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- Jérôme Hugues
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Mkaouar Hana, Zalila Bechir, Hugues Jérôme, Jmaiel Mohamed, A formal approach to AADL model-based software engineering. 2020, International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer. 22 (2). 219-247. ISSN 1433-2779
Mkaouar Hana, Zalila Bechir, Hugues Jérôme, Jmaiel Mohamed, Towards a formal specification for an AADL behavioural subset using the LNT language. 2020, International Journal of Business and Systems Research. 14 (2). 162-190. ISSN 1751-200X
Towards a formal specification for an AADL behavioural subset using the LNT language
Leserf Patrick, Saqui-Sannes Pierre de, Hugues Jérôme, Trade-off Analysis for SysML Models Using Decision Points and CSPs. 2019, Software and Systems Modeling. 1-17. ISSN 1619-1366
Trade-off Analysis for SysML Models Using Decision Points and CSPs
Creuse Léo, Huguet Joffrey, Garion Christophe, Hugues Jérôme, SPARK by Example : an introduction to formal verification through the standard C++ library. 2018, Ada Letters. 38 (2). 89-96. ISSN 1094-3641
SPARK by Example: an introduction to formal verification through the standard C++ library
Brau Guillaume, Hugues Jérôme, Navet Nicolas, Towards the systematic analysis of non-functional properties in Model-Based Engineering for real-time embedded systems. 2018, Science of Computer Programming. 156. 1-20. ISSN 01676423
Feiler Peter, Hugues Jérôme, Sokolsky Oleg, Architecture-Driven Semantic Analysis of Embedded Systems (Eds) Dagstuhl Seminar 12272. 2012, Dagstuhl Report. 2 (7). 30-55. ISSN 2192-5283
Architecture-Driven Semantic Analysis of Embedded Systems (Eds) Dagstuhl Seminar 12272
Kent Kenneth, Hugues Jérôme, Editorial to the Special Issue of Rapid System Prototyping’10. 2012, Software : Practice and Experience. 42 (7). 779. ISSN 0038-0644
Editorial to the Special Issue of Rapid System Prototyping'10
Rivier Guillaume, Lizy-Destrez Stéphanie, Hugues Jérôme, Enseignement de l’ingénierie système : retour sur la conception d’un senseur stellaire pour ESEO et ESMO. 2012, Génie logiciel (100). 50-54. ISSN 1265-1397
Gilles Olivier, Hugues Jérôme, A MDE-based optimisation process for Real-Time systems : Optimizing systems at the architecture-level using the real DSL and library of transformation and heuristics. 2011, International Journal of Computer Systems Science & Engineering. 26 (6). 3-17. ISSN 0267-6192
Zhe Wang, Hugues Jérôme, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, LeSergent Thierry, An Integrated Approach to Model Based Engineering with SysML, AADL and FACE : SAE Technical Paper Series. 2018, Aerospace Systems and Technology Conference, 2018-11-06 - 2018-11-08 (2018-11-08, London)
Gauthier Jean-Marie, Hugues Jérôme, Faudou Raphaël, Integrating AADL and FMI to Extend Virtual Integration Capability. 2018, 9th European Congress Embedded Real Time Software and Systems (ERTSS), 2018-01-31 - 2018-02-02 (2018-02-02, Toulouse)
Integrating AADL and FMI to Extend Virtual Integration Capability
Hugues Jérôme, Honvault Christophe, Pagetti Claire, Model-based design, analysis and synthesis for multi-core and TSP avionics targets. 2018, 9th European Congress Embedded Real Time Software and Systems (ERTSS), 2018-01-31 - 2018-02-02 (2018-02-02, Toulouse)
Model-based design, analysis and synthesis for multi-core and TSP avionics targets
Mkaouar Hana, Zalila Bechir, Hugues Jérôme, Jmaiel Mohamed, An ocarina extension for AADL formal semantics generation : Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - SAC ’18. 2018, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC’18), 2018-04-09 - 2018-04-13 (2018-04-13, Pau)
Hugues Jérôme, Analytic virtual integration of cyber-physical systems & AADL : challenges, threats and opportunities. 2012
Delange Julien, Hugues Jérôme, Dissaux Pierre, Validate implementation correctness using simulation : the TASTE approach. 2012, ERTS2 2012 (Embedded Real Time Software and Systems)
Validate implementation correctness using simulation: the TASTE approach
Hugues Jérôme, Siron Pierre, Hamez Alexandre, PRISE : An Integrated Platform for Research and Teaching of Critical Embedded Systems. 2012, Recherche et Innovation pour les Transports du Futur (RITF’12)
PRISE: An Integrated Platform for Research and Teaching of Critical Embedded Systems
Hugues Jérôme, Gheoghe Serban, The AADL Constraint Annex. 2013, SAE 2013 AeroTech Congress & Exhibition, 2013-09-24 - 2013-09-26 (2013-09-26, Montreal)
Brau Guillaume, Navet Nicolas, Hugues Jérôme, Refinement of AADL models using early-stage analysis methods. 2013, The 4th Analytic Virtual Integration of Cyber-Physical Systems Workshop, 2013-12-03 - 2013-12-03 (2013-12-03, Vancouver)
Refinement of AADL models using early-stage analysis methods
Hugues Jérôme, A programming language view to model-driven engineering. 2013
Gaudel Vincent, Plantec Alain, Singhoff Frank, Hugues Jérôme, Dissaux Pierre, Legrand Jérôme, Enforcing Software Engineering Tools Interoperability : An Example with AADL Subsets. 2013, IEEE International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping, 2013-10-03 - 2013-10-04 (2013-10-04, Montreal)
Enforcing Software Engineering Tools Interoperability: An Example with AADL Subsets
Hugues Jérôme, AADLib, A Library of Reusable AADL Models. 2013, SAE Aerotech 2013 Congress & Exhibition, 2013-09-24 - 2013-09-26 (2013-09-26, Montreal)
Hugues Jérôme, Cardoso Janette, CESEC Chair – Training Embedded System Architects for the Critical Systems Domain. 2013, 2013 Workshop on Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems Education, 2013-10-03
CESEC Chair – Training Embedded System Architects for the Critical Systems Domain
Hugues Jérôme, Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles - Une approche pragmatique pour la génération de code. 2013
Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles - Une approche pragmatique pour la génération de code
Hugues Jérôme, Singhoff Frank, AADLv2, an Architecture Description Language for the Analysis and Generation of Embedded Systems. 2013
AADLv2, an Architecture Description Language for the Analysis and Generation of Embedded Systems
Ouhamou Yassine, Grolleau Emmanuel, Hugues Jérôme, Mapping AADL models to a repository of multiple schedulability analysis techniques. 2013, 16th IEEE International Symposium on Object/component/service-oriented Real-time distributed computing (ISORC 2013)
Mapping AADL models to a repository of multiple schedulability analysis techniques
Gabsi Wafa, Zalila Bechir, Hugues Jérôme, A Development Process for the Design, Implementation and Code Generation of Fault Tolerant Reconfigurable Real Time Systems. 2016, International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems. 9 (3-4). 269-287. ISSN 1754-8640
Hugues Jérôme, Sokolsky Oleg, Preface to the special issue : architecture-driven semantic analysis of embedded systems. 2015, Science of Computer Programming. 106. 1-2. ISSN 0167-6423
Preface to the special issue: architecture-driven semantic analysis of embedded systems
Hugues Jérôme, Siron Pierre, Ingénierie dirigée par les modèles pour la simulation, le cas de PRISE. 2014, Génie Logiciel (109). 38-42. ISSN 1265-1397
Ingénierie dirigée par les modèles pour la simulation, le cas de PRISE
Cardoso Janette, Chaudemar Jean-Charles, Hamez Alexandre, Hugues Jérôme, Siron Pierre, PRISE : une plate-forme de simulation distribuée pour l’ingénierie des systèmes embarqués. 2014, Génie Logiciel (108). 29-34. ISSN 1265-1397
PRISE : une plate-forme de simulation distribuée pour l’ingénierie des systèmes embarqués
Renault Xavier, Hugues Jérôme, Définition d’une famille de patrons de transformation pour l’analyse de modèles AADL. 2010, Génie logiciel : le magazine de l’ingénierie du logiciel et des systèmes (93). ISSN 1265-1397
Définition d'une famille de patrons de transformation pour l'analyse de modèles AADL
Grolleau Emmanuel, Hugues Jérôme, Yassine Ouhammou, Henri Bauer, Introduction aux systèmes embarqués temps réel : Conception et mise en oeuvre. 2018, Sciences Sup. 978-2-10-077842-3
Introduction aux systèmes embarqués temps réel : Conception et mise en oeuvre
Hugues Jérôme, Delange Julien, Model-Based Design And Automated Validation Of ARINC653 Architectures using the AADL : Cyber-Physical System Design from an Architecture Analysis Viewpoint : Communications of NII Shonan Meetings. 2017« In :» Cyber-Physical System Design from an Architecture Analysis Viewpoint : Communications of NII Shonan Meetings. 978-981-10-4436-6
Kordon Fabrice, Hugues Jérôme, Canals Agusti, Dohet Alain, Modélisation et analyse de systèmes embarqués. 2013, Collection SEE. 978-2746239005
Leserf Patrick, Saqui-Sannes Pierre de, Hugues Jérôme, Chaaban Khaled, Architecture Optimization with SysML Modeling : A Case Study Using Variability : Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development. 2015« In :» Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development, Communications in Computer and information Science. 978-3-319-27869-8
Kordon Fabrice, Hugues Jérôme, Canals Agusti, Dohet Alain, Embedded Systems : Analysis and Modeling with SysML, UML and AADL. 2013, Electronic Engineering Series. 978-1-84821-500-9
Embedded Systems: Analysis and Modeling with SysML, UML and AADL
Cottet Francis, Grolleau Emmanuel, Gérard Sébastien, Hugues Jérôme, Ouhamou Yassine, Tucci Sarah, Systèmes temps réel embarqués : spécification, conception, implémentation et validation temporelle. 2014, Technique et Ingénierie, Dunod/L’Usine Nouvelle. 978-2-10-071331-8
Systèmes temps réel embarqués : spécification, conception, implémentation et validation temporelle
Perrotin Maxime, Delange Julien, Hugues Jérôme, Concrete aerospace systems : Distributed Systems : Design and Algorithms. 2011« In :» Distributed Systems : Design and Algorithms. 978-1-84821-250-3
Concrete aerospace systems : Distributed Systems: Design and Algorithms
McCornick John W., Singhoff Frank, Hugues Jérôme, Building parallel, embedded, and real-time applications with Ada. 2011. 978-0-521-19716-8
Building parallel, embedded, and real-time applications with Ada
Leserf Patrick, Saqui-Sannes Pierre de, Hugues Jérôme, Trade-off Analysis for SysML Models Using Decision Points and CSPs. 2019, MODELS 2019, 2019-09-15 - 2019-09-20 (2019-09-20, Munich)
Trade-off Analysis for SysML Models Using Decision Points and CSPs
Garion Christophe, Hugues Jérôme, Teaching formal methods through Frama-C & SPARK. 2019
Brau Guillaume, Garion Christophe, Hugues Jérôme, Towards the qualification of an AADL model transformation tool with contracts. 2019
Towards the qualification of an AADL model transformation tool with contracts
Creuse Léo, Dross Claire, Garion Christophe, Hugues Jérôme, Huguet Joffrey, Teaching Deductive Verification Through Frama-C and SPARK for Non Computer Scientists : Formal Methods Teaching. 2019, 3rd World Congress on Formal Methods, 2019-11-07 - 2019-11-11 (2019-11-11, Porto)
Chen Chao, Santinelli Luca, Hugues Jérôme, Beltrame Giovanni, Static Probabilistic Timing Analysis in Presence of Faults. 2016, 11th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems, 2016-05-23 - 2016-05-25 (2016-05-25, Krakow)
Gaudron Matthieu, Bois Guy, Hugues Jérôme, Monteiro Fellipe, Performance Verification for ESL Design Methodology from AADL Models. 2016, International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP), 2015-10-08 - 2015-10-09 (2015-10-09, Amsterdam)
Performance Verification for ESL Design Methodology from AADL Models
Ouni Bassem, Gaufillet Pierre, Jenn Eric, Hugues Jérôme, Model Driven Engineering with Capella and AADL. 2016, the 8th European Congress Embedded Real Time software and systems ERTS2 2016, 2016-01-27 - 2016-01-29 (2016-01-29, Toulouse)
Hugues Jérôme, Delange Julien, Model-Based Design, Automated Code Generation and Safety Analysis of ARINC653 Architectures using the AADL. 2016
Damman Corentin, Edison Gregory, Guet Fabrice, Noulard Eric, Santinelli Luca, Hugues Jérôme, Architectural performance analysis of FPGA synthesized LEON processors : Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping Shortening the Path from Specification to Prototype - RSP ’16. 2016, 27th International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping, 2016-10-01 - 2016-10-07 (2016-10-07, Pittsburgh)
Muñoz Arancón M., Montano G., Wirkus M., Hoeflinger K., Silveira D., Tsiogkas N., Hugues Jérôme, Bruyninckx H., Dragomir Iulia Dragomir, Muhammad A., ESROCOS : a robotic operating system for space and terrestrial applications. 2017, 14th Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation (ASTRA 2017), 2017-06-20 - 2017-06-21 (2017-06-21, Scheltema)
ESROCOS: a robotic operating system for space and terrestrial applications
Brunel Julien, Feiler Peter, Hugues Jérôme, Lewis Bruce, Prosvirnova Tatiana, Seguin Christel, Wrage Lutz, Performing Safety Analyses with AADL and AltaRica : Model-Based Safety and Assessment. 2017, The 5th International Symposium on Model Based Safety Assessment (IMBSA 2017), 2017-09-11 - 2017-09-13 (2017-09-13, Trento)
Performing Safety Analyses with AADL and AltaRica : Model-Based Safety and Assessment
Brau Guillaume, Navet Nicolas, Hugues Jérôme, Heterogeneous models and analyses in the design of real-time embedded systems - an avionic case-study : Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems - RTNS ’17. 2017, 25th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS ’17), 2017-10-04 - 2017-10-06 (2017-10-06, Grenoble)