Flux publications Open Science ISAE-SUPAERO

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Leplat Johnatan, Paroissien Eric, Lachaud Frédéric, Michel Laurent, Effect of Traction Separation Law Type on Local Mode I Fracture Parameters. 2022, Journées d’Etude sur l’Adhésion (JADH 2022), 2022-09-23 - 2022-09-18 (2022-09-18, La Turballe)

Effect of Traction Separation Law Type on Local Mode I Fracture Parameters

Lachaud Frédéric, Paroissien Eric, Michel Laurent, Validation of a simplified analysis for the simulation of delamination of CFRP composite laminated materials under pure mode I. 2020, Composite Structures. 237. 1-19. ISSN 0263-8223

Validation of a simplified analysis for the simulation of delamination of CFRP composite laminated materials under pure mode I

Dumon Jéromine - 23466309X, Bury Yannick, Gourdain Nicolas, Michel Laurent, Numerical and experimental investigations of buffet on a diamond airfoil designed for space launcher applications. 2019, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow. 1-17. ISSN 0961-5539

Numerical and experimental investigations of buffet on a diamond airfoil designed for space launcher applications

Dumon Jéromine - 23466309X, Gourdain Nicolas, Bury Yannick, Michel Laurent, Fluid-structure interaction between a composite aileron and a turbulent flow at transonic conditions. 2018, 53rd 3AF International Conference on Applied Aerodynamics, 2018-03-26 - 2018-03-28 (2018-03-28, Salon de Provence)

Fluid-structure interaction between a composite aileron and a turbulent flow at transonic conditions

Dumon Jéromine - 23466309X, Bury Yannick, Gourdain Nicolas, Michel Laurent, Numerical and experimental investigations of buffet on a diamond airfoil designed for space launchers applications. 2018, IUTAM Symposium on Critical flow dynamics involving moving/deformable structures with design applications, 2018-06-18 - 2018-06-22 (2018-06-22, Santorini Island)

Numerical and experimental investigations of buffet on a diamond airfoil designed for space launchers applications

Androuin Guillaume, Michel Laurent, Maillet Irène - 172435439, Gong Xiao-Jing - 156850931, Characterization of fatigue delamination growth under mode I and II : Effects of load ratio and load history. 2018, Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 203. 172-185. ISSN 0013-7944

Characterization of fatigue delamination growth under mode I and II: Effects of load ratio and load history

Sola Cyril, Castanié Bruno - 129324442, Michel Laurent, Lachaud Frédéric, Delabie Arnaud, Mermoz Emmanuel, Bearing fatigue of composite laminates : Damage monitoring and fatigue life prediction. 2017, Composites Part B : Engineering. 110. 487-496. ISSN 1359-8368

Bearing fatigue of composite laminates: Damage monitoring and fatigue life prediction

Vellas Mathilde, Fualdes C., Morley J. E., Dray C., Rodriguez-Manas L., Meyer Forsting Alexander, Michel Laurent, Rolland Y., Gourinat Yves, Aeroaging — A new collaboration between life sciences experts and aerospace engineers. 2017, The journal of nutrition, health & aging. 21 (9). 1024-1030. ISSN 1279-7707

Aeroaging — A new collaboration between life sciences experts and aerospace engineers

Abdulhamid Hakim - 234292431, Bouvet Christophe, Michel Laurent, Aboissière Jacky, Minot Clément, Experimental study of compression after impact of asymmetrically tapered composite laminate. 2016, Composite Structures. 149. 292-303. ISSN 0263-8223

Experimental study of compression after impact of asymmetrically tapered composite laminate

Sola Cyril, Castanié Bruno - 129324442, Michel Laurent, Lachaud Frédéric, Delabie Arnaud, Mermoz Emmanuel, On the role of kinking in the bearing failure of composite laminates. 2016, Composite Structures. 141. 184-193. ISSN 0263-8223

On the role of kinking in the bearing failure of composite laminates

Abdulhamid Hakim - 234292431, Bouvet Christophe, Michel Laurent, Aboissière Jacky, Minot Clément, Numerical simulation of impact and compression after impact of asymmetrically tapered laminated CFRP. 2016, International Journal of Impact Engineering. 95. 154-164. ISSN 0734-743X

Numerical simulation of impact and compression after impact of asymmetrically tapered laminated CFRP

Lachaud Frédéric, Espinosa Christine, Michel Laurent, Rahmé Pierre, Piquet Robert - 084254769, Modelling Strategies for Predicting the Residual Strength of Impacted Composite Aircraft Fuselages. 2015, Applied Composite Materials. 22 (6). 599-621. ISSN 0929-189X

Modelling Strategies for Predicting the Residual Strength of Impacted Composite Aircraft Fuselages

Maillet Irène - 172435439, Michel Laurent, Souric Frédéric - 236640801, Gourinat Yves, Mode II fatigue delamination growth characterization of a carbon/epoxy laminate at high frequency under vibration loading. 2015, Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 149. 298-312. ISSN 0013-7944

Mode II fatigue delamination growth characterization of a carbon/epoxy laminate at high frequency under vibration loading

Abdulhamid Hakim - 234292431, Bouvet Christophe, Michel Laurent, Aboissière Jacky, Minot Clément, Influence of internally dropped-off plies on the impact damage of asymmetrically tapered laminated CFRP. 2015, Composites Part A : Applied Science and Manufacturing. 68. 110-120. ISSN 1359-835X

Influence of internally dropped-off plies on the impact damage of asymmetrically tapered laminated CFRP

Lachaud Frédéric, Espinosa Christine, Michel Laurent, Rahmé Pierre, Piquet Robert - 084254769, Modelling Strategies for Simulating Delamination and Matrix Cracking in Composite Laminates. 2015, Applied Composite Materials. 22 (4). 377-403. ISSN 0929-189X

Modelling Strategies for Simulating Delamination and Matrix Cracking in Composite Laminates

Abbadi Ahmed - 236641344, Michel Laurent, Castanié Bruno - 129324442, Experimental Analysis of Debonding of Skin/Stringer Interfaces under Cyclic Loading and Ageing. 2014, Advanced Composites Letters. 23 (6). 142-148. ISSN 0963-6935

Experimental Analysis of Debonding of Skin/Stringer Interfaces under Cyclic Loading and Ageing

Maillet Irène - 172435439, Michel Laurent, Rico Germain, Fressinet Mathieu, Gourinat Yves, A new test methodology based on structural resonance for mode I fatigue delamination growth in an unidirectional composite. 2013, Composite Structures. 97. 353-362. ISSN 0263-8223

A new test methodology based on structural resonance for mode I fatigue delamination growth in an unidirectional composite

Weiss Ambrosius, Trabelsi Walid, Michel Laurent, Barrau Jean-Jacques, Mahdi Stephane, Influence of ply-drop location on the fatigue behaviour of tapered composites laminates. 2010, Procedia Engineering. 2 (1). 1105-1114. ISSN 1877-7058

Influence of ply-drop location on the fatigue behaviour of tapered composites laminates

Trabelsi Walid, Michel Laurent, Othomene Renaud, Effects of stitching on delamination of satin weave carbon-epoxy laminates under mode I, mode II and mixed-mode I/II loadings. 2010, Applied Composite Materials. 17 (6). 575-595. ISSN 0929-189X

Effects of stitching on delamination of satin weave carbon-epoxy laminates under mode I, mode II and mixed-mode I/II loadings

Weiss Ambrosius, Trabelsi Walid, Michel Laurent, Barrau Jean-Jacques, Mahdi Stephane, Influence of ply-drop location on the fatigue behaviour of tapered composites laminates. 2010, 10th International Fatigue Congress, 2010-06-06 - 2010-06-11 (2010-06-11, Prague)

Influence of ply-drop location on the fatigue behaviour of tapered composites laminates

Ilyas Muhammad - 162403291, Limido Jérôme - 144467399, Lachaud Frédéric, Espinosa Christine, Salaün Michel, Modélisation SPH 3D de l’impact basse vitesse sur plaque composite. 2010, 19ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 2009-08-24 - 2009-08-28 (2009-08-28, Marseille)

Modélisation SPH 3D de l'impact basse vitesse sur plaque composite

Ledru Yohann - 143808516, Bernhart Gérard, Piquet Robert - 084254769, Schmidt Fabrice - 080618812, Michel Laurent, Coupled visco-mechanical and diffusion void growth modelling during composite curing. 2010, Composites Science and Technology. 70 (15). 2139-2145. ISSN 0266-3538

Coupled visco-mechanical and diffusion void growth modelling during composite curing

Ilyas Muhammad - 162403291, Espinosa Christine, Lachaud Frédéric, Michel Laurent, Salaün Michel, Modelling aeronautical composite laminates behaviour under impact using a saturation damage and delamination continuous material model. 2010, Key Engineering Materials. 452-453 (2011). 369-372. ISSN 1013-9826

Modelling aeronautical composite laminates behaviour under impact using a saturation damage and delamination continuous material model

Ilyas Muhammad - 162403291, Espinosa Christine, Lachaud Frédéric, Michel Laurent, Salaün Michel, Modelling aeronautical composite laminates behaviour under impact using a saturation damage and delamination continuous material model. 2010, 9th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics, 2010-09-20 - 2010-09-22 (2010-09-22, Nagasaki)

Modelling aeronautical composite laminates behaviour under impact using a saturation damage and delamination continuous material model

Weiss Ambrosius, Michel Laurent, Mahdi Stephane, Cross Estelle, Barrau Jean-Jacques, Influence of ply-drop position in thickness direction on static and fatigue loading behaviour of carbon fibre epoxy laminates. 2009, 17th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-17), 2009-07-27 - 2009-07-31 (2009-07-31, Edinburgh)

Influence of ply-drop position in thickness direction on static and fatigue loading behaviour of carbon fibre epoxy laminates

Ledru Yohann - 143808516, Piquet Robert - 084254769, Michel Laurent, Schmidt Fabrice - 080618812, Bernhart Gérard, Quantification 2-D et 3-D de la porosité par analyse d’images dans les matériaux composites stratifiés aéronautiques = 2-D and 3-D void quantification with image analyses in aeronautic composite laminates. 2009, JNC16 - 16èmes Journées Nationales sur les Composites, 2009-06-10 - 2009-06-12 (2009-06-12, Toulouse)

Quantification 2-D et 3-D de la porosité par analyse d’images dans les matériaux composites stratifiés aéronautiques = 2-D and 3-D void quantification

Ilyas Muhammad - 162403291, Lachaud Frédéric, Espinosa Christine, Michel Laurent, Salaün Michel, Modélisation en dynamique rapide du délaminage des composites à l’aide d’éléments finis cohésifs = Dynamic delamination modeling of unidirectional composites by cohesive finite elements. 2009, 16èmes Journées Nationales sur les Composites (JNC 16)

Modélisation en dynamique rapide du délaminage des composites à l’aide d’éléments finis cohésifs = Dynamic delamination modeling of unidirectional com

Weiss Ambrosius, Michel Laurent, Mahdi Stephane, Cross Estelle, Barrau Jean-Jacques, Influence de la position dans l’épaisseur des reprises de plis sur le comportement statique et en fatigue pour un stratifié carbone/époxy + Influence of ply-drop position in thickness direction on static and fatigue loading behaviour of carbon fibre/ epoxy laminates. 2009, JNC16 - 16èmes Journées Nationales sur les Composites, 2009-06-10 - 2009-06-12 (2009-06-12, Toulouse)

Influence de la position dans l’épaisseur des reprises de plis sur le comportement statique et en fatigue pour un stratifié carbone/époxy + Influence

Ledru Yohann - 143808516, Piquet Robert - 084254769, Schmidt Fabrice - 080618812, Michel Laurent, Bernhart Gérard, Modeling of voids growth mechanisms during manufacturing composite laminates. 2008, 9th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials - FPCM-9 (2008), 2008-02-08 - 2008-02-10 (2008-02-10, Montréal)

Modeling of voids growth mechanisms during manufacturing composite laminates

Carpentier Alban, Michel Laurent, Grihon Stéphane, Barrau Jean-Jacques, Optimization methodology of composite panels. 2006, 12th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM 12), 2006-08-29 - 2006-09-01 (2006-09-01, Biarritz)

Optimization methodology of composite panels

Prombut Pongtorn, Michel Laurent, Barrau Jean-Jacques, Mixed-mode delamination of multidirectional composite laminates at 0°/θ° ply interfaces. 2006, 12th European Conference on Composite Materials, 2006-08-29 - 2006-09-01 (2006-09-01, Biarritz)

Mixed-mode delamination of multidirectional composite laminates at 0°/θ° ply interfaces

Prombut Pongtorn, Michel Laurent, Lachaud Frédéric, Barrau Jean-Jacques, Delamination of multidirectional composite laminates at 0°/Theta° ply interfaces. 2006, Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 7 (16). 2427-2442. ISSN 0013-7944

Delamination of multidirectional composite laminates at 0°/Theta° ply interfaces

Carpentier Alban, Michel Laurent, Grihon Stéphane, Barrau Jean-Jacques, Buckling optimization of composite panels via lay-up tables. 2006, III European Conference on Computational Mechanics Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering, 2006-06-05 - 2006-06-09 (2006-06-09, Lisbon)

Buckling optimization of composite panels via lay-up tables

Dufresne Xavier, Lachaud Frédéric, Michel Laurent, Barrau Jean-Jacques, Amorçage et propagation initiale de délaminages dans les reprises de plis de matériaux composites stratifiés carbone-époxy. 2005, 14ème Journées Nationales sur les Composites (JNC 14 )

Amorçage et propagation initiale de délaminages dans les reprises de plis de matériaux composites stratifiés carbone-époxy

Didierjean Sébastien, Michel Laurent, Barrau Jean-Jacques, Paroissien Eric, Predicting the behavior of graphite/epoxy laminates under hydrothermal loads. 2003, EUROMECH 453 Internal Stresses in Polymer Composite Processing and Service Life, 2003-12-01 - 2003-12-03 (2003-12-03, Saint-Etienne)

Predicting the behavior of graphite/epoxy laminates under hydrothermal loads