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- Joël Bordeneuve-Guibé
- Flux publications Open Science ISAE-SUPAERO
Flux publications Open Science ISAE-SUPAERO
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Mabboux Jordan, Pommier-Budinger Valérie - https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3949-3749, Delbecq Scott, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Co-design of a multirotor UAV with robust control considering handling qualities and motor failure. 2024, Aerospace Science and Technology. 144. ISSN 1270-9638
Co-design of a multirotor UAV with robust control considering handling qualities and motor failure

Amigues Louis, Pommier-Budinger Valérie - https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3949-3749, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Comparison of control strategies for hysteresis attenuation in electromechanical actuators subject to dispersion. 2023, Control Engineering Practice. 130. 105348. ISSN 0967-0661

Mabboux Jordan, Delbecq Scott, Pommier-Budinger Valérie - https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3949-3749, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Truc-Hermel Ana, Jean-Marie Kai, A bi-level co-design approach for multicopters. 2022, 33rd Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS), 2022

Blazquez Emmanuel - 23170917X, Beauregard Laurent - 231710038, Lizy-Destrez Stéphanie, Ankersen Finn, Capolupo Francesco, Rendezvous design in a cislunar near rectilinear Halo orbit. 2020, Aeronautical Journal. 124 (1276). 821-837. ISSN 0001-9240

Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Brière Yves, Condomines Jean-Philippe, Miquel, Thierry, Introduction au contrôle des mini-drones : de la conception à la mise en œuvre - modélisation, identification et synthèse des lois de commande. 2020. 978-2-340-09150-4

Denieul Yann - 221494413, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Alazard Daniel, Toussaint Clément, Taquin Gilles, Multicontrol Surface Optimization for Blended Wing–Body Under Handling Quality Constraints. 2018, Journal of Aircraft. 1-14. ISSN 0021-8669
Multicontrol Surface Optimization for Blended Wing–Body Under Handling Quality Constraints

Martinino Manfredo - 236548603, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Morio Vincent, Adaptive Augmentation of an Optimal Baseline Controller for a Hypersonic Vehicle. 2018, American Control Conference, 2018-06-27 - 2018-06-29 (2018-06-29, Milwaukee)
Adaptive Augmentation of an Optimal Baseline Controller for a Hypersonic Vehicle

Merabet Nadège - 223648728, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Davezac Noélie, Modelling the redox imbalance in Dominant Optic Atrophy : the case of respiratory Complex I. 2017, IFAC World Congress 2017, 2017-07-09 - 2017-07-14 (2017-07-14, Toulouse)
Modelling the redox imbalance in Dominant Optic Atrophy: the case of respiratory Complex I

Denieul Yann - 221494413, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Alazard Daniel, Toussaint Clément, Taquin Gilles, Integrated design of flight control surfaces and laws for new aircraft configurations. 2017, IFAC World Congress 2017, 2017-07-09 - 2017-07-14 (2017-07-14, Toulouse)
Integrated design of flight control surfaces and laws for new aircraft configurations

Denieul Yann - 221494413, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Alazard Daniel, Toussaint Clément, Taquin Gilles, Integrated design and control of a flying wing using nonsmooth optimization techniques : Advances in Aerospace Guidance, Navigation and Control. 2015, 3rd CEAS EuroGNC, Specialist Conference on Guidance Navigation & Control, 2015-04-13 - 2015-04-15 (2015-04-15, Toulouse)

Denieul Yann - 221494413, Alazard Daniel, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Toussaint Clément, Taquin Gilles, Interactions of Aircraft Design and Control : Actuators Sizing and Optimization for an Unstable Blended Wing-Body : AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference. 2015, AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, 2015-06-22 - 2015-06-26 (2015-06-26, Dallas, Texas)

Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Alazard Daniel, Desmariaux Jean, LPV techniques for the control of an airborne micro-launcher : AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference. 2014, AIAA - Scitech, 2014-01-13 - 2014-01-17 (2014-01-17, National Harbor, Maryland)

Gontier Justine, Hervas Garcia Carlos, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Espinosa Christine, CANSAT : Multiphysical experimental design of a probe come-back mission. 2013, 64th IAC - International Astronautical Congress, 2013-09-23 - 2013-09-27 (2013-09-27, Beijing)
CANSAT: Multiphysical experimental design of a probe come-back mission

Ponnusamy Sangeeth Saagar, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Adaptive output feedback control of aircraft flexible modes. 2012, 2nd International Conference on Communications, Computing and Control Applications (CCCA’12)

Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Dall’Orso Mickael, Guy Nicolas, Alazard Daniel, Carpentier Benjamin, LPV techniques for the control of an airborne micro-launcher. 2011, 8th International ESA Conference on Guidance, Navigation & Control Systems - GNC 2011
LPV techniques for the control of an airborne micro-launcher

Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Bako Laurent, Jeanneau Matthieu, Amortissement des modes de flexion voilure : utilisation d’une commande adaptative en boucle fermée. 2011, Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés. 45 (7-10). ISSN 1269-6935
Amortissement des modes de flexion voilure: utilisation d'une commande adaptative en boucle fermée

Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Tenailleau Christophe - 069545405, Guillemet Sophie, Smith R, Suard E, Rousset Abel, Structural variations and cation distributions in Mn3xCoxO4 (0 x 3) dense ceramics using neutron diffraction data. 2010, Solid State Sciences. 12 (3). 379-386. ISSN 1293-2558

Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Bako Laurent, Jeanneau Matthieu, Adaptive output feedback control based on neural networks : application to flexible aircraft control. 2009, 2nd IFAC International Conference on Intelligent Control Systems and Signal Processing
Adaptive output feedback control based on neural networks: application to flexible aircraft control

Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Bako Laurent, Miksch Roland, Jeanneau Matthieu, Flexible aircraft control based on an adaptive output feedback control scheme. 2009, IFAC Workshop on Control of Distributed on Parameter Systems, 2009-07-20 - 2009-07-24 (2009-07-24, Toulouse)
Flexible aircraft control based on an adaptive output feedback control scheme

Amara Zied, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Adaptive fuzzy backlash compensation for a new dynamic flight simulator. 2008, Third IFAC Workshop on Advanced Fuzzy and Neural Control (AFNC)
Adaptive fuzzy backlash compensation for a new dynamic flight simulator

Amara Zied, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Bérard Caroline, Enhancing the flight simulator feelings by a minimising backlash-effects process. 2008, 17th International Federation of Automatic Control World Conference - IFAC
Enhancing the flight simulator feelings by a minimising backlash-effects process

Amara Zied, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Improvement of flight simulator feeling using adaptive fuzzy backlash compensation. 2007, IECON 2007 - The 33rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
Improvement of flight simulator feeling using adaptive fuzzy backlash compensation

Amara Zied, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Control of a new kind of moving base flight simulator. 2007, Conference on Systems and Control (CSC’2007)

Minotti Angelot, Pommier-Budinger Valérie - https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3949-3749, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Simon Frank, Enhancement of a passive acoustic liner by active control of intensity. 2007, Inter-Noise
Enhancement of a passive acoustic liner by active control of intensity

Pommier-Budinger Valérie - https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3949-3749, Richelot Julien, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Active control of a structure with sloshing phenomena. 2006, IFAC Conference on Mechatronic Systems

Pommier-Budinger Valérie - https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3949-3749, Budinger Marc - 077607236, Lever Phillipe, Richelot Julien, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, FEM design of a piezoelectric active control structure. Application to an aircraft wing model. 2004, International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering ISMA04
FEM design of a piezoelectric active control structure. Application to an aircraft wing model

Richelot Julien, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Pommier-Budinger Valérie - https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3949-3749, Active control of a clamped beam equipped with piezoelectric actuator and sensor using generalized predictive control. 2004, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2004)

Ruiz Victor, Begovich Ofelia, Mendes Eduardo, Lefèvre Laurent, Becanson Gildas, Georges D., Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Control óptimo aguas abajo de un canal de laboratorio. 2004, 2do Congreso Internacional en Innovación y Desarrollo Tecnológico (CIINDET 04)

Brière Yves, Parra Camille, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Sola Joan, A mini aerial vehicle as a support for modelling, control and estimation teaching : Advances in Control Education. 2004, ACE 2003 : 6th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education, 2003-06-18 - 2003-06-16 (2003-06-16, Oulu)

Parra Camille, Su Bingwei, Brière Yves, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Modelisation and instrumentation of a mini UAV PEGASE. 2003, Journées Doctorales d’Automatique, 2003-06-27 - 2003-06-25 (2003-06-25, Valenciennes)

Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Nistor Ionel, Practical application of active noise control in a duct using predictive control. 2002, 4th International Armament Conference on ’’Scientific Aspects Of Armament Technology’’
Practical application of active noise control in a duct using predictive control

Bayoumy Amgad, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, A neural predictive control scheme for nonlinear plants. 2002, 43rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Control

Parra Camille, Su Bingwei, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Brière Yves, Development of a MAV from theory to implementation. 2002, UVS-TECH 2002, 2002-12-06 - 2002-12-05 (2002-12-05, Brussels)

Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Vaucoret Cyril, Robust multivariable predictive control : how can it be applied to industrial test stands ?. 2001, Control Systems Magazine. 2 (2). 54-65. ISSN 0272-1708
Robust multivariable predictive control: how can it be applied to industrial test stands ?

Vaucoret Cyril, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Robust multivariable predictive control : Aplication to an industrial test stand. 1998, International Conference on Control Applications
Robust multivariable predictive control: Aplication to an industrial test stand

Ewers Bernd, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Langlois Corinne, A symbolic sensor for an Antilock brake system of a commercial aircraft. 1997, IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Systems
A symbolic sensor for an Antilock brake system of a commercial aircraft

Vaucoret Cyril, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Multivariable predictive controller for a test stand of air conditionning. 1997, IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Systems
Multivariable predictive controller for a test stand of air conditionning

Ewers Bernd, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Supervision des régulateurs par logique floue. 1997, Revue française de mécanique (2). 135-141. ISSN 0373-6601

Ewers Bernd, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Garcia Jean-Pierre, Piquin Jeannick, Expert supervision of an anti-skid control system of a commercial aircraft. 1996, IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control
Expert supervision of an anti-skid control system of a commercial aircraft

Ewers Bernd, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Garcia Jean-Pierre, Piquin Jeannick, Expert supervision of conventional control systems. 1996, 5th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems

Polisset Catherine, Nouals Claude, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Insonorisation of a car air conditionning system : application of an active/passive absorber. 1995, Inter Noise 1995
Insonorisation of a car air conditionning system: application of an active/passive absorber