Lemoussu Sophie - 224924060, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Vingerhoeds Rob A., Modélisation des processus de développement pour les petites et moyennes entreprises du secteur aéronautique. 2018

Modélisation des processus de développement pour les petites et moyennes entreprises du secteur aéronautique

He Xie, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Hudson Troy L., Defaÿ François - 132346966, Fault Tolerant Control of a Quadrotor based on Parameter Estimation Techniques and use of a Reconfigurable PID Controller. 2016, 24th Mediterranean conference on control & automation (MED), 2016-06-21 - 2016-06-24 (2016-06-24, Athens)

Fault Tolerant Control of a Quadrotor based on Parameter Estimation Techniques and use of a Reconfigurable PID Controller

Causse Mickaël, Le cerveau au travail : Optimiser la Performance Humaine par la Neuroergonomie. 2016.

Le cerveau au travail : Optimiser la Performance Humaine par la Neuroergonomie

Cardoso Janette, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Hamez Alexandre, Hugues Jérôme - 105679569, Siron Pierre, PRISE : une plate-forme de simulation distribuée pour l’ingénierie des systèmes embarqués. 2014, Génie Logiciel (108). 29-34. ISSN 1265-1397

PRISE : une plate-forme de simulation distribuée pour l’ingénierie des systèmes embarqués

Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Savicks Vitaly, Butler Michael, Colley John, Co-simulation of Event-B and Ptolemy II Models via FMI. 2014, ERTS 2014 "Embedded real time software and systems", 2014-02-05 - 2014-02-07 (2014-02-07, Toulouse)

Co-simulation of Event-B and Ptolemy II Models via FMI

Pierl Christoph, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Lizy-Destrez Stéphanie, Application of the Systems Engineering methodology to the design of the AOCS of an Earth Observation satellite. 2013, Complex Systems Design & Management (CSD&M) 2012, 2012-12-12 - 2012-12-14 (2012-12-14, Paris)

Application of the Systems Engineering methodology to the design of the AOCS of an Earth Observation satellite

Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Bensana Eric, Seguin Christel, Model based system assessment : formalisation et évaluation de systèmes autonomes en Event-B. 2011, Model Based Safety Assessment Workshop

Model based system assessment: formalisation et évaluation de systèmes autonomes en Event-B

Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Bensana Eric, Seguin Christel, Analyse de sécurité de systèmes autonomes : formalisation et évaluation en Event-B. 2010, AFADL 2010 - Approches Formelles dans l’Assistance au Développement de Logiciels

Analyse de sécurité de systèmes autonomes: formalisation et évaluation en Event-B

Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Bensana Eric, Seguin Christel, Model based safety analysis for an Unmanned Aerial System. 2010, DRHE 2010 - Dependable Robots in Human Environments

Model based safety analysis for an Unmanned Aerial System

Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Bensana Eric, Castel Charles, Seguin Christel, AltaRica and event-B models for operational safety analysis : unmanned aerial vehicle case study. 2009, Workshop on Integration of Model-based Formal Methods and Tools

AltaRica and event-B models for operational safety analysis: unmanned aerial vehicle case study

Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Castel Charles, Seguin Christel, FDIR architectures for autonomous spacecraft : specification and assessment with event-B. 2008, Conference ABZ 2008, 16/09/2018 - 18/09/2018 (18/09/2018, London)

FDIR architectures for autonomous spacecraft: specification and assessment with event-B

Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Castel Charles, Gabard Jean-François, Tessier Catherine, Z and ProCoSA based specification of a distributed FDIR in a satellite formation. 2007, CAR’07 : Second national workshop on Control Architectures of Robots, 2007-06-01 - 2007-05-31 (2007-05-31, Paris)

Z and ProCoSA based specification of a distributed FDIR in a satellite formation