Les pages professionnellesdes enseignants chercheurs

Nicolas Binder


Mis à jour le

 Aerodynamics of turbomachinery in severe off-design operation

Free-and-load-controlled windmilling flows in fans

Objectives : overall performance in windmilling flows, drag and rotational speed prediction, design of reversible turbomachinery

Funding : Safran Ventilation systems

Past and current PhD supervision

Aurélie Ortolan

2014-2017 : Compréhension des mécanismes liés aux écoulements tournants fortement décollés induits par de fortes incidences négatives. Application à un ventilateur axial subsonique en autorotation adapté à la récupération d’énergie.


Suk-Kee Courty-Audren

2012-2015 : Identification et compréhension des mécanismes aérodynamiques liés au potentiel de récupération d’énergie. Application à un ventilateur axial subsonique en autorotation.


Journal papers

[2018] Ortolan A., Courty-Audren SK., Binder N., Carbonneau X., Bousquet Y., Numerical Comparative Analysis Between a steady mixing plane approach and an unsteady full annulus simulation for low-speed fans at load-controlled windmilling conditions, International Journal of Rotating Machinery

[2017] Ortolan A., Courty-Audren SK., Binder N., Carbonneau X., and Challas F., Experimental and numerical flow analysis of low-speed fans at highly loaded windmilling conditions, Journal of Turbomachinery

[2016] Ortolan A., Courty-Audren SK., Binder N., Carbonneau X., and Challas F., Experimental and numerical flow analysis of low-speed fans at highly loaded windmilling conditions, Journal of Turbomachinery

[2015] Binder N., Courty-Audren S.K., Duplaa S., Dufour G., Carbonneau X., Theoretical Analysis of the Aerodynamics of low-speed Fans in free and load-controlled windmilling operation, Journal of Turbomachinery.

Conference papers

[2023] Binder, N ; Sanchez, L ; Thacker, A ; Rojda, L ; Bousquet, Y Influence of the Reynolds number on the free-windmilling operation of a small dimensions fan. ETC15

[2017] Ortolan, Aurélie and Courty Audren, Suk Kee and Carbonneau, Xavier and Binder, Nicolas and Challas, Florent Experimental validation of the continuous evolution of flow topology from compressor mode to highly loaded windmill of low-speed axial machines. (2017) In : 13th International Symposium on Experimental Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, 7 May 2017 - 11 May 2017 (Okinawa, Japan).

[2017] Ortolan A., Courty-Audren SK., Binder N., Bousquet, Y., Carbonneau X., and Challas F., Numerical analysis of unsteady flow on a 3D full annulus simulation for low-speed fans at load-controlled windmilling conditions (2017) ASME Turbo-Expo.

[2017] Courty-Audren SK., Ortolan A., Binder N., Carbonneau X., and Challas F., Numerical analysis of secondary flow topologies of low-speed axial fans from compressor to load-controlled windmill (2017) ETC

[2016] Ortolan A., Courty-Audren SK., Binder N., Carbonneau X., and Challas F., Experimental and numerical flow analysis of low-speed fans at highly loaded windmilling conditions, ASME Turbo-Expo 2016, Accepted.

[2015] Ortolan A., Carbonneau X., Binder N., Challas F., and Meauzé G., Innovative fan design for both high compressor and windmilling performance, 12th International Symposium on Experimental Computational Aerotermodynamics of Internal Flows, 13-16 July 2015, Genova, Italy

[2013] Courty-Audren SK., Carbonneau X., Binder N., and Challas F., Comparaison des Méthodes Numériques Stationnaires et Instationnaires dans la Prédiction des Ecoulements Décollés – Application à un Ventilateur Subsoique en Autorotation, Congrès Français de Mécanique, Bordeaux, France.

[2013] Courty-Audren SK., Binder N., Carbonneau X., and Challas F., Potential of Power Recovery of an Axial Fan in Windmilling Operation, 10th European Turbomachinery Conference, Lappeeranta, Finland.

Variable geometry radial turbines

Objectives : Off-design performance, multi-point preliminary design, loss analysis

Funding : Liebherr Aerospace, Honeywell Turbo Technologies, ISAE-Supaero

Past and current PhD supervision

Pierre-Thomas Lauriau

2015-2018 : Identification des mécanismes à l’origine de la dégradation des performances dans un étage de turbine centripète à géométrie variable. Application aux systèmes d’air avion.


Sébastien Le Guyader

2006-2009 : Analyse des performances d’un turbocompresseur intégré à la boucle de suralimentation.



Journal papers

[2018] Lauriau P.T., Binder N., Carbonneau X., Cros S., and Roumeas M. 2017. Preliminary Design Considerations for Variable Geometry Radial Turbines with Multi-Points Specifications. International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power, 3(4), 22.

[2012] Carbonneau, X. and Binder, N. Performance Back-deduction from a Loading to Flow Coefficient Map : Application to Radial Turbine. (2012) Journal of Thermal Science, vol. 21 (n° 6). pp. 509-517. ISSN 1003-2169

[2012] Binder, N, Le Guyader, S. and Carbonneau, X. – Analysis of the variable geometry effect in radial turbines, Journal of Turbomachinery.

[2008] N. Binder, X. Carbonneau et P. Chassaing. Off-design consideration through the properties of some pressure-ratio line of radial inflow turbines. Int. J. of Rotating Machinery, 273296.

Conference papers

[2017] Lauriau, Pierre-Thomas and Binder, Nicolas and Carbonneau, Xavier and Cros, Sandrine and Roumeas, Mathieu Numerical Approach Dedicated to Nozzle Tip Clearance Flow Analysis in Variable Geometry Radial Turbines. (2017) In : 13th International Symposium on Experimental Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, 7 May 2017 - 11 May 2017 (Okinawa, Japan).

[2017] Lauriau P.T., Binder N., Carbonneau X., Cros S., and Roumeas M. 2017. " Preliminary Design Considerations for Variable Geometry Radial Turbines with Multi-Points Specifications ". Proceedings of the ETC 12th European Conference on Turbomachinery, Stockholm, Sweden, April 2017.

[2016] Emmanuelli, Ariane and Carboneau, Xavier and Bousquet, Yannick and Binder, Nicolas, Effect of Twisted Vanes on Leakage Losses in Variable Geometry Radial Turbines, (2016) In : 15th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery (ISROMAC).

[2015] Carbonneau X., Bousquet Y., Binder N., Belkouchi, B., Analysis of Variable Geometry Nozzle Flow with Twisted Vanes in Radial Turbines, ETC 2015.

[2012] Carbonneau, Xavier and Binder, Nicolas Back deduction of the radial turbine map from a loading to Flow coefficient diagram. In : 14th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery (ISROMAC), 27 Feb - 02 Mar 2012, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

[2009] Carbonneau, X. ; Binder, N. - Analysis of the pressure-ratio lines for radial turbine – 8th European Turbomachinery Conference, Graz.

[2008] S. Le Guyader, N. Binder, X. Carbonneau et P. Chassaing. Back pressure effects on variable geometry turbine performances. Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 6th International Conference, Pretoria, South Africa.

[2008] N. Binder, X. Carbonneau, P. Chassaing. Properties of some pressure-ratio line of radial inflow turbines and application to off-design considerations. 12th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery.

[2007] S. Le Guyader, N. Binder, X. Carbonneau et P. Chassaing. Aerodynamic approach of a variable stator controllability for a small radial turbine. 5th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Sun City, South Africa.

[2005] N. Binder, X. Carbonneau, et P. Chassaing. Aerodynamic moment measurements on stator blades of a small dimension variable geometry radial turbine stage. 2nd EVI-GTI Conference, Dubrovnik.

[2005] N. Binder, X. Carbonneau, et P. Chassaing. Influence of a variable guide vane nozzle on the design parameters of a radial turbine stage. 6th European Turbomachinery Conference (ETC 6), Lille, France.

[2004] N. Binder, X. Carbonneau, et P. Chassaing. Volute outlet conditions study by measurements on the stator blades
of a small dimension radial turbine stage, 4th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Cape Town, South Africa.

[2001] Caractérisation de l’écoulement dans un étage de turbine centripète à géométrie variable, XVeme Congrès Français de Mécanique, Nancy, France.

Stall and surge in compressors
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Compressor inlet

Objectives : Stall inception in radial compressors and low-pressure-ratio fans

Funding : Liebherr Aerospace, ISAE-Supaero

Past and current PhD supervision

Xavier Flette

2021-2024 : Stall and surge of two-stage contrifugal compressors.

Yannick Bousquet

2011-2014 : Modélisation et analyse des mécanismes impliqués dans l’apparition du pompage d’un étage de compresseur centrifuge.


Journal papers

[2023] Flete, X., Binder, N., Bousquet, Y., & Cros, S. Numerical Investigation of Rotating Instability Development in a Wide Tip Gap Centrifugal Compressor. International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power, 8(3), 25.

[2022] Bousquet, Y, Binder, N, Rojda, L, and Thacker, A, Analysis of the unsteady flow field at stall conditions for a low-speed low-pressure ratio axial fan with full-annulus simulation, Journal of Turbomachinery 144 (11), 111008

[2016] Bousquet Y., Binder N., Dufour G., Carbonneau X., and Trebinjac I., Numerical simulation of stall inception mechanisms in centrifugal compressor with vaned diffuser, Journal of Turbomachinery

[2015] Bousquet Y., Carbonneau X., Dufour G., Binder N., and Trebinjac I., Numerical Investigation of Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in a Centrifugal Compressor Operating Near Stall, Journal of Turbomachinery

[2014] Bousquet Y., Carbonneau X., Dufour G., Binder N., and Trebinjac I., Analysis of the Unsteady Flow Field in a Centrifugal Compressor from Peak Efficiency to Near Stall with Full-Annulus Simulations, International Journal of Rotating Machinery, vol. 2014, Article ID 729629, 11 pages. doi:10.1155/2014/729629

Conference papers

[2023] Flete,X ; Binder, N ; Bousquet,Y ; Cros, S, Numerical investigation of rotating instabilities development leading to stall in a wide tip gap centrifugal compressor. ETC15

[2015] Bousquet Y., Carbonneau X., Dufour G., Binder N., and Trebinjac I., Numerical Investigation of Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in a Centrifugal Compressor Operating Near Stall, ASME Turbo-Expo 2015

 Unsteady flows in turbines

Sharp transients in cascades and axial turbines

Objectives : Analysis of the instantaneous over-loading, design of turbines fit for isochoric combustion gaz turbines

Funding : French Ministry of Defense (DGA-AID, ISAE-Supaero

Past and current PhD supervision

Pierre Bertojo 2020-2023 (...)

Pierre Bertojo
2020-2023 : Design of axial turbines in pulsating flows


Journal papers

[2022] Hermet, F, Binder, N, and Gressier, J, Flat plate boundary layer accelerated by shock wave propagation, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 953, A20

[2021] Hermet, F., Binder, N., & Gressier, J. (2021). Pusled flow turbine design recommdations. International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power, 6 (3). 24. ISSN 2504-186X

[2020] Hermet, F, Gressier, J, Binder, N, Shock motion inside a varying cross-section channel and consequences on the downstream flow, Physical Review Fluids

Conference papers

[2023] Bertojo, P ; Binder, N ; Gressier, J, Effect of thickness on the unsteady response of turbine submitted to pulsed flow conditions. ETC15

[2021] Hermet, F., Binder, N., & Gressier, J. (2021). Pusled flow turbine design recommdations. ETC 14, Gdansk.

[2019] Hermet, F., Binder, N., & Gressier, J. (2019). Transient flow in infinitely thin airfoil cascade. ETC 13, Lausanne.

Pulsating flows in radial turbines

Objectives : Comprehension of the instantaneous performance of turbocharger radial turbines, time scales analysis

Funding : ISAE-Supaero


Journal papers

[2022] Binder, N, Bousquet, Y, Hermet, F, and Gressier, J, Physics and instantaneous performance of radial turbines in unsteady flows : validity of the quasi-steady assumption for the rotor, Journal of Turbomachinery 144 (11), 111002

[2013] Binder N., Garcia Benitez J., and Carbonneau X., Dynamic Response in Transient Operation of a Variable Geometry Turbine Stage : Influence of the Aerodynamic Performance, International Journal of Rotating Machinery, vol. 2013, Article ID 735321, 11 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/735321

Conference papers

Conference papers

Secondary flows and losses in axial turbines

Objectives : Turbulence analysis, loss mechanism comprehension, assessment of numerical methods predictions, design of inter-turbine ducts

Funding : Safran Aircraft Engine, Safran Aircraft Engines
Cooperation : Von Karman Institute

Past and current PhD supervision

Greta Raina

2021-2024 : Improvement of premilinary design of HP turbines

Juan Pablo Ruscio

2020-2023 : Adaptation of the exergetic formulation to unsteady flows

Adrien Vasseur

2020-2023 : Robust calibration of multi-hole probes dedicated to turbomachinery flows

Christopher Wingel

2019-2022 : Predictability assessment of (U)RANS methods on hot streak transport in turbine stages

Alessio Firrito

2018-2021 : Aerodynamic losses and turbulence analysis in turbine inter-ducts

Maxime Perini

2018-2021 : Interaction of cavity flows with the main stream in a BP turbine stage


Journal papers

[2023] Wingel, C., Binder, N., Bousquet, Y., Boussuge, J. F., Buffaz, N., Analysis and modelling of turbulence anisotropy of a swirled hot streak flow , ASME Journal of Fluid engineering

[2023] Perini, M., Binder, N., Bousquet, Y., & Schwartz, E., Rotating Instabilities in Shrouded Low Pressure Turbine at Design and Off-Design Conditions. Journal of Turbomachinery, 145(11).

Conference papers

[2022] Wingel, C, Binder, N, Bousquet, Y, Boussuge, JF, Buffaz, N, and Le Guyader, S, Influence of RANS Turbulent Inlet Set-Up on the Swirled Hot Streak Redistribution in a Simplified Nozzle Guide Vane Passage : Comparisons With Large-Eddy Simulations, Turbo Expo : Power for Land, Sea, and Air 86106, V10BT30A002

[2022] Wingel, C, Binder, N, Bousquet, Y, Boussuge, JF, Buffaz, N, and Le Guyader, S, Influence of RANS Turbulent Inlet Set-Up on the Swirled Hot Streak Redistribution in a Simplified Nozzle Guide Vane Passage : Comparisons With Large-Eddy Simulations, Turbo Expo : Power for Land, Sea, and Air 86106, V10BT30A002


[2020] Perini, M., Bousquet, Y., Binder, N. & Shwartz, E. Contribution of tip shroud cavity to loss generation in the main flow of a low pressure turbine using steady and unsteady numerical approach, (2020) ASME TurboExpo

[2020] Firrito, A., Bousquet, Y., Binder, N. & Pintat, L., influences of turbulence boundary conditions on rans and urans simulations for an inter-turbine duct, (2020) ASME TurboExpo

 Innovative aeronautical propulsion

Low order methods

Objectives : Model development for systems level predictions

Funding : SafranTech, ISAE-Suapero


Journal papers

[2021] Benichou, E, Binder, N, Bousquet, Y, & Carbonneau, X, Improvement of the Parallel Compressor Model and Application to Inlet Flow Distortion, International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power

[2019] Benichou, E., Dufour, G., Bousquet, Y., Binder, N., Ortolan, A., & Carbonneau, X. (2019). Body force modeling of the aerodynamics of a low-speed fan under distorted inflow. International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power, 4(3), 29.

Conference papers

[2019] Benichou, E., Dufour, G., Bousquet, Y., Binder, N., Ortolan, A., & Carbonneau, X. (2019). Body force modeling of the aerodynamics of a low-speed fan under distorted inflow. ETC 13, Lausanne.

Propulsive modules for distributed propulsion

Objectives : Performance of shrouded fans,

Funding : SafranTech

Past and current PhD supervision

Massy Lagha

2017-2020 : Experimental and theoretical analysis of a ducted fan propulsive modules for electric and distributed propulsion



Journal papers

Journal papers

Conference papers

[2019] Lagha, Massyl and Duplaa, Sébastien and Binder, Nicolas and Carbonneau, Xavier and Rodriguez, Benoit, Similarity Study of Lightly Loaded Shrouded Rotors for Distributed Propulsion (2019) ASME TurboExpo,

[2017] Lagha, Massyl and Duplaa, Sébastien and Binder, Nicolas and Carbonneau, Xavier Unified classification and characterization of axial turbomachines and propellers. (2017) In : 13th International Symposium on Experimental Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, 7 May 2017 - 11 May 2017 (Okinawa, Japan). (Unpublished)

[2017] Lagha M., and Duplaa S., and Binder N., and Carbonneau X., Mise en relation analytique de la cinématique de l’écoulement et des performances d’un rotor caréné à Mach de vol intermédiaire. In : 23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 28 August 2017 - 1 September 2017 (Lille, France).

Magneto-hydrodynamic propulsion

Objectives : Assess the performance of MHD propulsion at high velocity (M>0.8)

Funding : IRT Saint Exupery, ANR ASTRID Propuls-ION
Cooperation : Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse (IMFT), PPRIME (Poitiers)

Past and current PhD supervision

Benoit Flesselles

2021-2024 : Experimental analysis of a MHP propulsor in high velocity flows.


Journal papers

[2024] Grosse, S., Moreau, E., & Binder, N. (2024). Modeling of the Flight Performance of a Plasma-Propelled Drone : Limitations and Prospects. Drones, 8(3), 114.

Conference papers

[2022] Grosse, S, Moreau, E, Benard, N, and Binder, N, Assessment of the ability of the electro-aerodynamic thruster for aircraft propulsion, RAeS Applied Aerodynamics Conference,13 September 2022 - 15 September 2022.

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