Les pages professionnellesdes enseignants chercheurs

Jordi Vilà-Valls

Mis à jour le

  • Professor at the Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace (ISAE-SUPAERO), member of the Image and Signal Processing for NAVIgation, Radar and REmote Sensing (NAVIR²ES) Research Group

MS in Electrical Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain, 2006.

MS in Signal, Image, Speech, Telecommunications Research, Grenoble INP (INPG), France, 2006.

PhD in Signal Processing, Grenoble INP (INPG), France, 2010.

HDR in Signal Processing, Toulouse INP (INPT), France, 2021.

I carry on both fundamental and applied research in the general area of Statistical Signal Processing.

My theoretical work is somewhere in the frontiers of statistical signal processing, Bayesian analysis, statistical learning, computational and robust statistics.

Some applications : mainly interested in the broad field of localisation, tracking and navigation (GNSS, indoor, cooperative, robust, multiple object, multi-sensor data fusion), but also communications, intelligent transportation systems, air traffic management and Earth observation (GNSS remote sensing).

Contact : ISAE-SUPAERO Campus, Building 7, Office 07.199 - e-mail - +33 5 61 33 85 23

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