You can find below the list (last updated November 2024) of peer-reviewed papers published since I work at ISAE-SUPAERO (March 2024).
For the full list of publications please see here.
In preparation
- Characterization of the solar wind context during the third flyby of Mercury by BepiColombo, Rojo, M. ; André, N., et al., in preparation for Astronomy & Astrophysics, 01/2025
- Temporal and Spatial Variability of the Electron Environment at the Orbit of Europa as Observed by Juno, Seves, A. ; André, N. ; Nénon, Q. ; Rabia, J. ; Rojo, M. ; Kamran, Liu, Z.-Y. ; Devinat, M. ; A. ; Blanc, M. ; Louarn, P. ; Penou, E. ; Santos-Costa, D. ; Allegrini, F. ; Ebert, R. W. ; Wilson, R. J. ; Szalay, J. ; Mauk, B. H. ; Paranicas, C. ; Clark, G. ; Bagenal, F. ; Bolton, S., in preparation for Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 12/2024
- M-shell and Local Time Variability of the Electron and Magnetic Environments at the Orbit of Callisto as Observed by the Juno and Galileo Missions, Le Liboux T. ; André, N. ; Modolo, R. ; Nénon, Q. ; Rabia, J. ; Rojo, M. ; Kamran, A. ; Liu, Z.-Y., Devinat, M. ; Blanc, M. ; Louarn, P. ; Penou, E. ; Santos-Costa, D. ; Allegrini, F. ; Ebert, R. W. ; Wilson, R. J. ; Szalay, J. ; Mauk, B. H. ; Paranicas, C. ; Clark, G. ; Bagenal, F. ; Bolton, S., in preparation for Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 12/2024
- Cold and Hot Electron Populations Observed by Juno-JADE in the Jovian Magnetodisc, Sarkango, Y. ; Szalay, J.R. ; Poppe, A.R. ; Nénon, Q. ; Liu, Z.-Y. ; Allegrini, F. ; McComas, D.J. ; Ebert, R. ; Kollmann, P. ; Livadiotis, G. ; Khoo, L.Y. ; André, N. ; Wang, J. ; Bagenal, F. ; Schlegel, S. ; Saur, J. ; Kurth, W.S. ; Sulaiman, A.H., submitted to Geophysical Research Letters, 01/2025
- Radial Evolution of Electron Pitch Angle Distributions in the Inner Part of Jovian Magnetosphere, Liu, Z.-Y. ; André, N. ; Rabia, J. ; Blanc, M. ; Sarkango, Y. : Szalay, J.R. ; Allegrini, F. ; Ebert, R. ; Bolton, S. ; Connerney, J.E.P. ; Bolton, S.J., submitted to Geophysical Research Letters, 01/2025
- BepiColombo cruise science : Overview of the mission contribution to heliophysics, Sanchez-Cano, B. ; Hadid, L. ; Aizawa, S. ; Murakami, G. ; André, N., et al., submitted to Earth, Planets, and Space, 12/2024
- Callisto’s auroral footprint revealed by a shift of Jupiter’s main aurora, Rabia, J. ; Hue, V. ; Louis, C.K. ; André, N. ; Nénon, Q. ; Collet, B. ; Szalay, J.R. ; Prangé, R. ; Lamy, L. ; Zarka, P. : Allegrini, F. ; Ebert, R. ; Greathouse, T.K. ; Bonfond, B. ; Santos-Costa, D. ; Giles, R.S. ; Kammer, J.A. ; Versteeg, M.H. ; Gladstone, G.R. ; Louarn, P. ; Penou, E. ; Kamran, A. ; Kurth, W.S. ; Sulaiman, A.H. ; Connerney, J.E.P. ; Bolton, S.J., submitted to Nature Astronomy, 10/2024
- Pressure Anisotropy-Driven Instabilities Regulate the Jovian Magnetodisk, Liu Z.-Y. ; André, N. ; Blanc, M. ; Wang, S. ; Allegrini, F. ; Mauk, B.H. ; Connerney, J.E.P. ; Bolton, S.J., submitted to Science Advances, 10/2024
- Electric current connection from magnetosphere to surface at Mercury, Aizawa, S. ; Rojo, M. ; André, N. et al., submitted to Nature, in revision, 01/2024
- The Radio & Plasma Wave Investigation (RPWI) for the JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE), Wahlund, J.E., et al., Space Science Reviews, 09/2024
- Juno Observations of Jupiter’s Magnetodisk Plasma : Implications for Equilibrium and Dynamics, Liu, Z. -Y. ; Blanc, M. ; Andre, N. ; Bagenal, F. ; Wilson, R. J. ; Allegrini, F. ; Devinat, M. ; Mauk, B. ; Connerney, J. E. P. ; Bolton, S., Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 129, 11/2024,
- Venusian ion escape under extreme conditions : A dynamic pressure and temperature simulation study, Katrougkalou, M. C. ; Persson, M. ; Aizawa, S. ; André, N. ; Modolo, R. ; Jariel, E. ; Kullen, A. ; Karlsson, T., Astronomy and Astrophysics, 691, 11/2024,
- Mercury’s plasma environment after BepiColombo’s third flyby, Hadid, Lina Z. ; Delcourt, Dominique ; Harada, Yuki ; Rojo, Mathias ; Aizawa, Sae ; Saito, Yoshifumi ; André, Nicolas ; Glass, Austin N. ; Raines, Jim M. ; Yokota, Shoichiro ; Fränz, Markus ; Katra, Bruno ; Verdeil, Christophe ; Fiethe, Björn ; Leblanc, Francois ; Modolo, Ronan ; Fontaine, Dominique ; Krupp, Norbert ; Krüger, Harald ; Leblanc, Frédéric ; Fischer, Henning ; Berthelier, Jean-Jacques ; Sauvaud, Jean André ; Murakami, Go ; Matsuda, Shoya, Communications Physics, 10/2024,
- Helio1D modeling of temporal variation of solar wind : Interfacing between MULTI-VP and 1D MHD for future operational forecasting at L1, Kieokaew, R. ; Pinto, R. F. ; Samara, E. ; Tao, C. ; Indurain, M. ; Lavraud, B. ; Brunet, A. ; Génot, V. ; Rouillard, A. ; André, N. ; Bourdarie, S. ; Katsavrias, C. ; Darrouzet, F. ; Grison, B. ; Daglis, I., Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 14, 08/2024,
- Deep Entry of Low-Energy Ions Into Mercury’s Magnetosphere : BepiColombo Mio’s Third Flyby Observations, Harada, Yuki ; Saito, Yoshifumi ; Hadid, Lina Z. ; Delcourt, Dominique ; Aizawa, Sae ; Rojo, Mathias ; André, Nicolas ; Persson, Moa ; Fraenz, Markus ; Yokota, Shoichiro ; Fedorov, Andréi. ; Miyake, Wataru ; Penou, Emmanuel ; Barthe, Alain ; Sauvaud, Jean-André ; Katra, Bruno ; Matsuda,
Shoya ; Murakami, Go, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 129, 08/2024, - Structure and dynamics of the Hermean magnetosphere revealed by electron observations from the Mercury electron analyzer after the first three Mercury flybys of BepiColombo, Rojo, M. ; André, N. ; Aizawa, S. ; Sauvaud, J. -A. ; Saito, Y. ; Harada, Y. ; Fedorov, A. ; Penou, E. ; Barthe, A. ; Persson, M. ; Yokota, S. ;
Mazelle, C. ; Hadid, L. Z. ; Delcourt, D. ; Fontaine, D. ; Fränz, M. ; Katra,
B. ; Krupp, N. ; Murakami, G., Astronomy and Astrophysics, 687, 07/2024 - BepiColombo observations of cold oxygen and carbon ions in the flank of the induced magnetosphere of Venus, Hadid, L. Z. ; Delcourt, D. ; Saito, Y. ; Fränz, M. ; Yokota, S. ; Fiethe, B. ; Verdeil, C. ; Katra, B. ; Leblanc, F. ; Fischer, H. ; Persson, M. ; Aizawa, S. ; André, N. ; Harada, Y. ; Fedorov, A. ; Fontaine, D. ; Krupp, N. ; Michalik, H. ; Berthelier, J. -J. ; Krüger, H. ; Murakami, G. ; Matsuda, S. ; Heyner, D. ; Auster, H. -U. ; Richter, I. ; Mieth, J. Z. D. ; Schmid, D. ; Fischer, D., Nature Astronomy, 8, 06/2024,
- Connecting Solar Wind Velocity Spikes Measured by Solar Orbiter and Coronal Brightenings Observed by SDO, Hou, Chuanpeng ; Rouillard, Alexis P. ; He, Jiansen ; Gannouni, Bahaeddine ; Réville, Victor ; Louarn, Philippe ; Fedorov, Andrey ; Přech, Lubomír ; Owen, Christopher J. ; Verscharen, Daniel ; D’Amicis, Raffaella ; Sorriso-Valvo, Luca ; Fargette, Naïs ; Coburn, Jesse ; Génot, Vincent ; Raines, Jim M. ; Bruno, Roberto ; Livi, Stefano ; Lavraud, Benoit ; André, Nicolas ; Fruit, Gabriel ; Kieokaew, Rungployphan ; Plotnikov, Illya ; Penou, Emmanuel ; Barthe, Alain ; Kataria, Dhiren ; Berthomier, Matthieu ; Allegrini, Frederic ; Fortunato, Vito ; Mele, Gennaro ; Horbury, Timothy, The Astrophysical Journal, 968, 06/2024,
- Properties of Electrons Accelerated by the Ganymede-Magnetosphere Interaction : Survey of Juno High-Latitude Observations, Rabia, J. ; Hue, V. ; André, N. ; Nénon, Q. ; Szalay, J. R. ; Allegrini, F. ; Sulaiman, A. H. ; Louis, C. K. ; Greathouse, T. K. ; Sarkango, Y. ; Santos-Costa, D. ; Blanc, M. ; Penou, E. ; Louarn, P. ; Ebert, R. W. ; Gladstone, G. R. ; Mura, A. ; Connerney, J. E. P. ; Bolton, S. J., Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 129, 05/2024,
- Temporal and Spatial Variability of the Electron Environment at the Orbit of Ganymede as Observed by Juno, Pelcener, S. ; André, N. ; Nénon, Q. ; Rabia, J. ; Rojo, M. ; Kamran, A. ; Blanc, M. ; Louarn, P. ; Penou, E. ; Santos-Costa, D. ; Allegrini, F. ; Ebert, R. W. ; Wilson, R. J. ; Szalay, J. ; Mauk, B. H. ; Paranicas, C. ;
Clark, G. ; Bagenal, F. ; Bolton, S., Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 129, 05/2024,