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- Michel Salaun
- Flux publications Open Science ISAE-SUPAERO
Flux publications Open Science ISAE-SUPAERO
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Schwartz Sébastien, Paroissien Eric, Lachaud Frédéric, Extended formulation of macro-element based modelling – Application to single-lap bonded joints. 2024, Computers and Structures. 305. 107589. ISSN 0045-7949
Extended formulation of macro-element based modelling – Application to single-lap bonded joints

Camberlin Erwann, Bennani Lokman, Charlotte Miguel, Paroissien Eric, Salaün Michel, A liquid-solid thermo-mechanical phase-field fracture model for electrothermal wing de-icing system : AIAA AVIATION FORUM AND ASCEND 2024. 2024, AIAA Aviation Forum 2024, 2024-08-02 - 2024-07-29 (2024-07-29, Las Vegas)

Akrim Anass, Gogu Christian, Vingerhoeds Rob A., Salaün Michel, Self-Supervised Learning for Data Scarcity in a Fatigue Damage Prognostic Problem. 2023, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 120. 105837. ISSN 0952-1976
Self-Supervised Learning for Data Scarcity in a Fatigue Damage Prognostic Problem

Salaün Michel, Paroissien Eric, Schwartz Sébastien, Vu Tuan-Long, Angelis Valeria de, Luyat Maxime, Ordonneau Benjamin, Formulation methodologies based on Taylor expansion power and Fourier expansion series for the macro-element resolution scheme of enriched models for the stress analysis of adhesively bonded joints. 2023, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 124 (20). 4547-4579. ISSN 0029-5981

Schwartz Sébastien, Montero Jiménez Juan José, Vingerhoeds Rob A., Salaün Michel, An unsupervised approach for health index building and for similarity-based remaining useful life estimation. 2022, Computers in Industry. 141. 103716. ISSN 0166-3615

Ordonneau Benjamin, Paroissien Eric, Salaün Michel, Benitez-Martin Alejandro, Schwartz Sébastien, Malrieu Julien, Guigue Alexandre, A simplified modal analysis of a single lap bonded joint using the macro-element technique. 2022, International Journal of Solids and Structures. 249. 111631. ISSN 0020-7683
A simplified modal analysis of a single lap bonded joint using the macro-element technique

Charlotte Miguel, Espinosa Christine, Salaün Michel, Schwartz Sébastien, Out-of-plane-bending modeling versus in-plane-membrane resistance of parachute tissues using a spring-mass-damper model. 2022, 26th AIAA Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems Technology Conference, 19/05/2022 - 16/05/2022 (16/05/2022, Toulouse)

Delavenne Martin, Barriety Bernard, Vetrano Fabio, Ferrand Valérie, Salaün Michel, Aeroelastic implications of active winglet concept aimed to improve civil transport aircraft performances. 2021, An ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Aerospace Systems (AeroBest 2021), 2021-07-21 - 2021-07-23 (2021-07-23, Virtual event)

Matignon Denis, Positive attitude and Exchange of ideas : the port-Hamiltonian way of life, a tribute to Bernhard Maschke. 2021, workshop on the occassion of Bernhard Maschke’s 60th birthday and the 30th anniversary of Port-Hamiltonian systems., 15/10/2021 - 14/10/2021 (14/10/2021, Berlin)

Delavenne Martin, Barriety Bernard, Vetrano Fabio, Ferrand Valérie, Salaün Michel, Assessment of the efficiency of an active winglet concept for long-range aircraft. 2020, CEAS Aeronautical Journal. 11. 971-990. ISSN 1869-5582
Assessment of the efficiency of an active winglet concept for long-range aircraft

Schwartz Sébastien, Montero Jiménez Juan José, Salaün Michel, Vingerhoeds Rob A., A fault mode identification methodology based on self-organizing map. 2020, Neural Computing and Applications. 32 (17). 13405-13423. ISSN 0941-0643
A fault mode identification methodology based on self-organizing map

Montero Jiménez Juan José, Schwartz Sébastien, Vingerhoeds Rob A., Grabot Bernard, Salaün Michel, Towards multi-model approaches to predictive maintenance : A systematic literature survey on diagnostics and prognostics. 2020, Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 56. 539-557. ISSN 0278-6125

Ordonneau Benjamin, Paroissien Eric, Salaün Michel, Malrieu Julien, Guigue Alexandre, Schwartz Sébastien, A methodology for the computation of the macro-element stiffness matrix for the stress analysis of a lap joint with functionally graded adhesive properties. 2020, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 97. ISSN 0143-7496

Delavenne Martin, Barriety Bernard, Vetrano Fabio, Ferrand Valérie, Salaün Michel, Parametric Analysis of an Active Winglet Concept for High Aspect Ratio Wing Using CFD/CSM Computations : AIAA AVIATION 2020 FORUM. 2020, AIAA AVIATION 2020 FORUM, 2020-06-15 - 2020-06-19 (2020-06-19, Virtual event)

Delavenne Martin, Barriety Bernard, Vetrano Fabio, Ferrand Valérie, Salaün Michel, Surrogate-based optimization of a morphing winglet for flexible aircraft. 2019, International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics (IFASD 2019), 2019-06-10 - 2019-06-13 (2019-06-13, Savannah)
Surrogate-based optimization of a morphing winglet for flexible aircraft

Ordonneau Benjamin, Paroissien Eric, Salaün Michel, Malrieu Julien, Guigue Alexandre, Schwartz Sébastien, A methodology for the approached formulation of a macro-element for the simulation of bonded overlap with graded properties. 2019, A methodology for the approached formulation of a macro-element for the simulation of bonded overlap with graded properties, 2019-07-12 - 2019-07-11 (2019-07-11, Porto)

Ordonneau Benjamin, Paroissien Eric, Salaün Michel, Malrieu Julien, Guigue Alexandre, Schwartz Sébastien, Analyse simplifiée du comportement mécanique des joints collés à gradient de propriétés. 2019, Journées d’étude sur l’adhésion (JADH2019), 2019-12-06 - 2019-12-02 (2019-12-02, Annecy)
Analyse simplifiée du comportement mécanique des joints collés à gradient de propriétés

Duval Mickaël, Lozinski Alexei, Passieux Jean-Charles, Salaün Michel, Residual error based adaptive mesh refinement with the non-intrusive patch algorithm. 2018, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 329. 118-143. ISSN 0045-7825
Residual error based adaptive mesh refinement with the non-intrusive patch algorithm

Dubreuil Sylvain, Salaün Michel, Rodriguez Emmanuel, Petitjean Frank, Construction and identification of a D-Vine model applied to the probability distribution of modal parameters in structural dynamics. 2018, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 98. 190-208. ISSN 0888-3270

Bouclier Robin, Passieux Jean-Charles, Salaün Michel, Development of a new, more regular, mortar method for the coupling of NURBS subdomains within a NURBS patch : Application to a non-intrusive local enrichment of NURBS patches. 2017, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 316. 123-150. ISSN 0045-7825

Dubreuil Sylvain, Mas Colomer Joan, Salaün Michel, Bartoli Nathalie, Lefebvre Thierry, Évaluation de l’incertitude associée à l’interpolation de maillage dans un calcul couplé partitionné. 2017, 13eme Colloque National en Calcul des Structures (CSMA 2017), 2017-05-15 - 2017-05-19 (2017-05-19, Giens)
Évaluation de l’incertitude associée à l’interpolation de maillage dans un calcul couplé partitionné

Pozzolini Cédric, Renard Yves, Salaün Michel, Energy conservative finite element semi-discretization for vibro-impacts of plates on rigid obstacles. 2016, ESAIM : Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. 50 (6). 1585-1613. ISSN 0764-583X

Duval Mickaël, Passieux Jean-Charles, Salaün Michel, Guinard Stéphane, Non-intrusive Coupling : Recent Advances and Scalable Nonlinear Domain Decomposition. 2016, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering. 23 (1). 17-38. ISSN 1134-3060
Non-intrusive Coupling: Recent Advances and Scalable Nonlinear Domain Decomposition

Bouclier Robin, Passieux Jean-Charles, Salaün Michel, Local enrichment of NURBS patches using a non-intrusive coupling strategy : Geometric details, local refinement, inclusion, fracture. 2016, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 300. 1-26. ISSN 0045-7825

Passieux Jean-Charles, Périé Jean-Noel, Salaün Michel, A dual domain decomposition method for finite element digital image correlation. 2015, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 102 (10). 1670-1682. ISSN 0029-5981
A dual domain decomposition method for finite element digital image correlation

Salaün Michel, Salmon Stéphanie, Low-order finite element method for the well-posed bidimensional Stokes problem. 2015, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis. 35 (1). 427-453. ISSN 0272-4979
Low-order finite element method for the well-posed bidimensional Stokes problem

Duval Mickaël, Passieux Jean-Charles, Salaün Michel, Couplage non-intrusif : réanalyse locale et calcul haute performance. 2015, CSMA 2015 - 12ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, 2015-05-18 - 2015-05-22 (2015-05-22, Giens (Var))
Couplage non-intrusif: réanalyse locale et calcul haute performance

Bouclier Robin, Passieux Jean-Charles, Salaün Michel, Laborde Patrick, Enrichissement local de modèles NURBS par couplage non intrusif avec des éléments finis classiques. 2015, CSMA 2015 - 12e Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, 2015-05-18 - 2015-05-22 (2015-05-22, Giens (Var))
Enrichissement local de modèles NURBS par couplage non intrusif avec des éléments finis classiques

Dubreuil Sylvain, Salaün Michel, Rodriguez Emmanuel, Petitjean Frank, Superposition modale probabiliste : identification de la loi jointe des valeurs propres et paramètres effectifs par la théorie des copules. 2015, CSMA 2015 - 12ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, 2015-05-18 - 2015-05-22 (2015-05-22, Giens (Var))

Bennani Lokman, Villedieu Philippe, Salaün Michel, Trontin Pierre, Numerical simulation and modeling of ice shedding : Process initiation. 2014, Computers & Structures. 142. 15-27. ISSN 0045-7949
Numerical simulation and modeling of ice shedding: Process initiation

Dubreuil Sylvain, Berveiller Marc, Petitjean Frank, Salaün Michel, Construction of bootstrap confidence intervals on sensitivity indices computed by polynomial chaos expansion. 2014, Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 121. 263-275. ISSN 0951-8320

Duval Mickaël, Passieux Jean-Charles, Salaün Michel, Guinard Stéphane, Local/global non-intrusive parallel coupling for large scale mechanical analysis. 2014, 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics - 5th European Conference on Computational Mechanics. IACM-ECCOMAS, 2014-07-20 - 2014-07-25 (2014-07-25, Barcelone)
Local/global non-intrusive parallel coupling for large scale mechanical analysis

Duval Mickaël, Passieux Jean-Charles, Salaün Michel, Guinard Stéphane, Non-Intrusive model coupling : A flexible way to handle local geometric and mechanical details in FEA. 2014, Joint conference on Mechanical, Design Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing, 2014-06-18 - 2014-06-20 (2014-06-20, Toulouse)
Non-Intrusive model coupling: A flexible way to handle local geometric and mechanical details in FEA

Pozzolini Cédric, Renard Yves, Salaün Michel, The singular dynamic method for dynamic contact of thin elastic structures. 2013, ESAIM : Proceedings. 42. 20-33. ISSN 1270-900X
The singular dynamic method for dynamic contact of thin elastic structures

Roussouly Nicolas, Petitjean Frank, Salaün Michel, A new adaptive response surface method for reliability analysis. 2013, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics. 32. 103-115. ISSN 0266-8920
A new adaptive response surface method for reliability analysis

Pozzolini Cédric, Renard Yves, Salaün Michel, Vibro-impact of a plate on rigid obstacles : existence theorem, convergence of a scheme and numerical simulations. 2013, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis. 33 (1). 261 -294. ISSN 0272-4979

Pozzolini Cédric, Renard Yves, Salaün Michel, Schémas asymptotiquement conservatifs en énergie dans un problème de vibro-impact de plaques. 2013, CSMA 2013 - 11ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, 2013-05-13 - 2013-05-17 (2013-05-17, Giens)
Schémas asymptotiquement conservatifs en énergie dans un problème de vibro-impact de plaques

Roussouly Nicolas, Morlier Joseph, Charlotte Miguel, Salaün Michel, Approche fiabiliste pour l’optimisation locale d’un problème couplé fluide-structure. 2013, 11ème colloque CSMA 2013 (Calcul des Structures et Modélisation), 2013-05-13 - 2013-05-17 (2013-05-17, Giens)
Approche fiabiliste pour l’optimisation locale d’un problème couplé fluide-structure

Bennani Lokman, Villedieu Philippe, Salaün Michel, Two Dimensional Model of an Electro-Thermal Ice Protection System. 2013, 5th AIAA Atmospheric and Space Environments Conference, 2013-06-24 - 2013-06-27 (2013-06-27, San Diego)
Two Dimensional Model of an Electro-Thermal Ice Protection System

Dubreuil Sylvain, Petitjean Frank, Salaün Michel, A coupled parametric and nonparametric approach for modal analysis of a satellite. 2013, ICOSSAR 2013, 11th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, 2013-06-16 - 2013-06-20 (2013-06-20, New York)
A coupled parametric and nonparametric approach for modal analysis of a satellite

Dubreuil Sylvain, Petitjean Frank, Salaün Michel, Synthèse modale probabiliste de systèmes à plusieurs degrés de liberté. 2013, CSMA 2013 - 11ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, 2013-05-13 - 2013-05-17 (2013-05-17, Giens)
Synthèse modale probabiliste de systèmes à plusieurs degrés de liberté

Dubreuil Sylvain, Petitjean Frank, Salaün Michel, Etude numérique de l’influence de la structure de dépendance des valeurs propres en synthèse modale probabiliste. 2013, CFM 2013 - 21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 2013-08-26 - 2013-08-30 (2013-08-30, Bordeaux)

Lasry Jérémie, Renard Yves, Salaün Michel, Stress intensity factors computation for bending plates with extended finite element method. 2012, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 91 (9). 909-928. ISSN 0029-5981
Stress intensity factors computation for bending plates with extended finite element method

Dubreuil Sylvain, Berveiller Marc, Petitjean Frank, Salaün Michel, Determination of Bootstrap confidence intervals on sensitivity indices obtained by polynomial chaos expansion. 2012, JFMS12 - Journées Fiabilité des Matériaux et des Structures

Pozzolini Cédric, Salaün Michel, Some energy conservative schemes for vibro-impacts of a beam on rigid obstacles. 2011, ESAIM : Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. 45 (6). 1163-1192. ISSN 0764-583X
Some energy conservative schemes for vibro-impacts of a beam on rigid obstacles

Limido Jérôme, Espinosa Christine, Salaün Michel, Mabru Catherine, Chieragatti Rémy, Lacome Jean-Luc, Metal cutting modelling SPH approach. 2011, International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials. 9 (3-4). 177-196. ISSN 1748-5711

Pozzolini Cédric, Renard Yves, Salaün Michel, Schémas numériques conservatifs pour des problèmes de vibro-impacts de poutres et de plaques. 2011, CSMA 2011 - 10ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures
Schémas numériques conservatifs pour des problèmes de vibro-impacts de poutres et de plaques

Roussouly Nicolas, Petitjean Frank, Salaün Michel, Analyse de la fiabilité d’une structure spatiale. 2011, CSMA 2011 - 10ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures

Roussouly Nicolas. Auteur, Salaün Michel. Directeur de thèse, Petitjean Michel. Directeur de thèse, Approche probabiliste pour la justification par analyse des structures spatiales / Roussouly Nicolas. 2011
Approche probabiliste pour la justification par analyse des structures spatiales / Roussouly Nicolas

Ilyas Muhammad, Espinosa Christine, Lachaud Frédéric, Michel Laurent, Salaün Michel, Modelling aeronautical composite laminates behaviour under impact using a saturation damage and delamination continuous material model. 2010, Key Engineering Materials. 452-453 (2011). 369-372. ISSN 1013-9826

Lasry Jérémie, Pommier Julien, Renard Yves, Salaün Michel, eXtended finite element methods for thin cracked plates with Kirchhoff–Love theory. 2010, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 84 (9). 1115-1138. ISSN 0029-5981
eXtended finite element methods for thin cracked plates with Kirchhoff–Love theory

Ilyas Muhammad, Espinosa Christine, Lachaud Frédéric, Michel Laurent, Salaün Michel, Modelling aeronautical composite laminates behaviour under impact using a saturation damage and delamination continuous material model. 2010, 9th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics, 2010-09-20 - 2010-09-22 (2010-09-22, Nagasaki)

Chieragatti Rémy, Espinosa Christine, Lacome Jean-Luc, Limido Jérôme, Mabru Catherine, Salaün Michel, Détermination d’un Kt local associé à la rugosité de surface ; influence sur la tenue en fatigue. 2010, 29èmes journées de printemps de la SF2M "Influence des procédés sur la tenue en fatigue, rôle des défauts"
Détermination d’un Kt local associé à la rugosité de surface ; influence sur la tenue en fatigue

Ilyas Muhammad, Limido Jérôme, Lachaud Frédéric, Espinosa Christine, Salaün Michel, Modélisation SPH 3D de l’impact basse vitesse sur plaque composite. 2010, 19ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 2009-08-24 - 2009-08-28 (2009-08-28, Marseille)
Modélisation SPH 3D de l'impact basse vitesse sur plaque composite

Roussouly Nicolas, Petitjean Frank, Salaün Michel, Buffe Fabrice, Carpine Anne, Application des surfaces de réponse pour l’analyse fiabiliste d’une structure spatiale. 2010, JFMS10 - Journées Fiabilité des Matériaux et des Structures
Application des surfaces de réponse pour l’analyse fiabiliste d’une structure spatiale

Ilyas Muhammad. Auteur, Salaün Michel. Directeur de thèse, Lachaud Michel. Directeur de thèse, Modélisation de l’endommagement de composites stratifiés carbone époxy sous impact = Damage modelling of carbon epoxy laminated composites submitted to impact loading / Ilyas Muhammad. 2010

Calamaz Madalina, Limido Jérôme, Nouari Mohammed, Espinosa Christine, Coupard D., Salaün Michel, Girot F., Chieragatti Rémy, Toward a better understanding of tool wear effect through a comparison between experiments and SPH numerical modelling of machining hard materials. 2009, International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials. 3 (3). 595-604. ISSN 0958-0611

Lasry Jérémie, Renard Yves, Salaün Michel, A numerical approach for modelling thin cracked plates with XFEM. 2009, ESAIM : Proceedings. 27. 240-253. ISSN 1270-900X
A numerical approach for modelling thin cracked plates with XFEM

Ilyas Muhammad, Espinosa Christine, Lachaud Frédéric, Salaün Michel, Dynamic delamination modeling using cohesive finite elements. 2009, 9th International DYMAT Conference on the Mechanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials under Dynamic Loading (DYMAT 2009), 2009-09-07 - 2009-09-11 (2009-09-11, Brussels)
Dynamic delamination modeling using cohesive finite elements

Ilyas Muhammad, Lachaud Frédéric, Espinosa Christine, Salaün Michel, Modélisation de délaminage dynamique des composites unidirectionnels par éléments cohésifs. 2009, 16èmes Journées Nationales sur les Composites
Modélisation de délaminage dynamique des composites unidirectionnels par éléments cohésifs

Ilyas Muhammad, Lachaud Frédéric, Espinosa Christine, Michel Laurent, Salaün Michel, Modélisation en dynamique rapide du délaminage des composites à l’aide d’éléments finis cohésifs = Dynamic delamination modeling of unidirectional composites by cohesive finite elements. 2009, 16èmes Journées Nationales sur les Composites (JNC 16)

Ilyas Muhammad, Espinosa Christine, Lachaud Frédéric, Salaün Michel, Simulation of dynamic delamination and mode I energy dissipation. 2009, 7th European LS-DYNA Conference, 2009-05-14 - 2009-05-15 (2009-05-15, Salzburg)
Simulation of dynamic delamination and mode I energy dissipation

Ilyas Muhammad, Lachaud Frédéric, Espinosa Christine, Salaün Michel, Dynamic delamination of aeronautic structural composites by using cohesive finite elements. 2009, 17th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-17), 2009-07-27 - 2009-07-31 (2009-07-31, Edinburgh)
Dynamic delamination of aeronautic structural composites by using cohesive finite elements

Roussouly Nicolas, Salaün Michel, Petitjean Frank, Buffe Fabrice, Carpine Anne, Reliability approach in spacecraft structures. 2009, ECSSMMT 2009 - 11th European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Mechanical Testing, 2009-09-15 - 2009-09-17 (2009-09-17, Toulouse)

Pozzolini Cédric, Buffe Fabrice, Salaün Michel, A localization and updating strategy of large finite element models in structural dynamics. 2009, ECSSMMT 2009 - 11th European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Mechanical Testing, 2009-09-15 - 2009-09-17 (2009-09-17, Toulouse)
A localization and updating strategy of large finite element models in structural dynamics

Destuynder Philippe, Moguen Yann, Salaün Michel, Adaptive mesh refinements for thin shells whose middle surface is not exactly known. 2008, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 19 (51-). 4789-4811
Adaptive mesh refinements for thin shells whose middle surface is not exactly known

Espinosa Christine, Lacome Jean-Luc, Limido Jérôme, Salaün Michel, Mabru Catherine, Chieragatti Rémy, Modelling High Speed Machining with the SPH Method. 2008, 10th International LS-DYNA Users Conference, 2008-06-08 - 2008-06-10 (2008-06-10, Dearborn)

Limido Jérôme, Espinosa Christine, Salaün Michel, Lacome Jean-Luc, Mabru Catherine, Chieragatti Rémy, Metal cutting analysis : SPH approach. 2008, JSTMM’08

Lasry Jérémie, Renard Yves, Salaün Michel, eXtended finite element methods for thin plates. 2008, 8th world congress on computational mechanics and 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineeering (ECCOMAS 2008)

Limido Jérôme, Espinosa Christine, Salaün Michel, Mabru Catherine, Chieragatti Rémy, High speed machining modelling : SPH method capabilities. 2007, 4th Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics European Research Interest Community (SPHERIC) workshop, 2009-05-27 - 2009-05-29 (2009-05-29, Nantes)

Destuynder Philippe, Moguen Yann, Salaün Michel, Adaptation de maillage avec approximation de la géométrie pour le calcul de coques minces. 2007, 8ème colloque national en calcul des structures
Adaptation de maillage avec approximation de la géométrie pour le calcul de coques minces

Lasry Jérémie, Pommier Julien, Renard Yves, Salaün Michel, Application de la méthode XFEM aux plaques fissurées en flexion. 2007, 8ème colloque national en calcul des structures
Application de la méthode XFEM aux plaques fissurées en flexion

Limido Jérôme, Suraratchai Monchai, Mabru Catherine, Espinosa Christine, Salaün Michel, Chieragatti Rémy, Machining parameters effects on fatigue life of aluminium alloy aeronautical parts. 2007, Fatigue Design 2007 : International Conference on the respective input of the numerical simulation and the experimental approach in fatigue design, 2007-11-21
Machining parameters effects on fatigue life of aluminium alloy aeronautical parts

Limido Jérôme, Espinosa Christine, Salaün Michel, Modélisation 3D des efforts de coupe et de la surface en UGV à partir d’un modèle numérique 2D. 2007, 8ème colloque national en Calcul des Structures
Modélisation 3D des efforts de coupe et de la surface en UGV à partir d'un modèle numérique 2D

Limido Jérôme, Suraratchai Monchai, Mabru Catherine, Espinosa Christine, Salaün Michel, Chieragatti Rémy, Effet des paramètres d’usinage sur la durée de vie en fatigue des pièces aéronautiques en alliages d’aluminium de la série 7000. 2007, MECAMAT Aussois 2007 : colloque national sur la fatigue des matériaux et des structures, 2007-01-22 - 2007-01-26 (2007-01-26, Aussois)

Limido Jérôme, Espinosa Christine, Salaün Michel, Lacome Jean-Luc, SPH method applied to high speed cutting modelling. 2007, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 4 (7). 898-908. ISSN 0020-7403

Salaün Michel, Salmon Stéphanie, Numerical stabilization of the Stokes problem in vorticity–velocity–pressure formulation. 2007, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 196 (9-12). 1767-1786. ISSN 0045-7825
Numerical stabilization of the Stokes problem in vorticity–velocity–pressure formulation

Chahine Elie, Laborde Patrick, Pommier Julien, Renard Yves, Salaün Michel, Study of some optimal XFEM type methods : Advances in Meshfree Techniques. 2007« In :» Advances in Meshfree Techniques, Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 978-1-4020-6094-6
Study of some optimal XFEM type methods : Advances in Meshfree Techniques

Limido Jérôme, Espinosa Christine, Salaün Michel, Lacome Jean-Luc, A new approach of high speed cutting modelling : SPH method. 2006, 8th International Conference on Mechanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials under Dynamic Loading, 2006-09-11 - 2006-09-15 (2006-09-15, Dijon)

Salaün Michel, Espinosa Christine, Pour un usage raisonné des logiciels de calcul et des bibliothèques scientifiques : Encyclopédie de l’Informatique et des Systèmes d’information. 2006« In :» Encyclopédie de l’Informatique et des Systèmes d’information. 2-7117-4846-4

Laborde Patrick, Pommier Julien, Renard Yves, Salaün Michel, High order extended finite element method for cracked domains. 2005, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 64 (3). 354-381. ISSN 0029-5981
High order extended finite element method for cracked domains

Abboud Toufic, Salaün Michel, Salmon Stéphanie, Coupling Harmonic Functions-Finite Elements for Solving the Stream Function-Vorticity Stokes Problem. 2004, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations. 20 (5). 765-788. ISSN 0749-159X
Coupling Harmonic Functions-Finite Elements for Solving the Stream Function-Vorticity Stokes Problem