Current Position
Professor at ISAE
Head of the Department of Aerodynamics, Energetics and Propulsion
Higher Education
1988 Engineering Degree (M. Eng), ENSAM (École Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers, now Arts et Métiers ParisTech)
1989 DEA (M.Sc) in Fluid Mechanics, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse
1994 Doctorat (PhD) in Fluid Mechanics, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse
2002 Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse.
PhD Supervision
1997-2000 Jean REINAUD Analyse physique par simulation numérique du forçage par le couple barocline du champ de vorticité des couches de mélange.
Jean Reinaud currently holds a Lecturer position at the University of St Andrews, UK.
2000-03 Loic BRETONNET Simulations numériques directes du mélange turbulent massiquement inhomogène.
Since he left us, Loic Bretonnet has been in charge of the development of Imersed Boundary Methods at NUMECA in Bruxells.
2002-05 Jérôme FONTANE Transition des écoulements cisaillés libres à densité variable.
After occupying a postdoc position at IMFT in the frame of the European Far Wake project, Jérôme Fontane was supported under a M.Curie Grant for a three-years stay as a post-doc in the Vortex Dynamics Group at the University of St Andrews. He currently holds an Associate Professor posiiton at ISAE/DAEP.
2003-06 Gaëlle CAMPAGNE Simulation directe de l’interaction turbulence/surface libre et analyse du transfert inter-composantes.
Gaëlle Campagne currently holds a postdoc position at the Civil and Computational Enginnering Centre at Swansea University.
2006-09 Julien BODART Simulation directe de l’interaction turbulence/paroi solide Julien is currently occupying a postdoc position at the CTR in Stanford University under the supervision of P. Moin.
2011-14 Adriana LOPEZ-ZAZUETTA Non-modal secondary stability of an inhomogeneous shear-layer - Jérôme Fontane is the co-supervisor of this PhD.
2013-16 Remi JUGIER COSA : Control of Aircraft Trailing Vortices - Pierre Brancher from IMFT co-supervise this PhD.
2013-16 Raphaël LAMOUROUX Numerical Simulation of the Shock-Wave / Turbulent-Boundary-Layer Interaction using High-Order Spectral Volume Methods. - Jérémie Gressier is the co-supervisor of this PhD.
2014-17 Grigory SHELEKHOV Modeling of high Reynolds number boundary layers with application to aeroacoustics prédictions. - Julien Bodart is the co-supervisor of this PhD.
2015-18 Arnaud GREBERT Large-eddy simulation of the controlled shock-boundary-layer interaction. - Stéphane JAMME is the co-supervisor of this PhD.
Reviewer for the following journals
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Physics of Fluids, Experiments in Fluids, Phil.
Trans. of the Royal Soc. A, Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences