Les pages professionnellesdes enseignants chercheurs

Nicolas André

PhD students and postdocs

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 Open positions

  • Electrons Self-consistent KinetIcs at Mercury : Observations and Simulations, PhD (2025)

 Master students

  • Marta Scherillo, Ion cyclotron waves from Cassini engine exhausts during Saturn Orbit Insertion (Master 1, 2024)
  • Giuliano Vinci, Modelling of the Io plasma torus (Master 2, 2024)
  • Alexi Seves, Temporal and spatial variation of the electron and ion environments at Europa’s orbit (Master 2, 2024)
  • Anderson Gonnet, Caractérisation of plasma waves in the Galilean moons-Jupiter electrodynamic circuit, with Jonas Rabia, (Master 2, 2025)
  • Camille Coustillet, Electron dynamics in small magnetospheres : the case of Mercury/Ganymede, with Mathias Rojo, (Master 2, 2025)
  • Titouan Teissieres, Turbulence in the Jovian system using Juno, link to the outward transport of plasma, with Marie Devinat, (Master 1, 2025)

 PhD students

  • Thomas Le Liboux, Development of an hybrid model of Callisto-magnetosphere interactions, with Ronan Modolo, (2023-now)
  • Marie Devinat, Development of a theoretical model of plasma transport in fast rotating magnetospheres, with Michel Blanc, (2023-now)
  • Jonas Rabia, Moon-magnetosphere interactions at Jupiter, with Quentin Nénon, (2023-now)
  • Erwan Berthomé, Development of a low-noise front-end electronics for the measurement of charged particles at medium energies, with Pierre Devoto, (2020-2024)


  • Zhi-Yang Liu, Structure and dynamics of the Jovian magnetodisk (2024-2025)
  • Mathias Rojo, Analysis of BepiColombo Mercury Electron Analyzer observations during the Mercury flybys (2022-2025)


  • Antoine Schneeberger, Composition of the primordial matter in protoplanetary environments : Implication for the origins of the Galilean moons and giant planets, Thesis defense on December, 5 2024 in Marseille (reviewer)
  • Pietro Dazzi, Electric sensors for in situ space plasma diagnostic : mutual impedance and quasi-thermal noise, Thesis defense on April, 28 2025 in Orléans (reviewer)
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