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Cano‑Salinas, Lorena, Salem, Mehdi, Moussaoui, Kamel, Le Roux Sabine - 225463148, Hor Anis, Zitoune Redouane, Laser metal deposition as repair technology for Inconel 718. 2025, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology

Laser metal deposition as repair technology for Inconel 718

de Peindray d’Ambelle, Lilou, Moussaoui, Kamel, Mabru Catherine, Instrumentation and Monitoring of Additive Manufacturing Processes for the Biomedical Applications : Additive Manufacturing of Bio-implants. 2024« In :» Additive Manufacturing of Bio-implants. 978-981-9969-04-3

Instrumentation and Monitoring of Additive Manufacturing Processes for the Biomedical Applications : Additive Manufacturing of Bio-implants

Moussaoui, Kamel, Rubio Walter, Mousseigne Michel, Sultan Tarek, Rezaï-Aria Farhad - 09527975X, Effects of Selective Laser Melting additive manufacturing parameters of Inconel 718 on porosity, microstructure and mechanical properties. 2018, Materials Science and Engineering : A. 735. 182-190. ISSN 0921-5093

Effects of Selective Laser Melting additive manufacturing parameters of Inconel 718 on porosity, microstructure and mechanical properties

Mabru Catherine, Etats de surface - Matériaux de surface : Résistance à l’endommagement. 2012.

Etats de surface - Matériaux de surface : Résistance à l'endommagement