Flux publications Open Science ISAE-SUPAERO

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Chandre-Vila Oriol, Boin Jean-Philippe, Nivet Yann, Marquier Sylvie, Morlier Joseph, Gourdain Nicolas, Fast unsteady method for non-linear aeroelastic responses of flexible aircraft wings encountering wind gusts. 2024, Journal of Fluids and Structures. 126. 104095. ISSN 0889-9746

Fast unsteady method for non-linear aeroelastic responses of flexible aircraft wings encountering wind gusts

Salgas, Antoine, Sun, Junzi, Delbecq Scott, Planès Thomas, Lafforgue, Gilles, Compilation and Applications of an Open-Source Dataset on Global Air Traffic Flows and Carbon Emissions. 2024, Journal of Open Aviation Science. 2 (1). ISSN 2773-1626

Compilation and Applications of an Open-Source Dataset on Global Air Traffic Flows and Carbon Emissions

Lutz Florent - 259324396, Jézégou Joël, Budinger Marc - 077607236, Reysset Aurelien - 18414003X, Study of hybridisation scenarios for turboprop aircraft in the general aviation segment. 2024, 34th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, 2024-09-13 - 2024-09-09 (2024-09-09, Florence)

Study of hybridisation scenarios for turboprop aircraft in the general aviation segment

Gojon Romain, Vella Emma, Doué Nicolas, Parisot-Dupuis Hélène, Mellot Bertrand, Jardin Thierry, Aeroacoustic modeling of a low Reynolds number rotor in the wake of a cylindrical beam : Proceedings of Internoise 2024. 2024, Internoise 2024, 2024-08-29 - 2024-08-25 (2024-08-25, Nantes)

Aeroacoustic modeling of a low Reynolds number rotor in the wake of a cylindrical beam : Proceedings of Internoise 2024

Chandre-Vila Oriol, Boin Jean-Philippe, Barriety Bernard, Nivet Yann, Morlier Joseph, Gourdain Nicolas, Fast Nonlinear Static Aeroelasticity Method for High-Aspect-Ratio Wings at Different Mach Regimes. 2023, Journal of Aircraft. 1-21. ISSN 0021-8669

Fast Nonlinear Static Aeroelasticity Method for High-Aspect-Ratio Wings at Different Mach Regimes

Delbecq Scott. Auteur, Fontane Jérôme, Gourdain Nicolas, Planès Thomas, Simatos Florian, Sustainable aviation in the context of the Paris Agreement : A review of prospective scenarios and their technological mitigation levers. 2023, Progress in Aerospace Sciences. ISSN 0376-0421

Sustainable aviation in the context of the Paris Agreement: A review of prospective scenarios and their technological mitigation levers

Catalani, G, Costero, D, Bauerheim Michaël, Zampieri Luca, Chapin Vincent, Gourdain Nicolas, Baqué Pierre, A comparative study of learning techniques for the compressible aerodynamics over a transonic RAE2822 airfoil. 2023, Computers & Fluids. 251. 105759. ISSN 0045-7930

A comparative study of learning techniques for the compressible aerodynamics over a transonic RAE2822 airfoil

Delbecq Scott, Fontane Jérôme, Gourdain Nicolas, Mugnier Hugo, Planès Thomas, Simatos Florian, Aviation and climate : the state-of-the-art. 2022, 56th Edition of the 3AF International Conference on Applied Aerodynamics, 2022-03-28 - 2022-03-30 (2022-03-30, Toulouse)

Aviation and climate: the state-of-the-art

Delbecq Scott, Fontane Jérôme, Gourdain Nicolas, Mugnier Hugo, Planès Thomas, Simatos Florian, ISAE-SUPAERO Aviation and Climate : a literature review. 2022. (Unpublished)

ISAE-SUPAERO Aviation and Climate: a literature review

Diaz-Arriba Daniel, Jardin Thierry, Gourdain Nicolas, Pons Frédéric, David Laurent, Experiments and numerical simulations on hovering three-dimensional flexible flapping wings. 2022, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics. ISSN 1748-3182

Experiments and numerical simulations on hovering three-dimensional flexible flapping wings

Gourdain Nicolas, Dumon Jéromine, Bury Yannick, Molton Pascal, Transonic buffet of a space launcher aileron : Fanno and Rayleigh flow analogies. 2021, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow. ISSN 0961-5539

Transonic buffet of a space launcher aileron: Fanno and Rayleigh flow analogies

Diaz-Arriba Daniel, Jardin Thierry, Gourdain Nicolas, Pons Frédéric, David Laurent, Numerical investigation of three-dimensional asymmetric hovering flapping flight. 2021, Physics of Fluids. 33 (11). ISSN 1070-6631

Numerical investigation of three-dimensional asymmetric hovering flapping flight

Fiore Maxime, Gourdain Nicolas, Reynolds, Mach, and Freestream Turbulence Effects on the Flow in a Low-Pressure Turbine. 2021, Journal of Turbomachinery. 143 (10). 101009-1010022. ISSN 0889-504X

Reynolds, Mach, and Freestream Turbulence Effects on the Flow in a Low-Pressure Turbine

Delbecq Scott, Fontane Jérôme, Gourdain Nicolas, Mugnier Hugo, Planès Thomas, Simatos Florian, Référentiel ISAE–SUPAERO Aviation et climat. 2021. (Unpublished)

Référentiel ISAE–SUPAERO Aviation et climat

Fiore Maxime, Gourdain Nicolas, Boussuge Jean-François, Lippinois Eric, Description of the flow in a linear cascade with an upstream cavity Part 1 : Influence of turbulence (draft). 2020, Computers and Fluids. 199. 104361-104373. ISSN 0045-7930

Description of the flow in a linear cascade with an upstream cavity Part 1: Influence of turbulence (draft)

Fiore Maxime, Gourdain Nicolas, Boussuge Jean-François, Lippinois Eric, Description of the Flow in a Two-Stage Low-Pressure Turbine With Hub Cavities. 2020, Journal of Turbomachinery. 142 (5). ISSN 0889-504X

Description of the Flow in a Two-Stage Low-Pressure Turbine With Hub Cavities

Fiore Maxime, Gourdain Nicolas, Boussuge Jean-François, Lippinois Eric, Description of the flow in a linear cascade with an upstream cavity part 2 : Assessing the loss generated using an exergy formulation (draft). 2020, Computers and Fluids. 199. 104360-104370. ISSN 0045-7930

Description of the flow in a linear cascade with an upstream cavity part 2: Assessing the loss generated using an exergy formulation (draft)

Alguacil Antonio, Jardin Thierry, Gourdain Nicolas, Fluid–Structure Interactions and Unsteady Kinematics of a Low-Reynolds-Number Rotor. 2020, AIAA Journal. 58 (2). 955-967. ISSN 0001-1452

Fluid–Structure Interactions and Unsteady Kinematics of a Low-Reynolds-Number Rotor

Serré Ronan, Gourdain Nicolas, Jardin Thierry, Jacob Marc C., Moschetta Jean-Marc, Towards silent Micro-Air Vehicles : optimization of a low Reynolds number rotor in hover. 2019, International Journal of Aeroacoustics. 18 (8). 690-710. ISSN 1475-472X

Towards silent Micro-Air Vehicles: optimization of a low Reynolds number rotor in hover

Fiore Maxime, Gourdain Nicolas, Boussuge Jean-François, Eric Lippinois, Delineating loss sources within a linear cascade with upstream cavity and purge flow. 2019, Journal of Turbomachinery. 141 (9). 091008. ISSN 0889-504X

Delineating loss sources within a linear cascade with upstream cavity and purge flow

Dumon Jéromine, Bury Yannick, Gourdain Nicolas, Michel Laurent, Numerical and experimental investigations of buffet on a diamond airfoil designed for space launcher applications. 2019, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow. 1-17. ISSN 0961-5539

Numerical and experimental investigations of buffet on a diamond airfoil designed for space launcher applications

Berger Sandrine, Gourdain Nicolas, Bauerheim Michaël, Devillez Sébastien, Discharge coefficient of an orifice jet in cross flow : influence of inlet conditions and optimum velocity ratio. 2019, AIAA Aviation 2019 Forum, 2019-06-17 - 2019-06-21 (2019-06-21, Dallas)

Discharge coefficient of an orifice jet in cross flow: influence of inlet conditions and optimum velocity ratio

Fiumara Alessandro, Gourdain Nicolas, Chapin Vincent, Senter Julien, Aerodynamic analysis of a C-class-like catamaran in simplified unsteady wind conditions using LES and URANS modeling. 2018, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 180. 262-275. ISSN 0167-6105

Aerodynamic analysis of a C-class-like catamaran in simplified unsteady wind conditions using LES and URANS modeling

Gourdain Nicolas, Jardin Thierry, Serré Ronan, Prothin Sébastien, Moschetta Jean-Marc, Application of a lattice Boltzmann method to some challenges related to micro-air vehicles. 2018, International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles. 10 (3). 285-299. ISSN 1756-8293

Application of a lattice Boltzmann method to some challenges related to micro-air vehicles

Dumon Jéromine, Bury Yannick, Gourdain Nicolas, Michel Laurent, Numerical and experimental investigations of buffet on a diamond airfoil designed for space launchers applications. 2018, IUTAM Symposium on Critical flow dynamics involving moving/deformable structures with design applications, 2018-06-18 - 2018-06-22 (2018-06-22, Santorini Island)

Numerical and experimental investigations of buffet on a diamond airfoil designed for space launchers applications

Dumon Jéromine, Gourdain Nicolas, Bury Yannick, Michel Laurent, Fluid-structure interaction between a composite aileron and a turbulent flow at transonic conditions. 2018, 53rd 3AF International Conference on Applied Aerodynamics, 2018-03-26 - 2018-03-28 (2018-03-28, Salon de Provence)

Fluid-structure interaction between a composite aileron and a turbulent flow at transonic conditions

Fiore Maxime, Gourdain Nicolas, Boussuge Jean-François, Lippinois Eric, Numerical study of a linear cascade with upstream cavity using various rim-seal geometries and purge rates. 2018, ASME Turbo Expo 2018 : Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, 2018-06-11 - 2018-06-15 (2018-06-15, Oslo)

Numerical study of a linear cascade with upstream cavity using various rim-seal geometries and purge rates

Gourdain Nicolas, Deepali Singh, Jardin Thierry, Prothin Sébastien, Analysis of the Turbulent Wake Generated by a Micro Air Vehicle Hovering near the Ground with a Lattice Boltzmann Method. 2017, Journal of the American Helicopter Society. 62 (4). 1-12. ISSN 0002-8711

Analysis of the Turbulent Wake Generated by a Micro Air Vehicle Hovering near the Ground with a Lattice Boltzmann Method

Wissocq Gauthier, Gourdain Nicolas, Malaspinas Orestis, Eyssartier Alexandre, Regularized characteristic boundary condition for the Lattice Boltzmann methods at high Reynolds number flows. 2017, Journal of Computational Physics. 331. 1-18. ISSN 0021-9991

Regularized characteristic boundary condition for the Lattice Boltzmann methods at high Reynolds number flows

Serré Ronan, Gourdain Nicolas, Jardin Thierry, Sabaté López Adrián, Sujjur Balaramraja Viswesh, Belliot Sylvain, Jacob Marc C., Moschetta Jean-Marc, Aerodynamic and acoustic analysis of an optimized low Reynolds number rotor. 2017, International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery (ISROMAC), 2017-12-16 - 2017-12-21 (2017-12-21, Maui (Hawai))

Aerodynamic and acoustic analysis of an optimized low Reynolds number rotor

Fiumara Alessandro, Gourdain Nicolas, Chapin Vincent, Senter Julien, Aerodynamic Analysis around a C-Class Catamaran in Gust Conditions using LES and Unsteady RANS Approaches. 2017, The Fourth International Conference on Innovation in High Performance Sailing Yacht (INNOV’SAIL 2017), 2017-06-28 - 2017-06-30 (2017-06-30, Lorient)

Aerodynamic Analysis around a C-Class Catamaran in Gust Conditions using LES and Unsteady RANS Approaches

Fiumara Alessandro, Gourdain Nicolas, Chapin Vincent, Senter Julien, Bury Yannick, Numerical and experimental analysis of the flow around a two-element wingsail at Reynolds number 0.53 × 106. 2016, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 62. 538-551. ISSN 0142-727X

Numerical and experimental analysis of the flow around a two-element wingsail at Reynolds number 0.53 × 106

Mouret Gaëlle, Gourdain Nicolas, Castillon Lionel, Adaptation of Phase-Lagged Boundary Conditions to Large-Eddy Simulation in Turbomachinery Configurations. 2016, Journal of Turbomachinery. 138 (4). 1-22. ISSN 0889-504X

Adaptation of Phase-Lagged Boundary Conditions to Large-Eddy Simulation in Turbomachinery Configurations

Fiumara Alessandro, Gourdain Nicolas, Chapin Vincent, Senter Julien, Aerodynamic analysis of 3D multi-elements wings : an application to wingsails of flying boats. 2016, Royal Aeronautical Society, 2016 Applied Aerodynamic Conference, 2016-07-19 - 2016-07-21 (2016-07-21, Bristol)

Aerodynamic analysis of 3D multi-elements wings : an application to wingsails of flying boats

Gourdain Nicolas, Prediction of the unsteady turbulent flow in an axial compressor stage. Part 2 : Analysis of unsteady RANS and LES data. 2015, Computers and Fluids. 106. 67-78. ISSN 0045-7930

Prediction of the unsteady turbulent flow in an axial compressor stage. Part 2: Analysis of unsteady RANS and LES data

Castillon Lionel, Gourdain Nicolas, Ottavy Xavier, Multiple-Frequency Phase-Lagged Unsteady Simulations of Experimental Axial Compressor. 2015, Journal of Propulsion and Power. 31 (1). 444-455. ISSN 0748-4658

Multiple-Frequency Phase-Lagged Unsteady Simulations of Experimental Axial Compressor

Gourdain Nicolas, Prediction of the unsteady turbulent flow in an axial compressor stage. Part 1 : Comparison of unsteady RANS and LES with experiments. 2015, Computers and Fluids. 106. 119-129. ISSN 0045-7930

Prediction of the unsteady turbulent flow in an axial compressor stage. Part 1: Comparison of unsteady RANS and LES with experiments

Chapin Vincent, Gourdain Nicolas, Verdin Nicolas, Fiumara Alessandro, Senter Julien, Aerodynamic study of a two-elements wingsail for high performance multihull yachts. 2015, High Performance Yacht Design, 2015-03-10 - 2015-03-12 (2015-03-12, Auckland)

Aerodynamic study of a two-elements wingsail for high performance multihull yachts

Fiumara Alessandro, Gourdain Nicolas, Chapin Vincent, Senter Julien, Comparison of wind tunnel and freestream conditions on the numerical predictions of the flow in a two elements wingsail. 2015, AAAF 50th Applied Aerodynamics Conference (AERO 2015), 2015-03-30 - 2015-04-01 (2015-04-01, Toulouse)

Comparison of wind tunnel and freestream conditions on the numerical predictions of the flow in a two elements wingsail

Marino Morgane, Gourdain Nicolas, Legras Guillaume, Alfano Davide, Aerodynamic simulation strategies assessment for a Fenestron® in hover flight. 2015, 6th European conference for aeronautics and space sciences (EUCASS), 2015-06-29 - 2015-07-03 (2015-07-03, Kraków)

Aerodynamic simulation strategies assessment for a Fenestron® in hover flight

Gourdain Nicolas, Sicot Frédéric, Duchaine Florent, Gicquel Laurent Y.M., Large Eddy Simulation of flows in industrial compressors : a path from 2015 to 2035. 2014, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A : Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 372 (2022). 1-18. ISSN 0080-4614

Large Eddy Simulation of flows in industrial compressors: a path from 2015 to 2035

Sicot Frédéric, Dufour Guillaume, Gourdain Nicolas, A Time-Domain Harmonic Balance Method for Rotor/Stator Interactions. 2012, Journal of Turbomachinery. 134 (1). ISSN 0889-504X

A Time-Domain Harmonic Balance Method for Rotor/Stator Interactions

Gomar Adrien, Gourdain Nicolas, Dufour Guillaume, High Fidelity Simulation of the Turbulent Flow in a Transonic Axial Compressor. 2011, 9th European Turbomachinery Conference - ETC, 2011-03-25 - 2011-03-21 (2011-03-21, Istanbul)

High Fidelity Simulation of the Turbulent Flow in a Transonic Axial Compressor

Dufour Guillaume, Gourdain Nicolas, Duchaine Florent, Vermorel Olivier, Gicquel Laurent Y.M., Boussuge Jean-François, Poinsot Thierry, Large eddy simulation applications. 2009

Large eddy simulation applications

Sicot Frédéric, Dufour Guillaume, Gourdain Nicolas, Discrete-Frequency Noise Prediction Using a Harmonic Balance Method. 2009, XIX International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines 2009 (ISABE 2009)

Discrete-Frequency Noise Prediction Using a Harmonic Balance Method