Les pages professionnellesdes enseignants chercheurs

Jérôme Fontane


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Welcome to my professional page !


MSc internship on fractal Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities developing in variable-density mixing layer. If you are interested by the subject, send me a mail at jerome.fontane isae.fr

 Contact details

Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace (ISAE)
Département d’Aérodynamique et Propulsion (DAEP)
10 avenue Édouard Belin - BP 54032 - 31055 Toulouse cedex 4
Tel : +33 (0)5 61 33 84 61
Fax : +33 (0)5 61 33 91 63
Mail : jerome.fontane isae.fr

 Research activities

My research activities are focused on the the two following topics :

  • Instabilities and transition of inhomogeneous flows at high Froude number
  • Instabilities of wake flows
  • Vortex dynamics and aircraft wakes

A thorough presentation is available in the section Research.

 Teaching activities

As a member of the DAEP, I give the following lectures within the Supaero Graduate Programs :

  • Intervening in the Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics course, Supaero 1st and 2nd year
  • Intervening in the Experimental practice course, Supaero 1st year
  • Intervening in the Alternative approaches in fluid mechanics course, Supaero 1st year
  • Intervening in the Thermal Science course, Supaero 2nd year
  • In charge of the Geophysical flows course, Supaero 2nd year
  • In charge of the Instabilities, transition and turbulence course, Supaero 3rd year

I am also involved in the teachings of the ISAE Master’s programs :

  • Intervening in the Experimental Approach in Fluid Mechanics course, MAE 2nd semester
  • In charge of the Physics and Modelling of Turbulence course, MAE 3rd semester

A thorough presentation is available in the section Teaching.


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