Les pages professionnellesdes enseignants chercheurs

Nicolas André

Projects and responsibilities

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 Science proposals

  • ERC CALYPSO History of the Galilean Moons’ Hydrospheres : Bridging Primordial and Modern Epochs Through Remote Sensing and In-Situ Data, PI (submitted)
  • ANR ESKIMOS Electron Self-consistent Kinetics at Mercury : Observations and Simulations, PI (submitted)
  • AID SWAPPER Space Weather Alerts from other Planets Propagated to Earth with Reliability, PI (not selected)
  • ANR CANTALOUPE CentrifugAl iNstabilities and Turbulence in plAsmas : from LaboratOry plasmas to JUPiter’s magnetospherE, CoI (funded)
  • ANR FACOM Fate of the volatile Components at the Galilean Moons, CoI (funded)

 Instrumentation : Hardware development

  • Strategic Booster TIRIS TRIO Network of Telescopes to survey Io, PI (submitted)
  • NASA Lunar Surface Vehicle, CoI (submitted)
  • CSUT TTL Flash-sat, a CSUT cubesat to study meteor showers at Earth and impact flashes on the Moon from returning Comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle, PI (submitted)
  • ESA M-MATISSE Phase A, Solar Energetic Particles at Mars, Deputy PI (ongoing)
  • ESA Comet Interceptor Phase BCD, Low-Energy Electron Spectrometer built at IRAP, PI (ongoing)
  • R&D CNES Silicon detector Phase BCD, Evaluation of science performances of customized silicon detectors for charged particle instruments, CoI (ongoing)
  • ESA Juice Phase E, Particle Environment Package, CoI (in flight)
  • JAXA Mio BepiColombo Phase E, Mercury Electron Analyzer built at IRAP, Lead CoI (in flight)

 Instrumentation : Scientific role

  • ESA Comet Interceptor Phase BCD, Mass Analyzer for Neutrals In a Coma, CoI (ongoing)
  • ESA Juice Phase E, Radio and Plasma Wave Instrument, CoI (in flight)
  • ESA Juice Magnetospheric Working group 3, Team Member

 Services to the community

  • CDPP, the French space plasma data center, Project Scientist and Executive Director (since 2020)
  • Juice/PEP National Service of Observations, In charge
  • BepiColombo/Magnéto National Service of Observations, In charge
  • Action Spécifique Observatoire Virtuel, Council Member

info portfolio

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