Flux publications Open Science ISAE-SUPAERO

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Pedrosa Reis Francisco, Lustosa Leandro R., Poussot-Vassal Charles, Real-time shape estimation of very flexible aircraft structures through complementary filtering : IFAC-PapersOnLine. 2023, IFAC World Congress 2023, 2023-07-14 - 2023-07-09 (2023-07-09, Yokohama)

Real-time shape estimation of very flexible aircraft structures through complementary filtering : IFAC-PapersOnLine

Bourliatoux Nicolas, Moya Riera Joan, Lustosa Leandro R., Definition of a landing strategy for a model-scale reusable rocket. 2022, CEAS EuroGNC Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control, 2022-05-03 - 2022-05-05 (2022-05-05, Berlin)

Definition of a landing strategy for a model-scale reusable rocket

Pedrosa Reis Francisco, Lustosa Leandro R., Poussot-Vassal Charles, Nonlinear curvature basis functions for strain-based geometrically nonlinear beams for very flexible aircraft modeling. 2022, International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics (IFASD 2022), 2022-06-13 - 2022-06-17 (2022-06-17, Madrid)

Nonlinear curvature basis functions for strain-based geometrically nonlinear beams for very flexible aircraft modeling

Lustosa Leandro R., Kolmanovsky Ilya, Cesnik Carlos E. S., Vetrano Fabio, Aided Inertial Estimation of Wing Shape. 2021, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 44 (2). 210-219. ISSN 0731-5090

Aided Inertial Estimation of Wing Shape

Lustosa Leandro R., Defaÿ François - 132346966, Moschetta Jean-Marc, Global Singularity-Free Aerodynamic Model for Algorithmic Flight Control of Tail Sitters. 2019, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 42 (2). 303-316. ISSN 0731-5090

Global Singularity-Free Aerodynamic Model for Algorithmic Flight Control of Tail Sitters

Leng Yuchen - 257975411, Moschetta Jean-Marc, Jardin Thierry, Bronz Murat - 17574114X, An analytical model for propeller aerodynamic efforts at high incidence. 2019, 54th 3AF International Conference on Applied Aerodynamics, 2019-03-25 - 2019-03-27 (2019-03-27, Paris)

An analytical model for propeller aerodynamic efforts at high incidence

Leng Yuchen - 257975411, Bronz Murat - 17574114X, Jardin Thierry, Moschetta Jean-Marc, Comparisons of Different Propeller Wake Models for a Propeller-Wing Combination. 2019, 8th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences, 2019-07-01 - 2019-07-04 (2019-07-04, Madrid)

Comparisons of Different Propeller Wake Models for a Propeller-Wing Combination

Lustosa Leandro R., Cardoso-Ribeiro Flávio Luiz - 225046555, Defaÿ François - 132346966, Moschetta Jean-Marc, A new look at the uncontrollable linearized quaternion dynamics with implications to LQR design in underactuated systems : 2018 European Control Conference (ECC). 2018, 2018 European Control Conference (ECC), 2018-06-12 - 2018-06-15 (2018-06-15, Limassol)

A new look at the uncontrollable linearized quaternion dynamics with implications to LQR design in underactuated systems : 2018 European Control Confe

Barth Jacson, Condomines Jean-Philippe, Bronz Murat - 17574114X, Lustosa Leandro R., Moschetta Jean-Marc, Join Cédric, Fliess Michel, Fixed-wing UAV with transitioning flight capabilities : Model-Based or Model-Free Control approach ? A preliminary study. 2018, 2018 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 2018-06-12 - 2018-06-15 (2018-06-15, Dallas)

Fixed-wing UAV with transitioning flight capabilities : Model-Based or Model-Free Control approach? A preliminary study

Lustosa Leandro R., Defaÿ François - 132346966, Moschetta Jean-Marc, The feasibility issue in trajectory tracking by means of regions-of-attraction-based gain scheduling. 2017, The 20th World Congress of The International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC 2017), 2017-07-09 - 2017-07-14 (2017-07-14, Toulouse)

The feasibility issue in trajectory tracking by means of regions-of-attraction-based gain scheduling

Moschetta Jean-Marc, Hattenberger Gautier, De Plinval Henry, Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicles Conference and Flight Competition 2017 (IMAV 2017). 2017

Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicles Conference and Flight Competition 2017 (IMAV 2017)

Lustosa Leandro R., Olszanecki Barth Jacson Miguel, Condomines Jean-Philippe, Defaÿ François - 132346966, Moschetta Jean-Marc, Team MAVion entry in the IMAV’17 outdoor challenge — A tail-sitting trajectory tracking µUAV. 2017, 9 th International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Competition, 2017-09-21 - 2017-09-18 (2017-09-18, Toulouse)

Team MAVion entry in the IMAV'17 outdoor challenge -- A tail-sitting trajectory tracking µUAV

Alhéritière Pierre Antoine, Olivanti Romain - 235507954, Lustosa Leandro R., Defaÿ François - 132346966, Moschetta Jean-Marc, Nonlinear control of a particular tilt-body MAV : The Roll&Fly : 2016 24th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED). 2016, The 24th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 2016-06-21 - 2016-06-24 (2016-06-24, Athens)

Nonlinear control of a particular tilt-body MAV: The Roll&Fly : 2016 24th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED)

Lustosa Leandro R., Pizziol Sergio, Defaÿ François - 132346966, Moschetta Jean-Marc, An Error Model of a Complementary Filter for use in Bayesian Estimation - The CF-EKF Filter. 2016, 20th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace (ACA 2016), 2016-08-21 - 2016-08-25 (2016-08-25, Sherbrooke)

An Error Model of a Complementary Filter for use in Bayesian Estimation - The CF-EKF Filter

Lustosa Leandro R., Defaÿ François - 132346966, Moschetta Jean-Marc, Longitudinal study of a tilt-body vehicle : modeling, control and stability analysis. 2015, Proceedings of International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS ’15) 2015, 2015-06-09 - 2015-06-12 (2015-06-12, Denver, Colorado)

Longitudinal study of a tilt-body vehicle: modeling, control and stability analysis

Lustosa Leandro R., Defaÿ François - 132346966, Moschetta Jean-Marc, Development of the flight model of a tilt-body MAV. 2014, 2014 International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Competition (IMAV 2014), 2014-08-12 - 2014-08-15 (2014-08-15, Delft)

Development of the flight model of a tilt-body MAV

Lustosa, Leandro R., La Phi-théorie : une approche pour la conception de lois de commande de vol des véhicules convertibles. The Phi-theory approach to flight control design of hybrid vehicles

La Phi-théorie : une approche pour la conception de lois de commande de vol des véhicules convertibles. The Phi-theory approach to flight control desi