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- Flux publications Open Science ISAE-SUPAERO
Flux publications Open Science ISAE-SUPAERO
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Pilz Marco, Roux Philippe, Mohammed Shoaib Ayjaz, Garcia Raphaël F., Steinmann René, Aubert Coralie, Bernauer Felix, Guéguen Philippe, Ohrnberger Matthias, Cotton Fabrice, Wind turbines as a metamaterial-like urban layer : an experimental investigation using a dense seismic array and complementary sensing technologies. 2024, Frontiers in Earth Science. 12. ISSN 2296-6463

Maia, Igor, Fiore Maxime, Gojon Romain, Tones and upstream-traveling waves in ideally expanded round impinging jets. 2024, Physical Review Fluids. 9 (8). 083904. ISSN 2469-990X
Tones and upstream-traveling waves in ideally expanded round impinging jets

Adhikary Manju, Fiore Maxime, Gojon Romain, Feedback Loop Mechanism in Underexpanded Impinging Jets Using Entropy Based Instability Model. 2024, 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2024-06-07 - 2024-06-04 (2024-06-04, Rome)
Feedback Loop Mechanism in Underexpanded Impinging Jets Using Entropy Based Instability Model

Gojon Romain, Bauerheim Michaël, Fiore Maxime, Moreau Stéphane, On the phase relation in aeroacoustic feedback loops. 2024, 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2024-06-07 - 2024-06-04 (2024-06-04, Rome)

Arnould, Tiphaine, Bauerheim Michaël, Carbonneau Xavier, Gojon Romain, Nodé-Langlois Thomas, Influence of Edge Geometry on the Noise Generated by a Deep Cavity With a Turbulent Grazing Flow. 2024, 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2024-06-07 - 2024-06-04 (2024-06-04, Rome)
Influence of Edge Geometry on the Noise Generated by a Deep Cavity With a Turbulent Grazing Flow

Gressier Jérémie, Fiore Maxime, Gojon Romain, Stability of non-ideally expanded Jet Impinging on a Flat Plate. 2024, 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2024-06-07 - 2024-06-04 (2024-06-04, Rome)
Stability of non-ideally expanded Jet Impinging on a Flat Plate

Ferreira Fabien, Fiore Maxime, Parisot-Dupuis Hélène, Gojon Romain, Neutral Acoustic Wave Modes in Supersonic Impinging Jets. 2023, AIAA Journal. 61 (2). 955-964. ISSN 0001-1452

Fiore Maxime, Gojon Romain, Sáez Mischlich Gonzalo, Gressier Jérémie, LES of the T106 low-pressure turbine : spectral proper orthogonal decomposition of the flow based on a fluctuating energy norm. 2023, Computers and Fluids. 252. 105761. ISSN 0045-7930

Bergier Thomas, Gojon Romain, Fiore Maxime, Gressier Jérémie, Jamme Stéphane, Joly Laurent, Sweep effects on a canonical shock wave/boundary layer interaction. 2023, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 104. 109227. ISSN 0142-727X
Sweep effects on a canonical shock wave/boundary layer interaction

Maia, Igor, Gojon Romain, Bauerheim Michaël, Fiore Maxime, Nodé-Langlois Thomas, Wall-modelled LES of a high subsonic cavity flow at large Reynolds number. 2023, AIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum, 2023-06-16 - 2023-06-12 (2023-06-12, San Diego)
Wall-modelled LES of a high subsonic cavity flow at large Reynolds number

Frey, Matthias, Jamme Stéphane, Gojon Romain, Fiore Maxime, Gressier Jérémie, Large Eddy Simulation of the control of the inlet buzz phenomenon in a supersonic air inlet. 2023, 34th International Symposium on Shock Waves (ISSW34), 2023-07-21 - 2023-07-16 (2023-07-16, Daegu)
Large Eddy Simulation of the control of the inlet buzz phenomenon in a supersonic air inlet

Nastro Gabriele, Fiore Maxime, Gressier Jérémie, Bauerheim Michaël, Nonlinear dynamics, stability and sensitivity of a simplified dragonfly wing in gliding flight. 2023, 15th ERCOFTAC SIG 33 Workshop, 2023-06-30 - 2023-06-28 (2023-06-28, Alghero)
Nonlinear dynamics, stability and sensitivity of a simplified dragonfly wing in gliding flight

Hammachi Riwan, Gojon Romain, Fiore Maxime, Gressier Jérémie, Jamme Stéphane, LES analysis of a supersonic air inlet experiencing buzz phenomenon. 2022, 12th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, 2022-07-19 - 2022-07-22 (2022-07-22, Osaka)
LES analysis of a supersonic air inlet experiencing buzz phenomenon

Fiore Maxime, Daroukh Majd, Montagnac Marc, Loss assessment of the NASA SDT configuration using LES with phase-lagged assumption. 2022, Computers and Fluids. 234. 105256. ISSN 0045-7930
Loss assessment of the NASA SDT configuration using LES with phase-lagged assumption

Fiore Maxime, Parisot-Dupuis Hélène, Etchebarne Benjamin, Gojon Romain, Spectral Proper Orthogonal Decomposition of coupled hydrodynamic and acoustic fields : application to impinging jet configurations. 2022, Computers and Fluids. 241. 105484. ISSN 0045-7930

Delbecq Scott, Fontane Jérôme, Gourdain Nicolas, Mugnier Hugo, Planès Thomas, Simatos Florian, Référentiel ISAE–SUPAERO Aviation et climat. 2021. (Unpublished)

Fiore Maxime, Daroukh Majd, Montagnac Marc, Broadband noise prediction of a counter rotating open rotor based on LES simulation with phase-lagged assumption. 2021, Journal of Sound and Vibration. 514. 116420. ISSN 0022-460X

Fiore Maxime, Daroukh Majd, Montagnac Marc, Loss assessment of the NASA SDT configuration using URANS with phase-lagged assumption. 2021, Journal of Turbomachinery. ISSN 0889-504X
Loss assessment of the NASA SDT configuration using URANS with phase-lagged assumption

Fiore Maxime, Gourdain Nicolas, Reynolds, Mach, and Freestream Turbulence Effects on the Flow in a Low-Pressure Turbine. 2021, Journal of Turbomachinery. 143 (10). 101009-1010022. ISSN 0889-504X
Reynolds, Mach, and Freestream Turbulence Effects on the Flow in a Low-Pressure Turbine

Fiore Maxime, Daroukh Majd, Montagnac Marc, Loss assessment of a counter rotating open rotor using URANS/LES with phase-lagged assumption. 2021, Computers and Fluids. 228. 105025. ISSN 0045-7930
Loss assessment of a counter rotating open rotor using URANS/LES with phase-lagged assumption

Fiore Maxime, Reynolds and mach number effects on the flow in a low-pressure turbine : Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2020 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. 2021, ASME Turbo Expo 2020 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, 2020-06-26 - 2020-06-22 (2020-06-22, London)

Fiore Maxime, Gourdain Nicolas, Boussuge Jean-François, Lippinois Eric, Description of the flow in a linear cascade with an upstream cavity part 2 : Assessing the loss generated using an exergy formulation (draft). 2020, Computers and Fluids. 199. 104360-104370. ISSN 0045-7930

Fiore Maxime, Gourdain Nicolas, Boussuge Jean-François, Lippinois Eric, Description of the flow in a linear cascade with an upstream cavity Part 1 : Influence of turbulence (draft). 2020, Computers and Fluids. 199. 104361-104373. ISSN 0045-7930

Fiore Maxime, Gourdain Nicolas, Boussuge Jean-François, Lippinois Eric, Description of the Flow in a Two-Stage Low-Pressure Turbine With Hub Cavities. 2020, Journal of Turbomachinery. 142 (5). ISSN 0889-504X
Description of the Flow in a Two-Stage Low-Pressure Turbine With Hub Cavities

Fiore Maxime, Biolchini Romain, Numerical simulation of a counter-rotative open rotor using phase-lagged conditions. Initial validation on a single rotor case. 2020, Journal of Turbomachinery. 142 (12). 121002-121011. ISSN 0889-504X

Fiore Maxime, Gourdain Nicolas, Boussuge Jean-François, Eric Lippinois, Delineating loss sources within a linear cascade with upstream cavity and purge flow. 2019, Journal of Turbomachinery. 141 (9). 091008. ISSN 0889-504X
Delineating loss sources within a linear cascade with upstream cavity and purge flow

Fiore Maxime, Gourdain Nicolas, Boussuge Jean-François, Lippinois Eric, Numerical study of a linear cascade with upstream cavity using various rim-seal geometries and purge rates. 2018, ASME Turbo Expo 2018 : Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, 2018-06-11 - 2018-06-15 (2018-06-15, Oslo)

Fiore Maxime, Vermeersch Olivier, Forte Maxime - 126004102, Casalis Grégoire, Characterization of a highly efficient chevron‑shaped anti‑contamination device. 2016, Experiments in Fluids. 57 (59). ISSN 0723-4864
Characterization of a highly efficient chevron‑shaped anti‑contamination device

Fiore, Maxime, Influence of cavity flow on turbine aerodynamics. Influence des écoulements de cavité inter-disque sur l’aérodynamique d’une turbine

Vincent François, Besson Olivier, Gigleux Benjamin, Chaumette Eric, An Improved Fast Estimation of Single Frequency, IEEE Signal Processing Letters