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Romain Pascaud

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Welcome to my research webpage !

Our research group is affiliated with the Department of Electronics, Optronics and Signal Processing (DEOS) at the ISAE-SUPAERO. Our research is mainly focused on novel microwave circuits and antennas exploiting plasma discharges.


We are currently looking for brilliant and highly motivated graduate students and postdocs to join our group. So, do not hesitate !


Our research activities lie in the fields of microwave / plasma interaction applied to the design of new microwave circuits and antennas such as :

  • Printed microwave power limiter using the non-linear behavior of a lumped plasma discharge.
  • Frequency tunable microwave resonators by controlling the dielectric constant of a 2D plasma discharge.
  • Frequency tunable miniature antenna using the negative dielectric constant of a 3D plasma discharge.

This work is done in close collaboration with industrial (Anywaves, Thales Alenia Space), governmental (CEA, CNES, DGA), and academic (ENAC, LAPLACE) partners.


Current Ph.D. students

  • Alycia Luc, "RF blackout mitigation using external electromagnetic fields", funded by the CNES and the AID, co-supervised by Thierry Callegari (LAPLACE), 2023-ongoing.
  • Audric Boiteau, "Analysis, design and manufacture of compact Huygens source antenna for small platforms", funded by the CNES and the AID, co-supervised by Christophe Morlaas (ENAC), 2023-ongoing.


  • Gaëtan Antoine, Ph.D. 2024, "Design of 3D-printed multiband electrically small antennas for nanosatellite applications", funded by the CNES and the AID, co-supervised by Christophe Morlaas (ENAC), now Engineer at Syntony GNSS.
  • Naomi De Mejanes, Ph.D. 2024, "Interactions between plasma thrusters and communication systems", funded by the CNES and the ISAE-SUPAERO, co-supervised by Olivier Pascal (LAPLACE), now Engineer at ArianeGroup.
  • Lucas Fuster, Ph.D. 2023, "Contribution to the theoretical and numerical study of a microwave protection device by plasma discharge", funded by the CEA through the AID and the Région Occitanie, co-supervised by Thierry Callegari (LAPLACE), now Engineer at SAFRAN.
  • José Bruno De Araujo, Ph.D. 2022, "Multiband dielectric resonator antennas based on 3D-printed inhomogeneous and anisotropic ceramics", funded by the projet Concorde, co-supervised by Christophe Morlaas (ENAC), now Engineer at SII.
  • Adrien Laffont, Ph.D. 2022, "Contribution to the theoretical, numerical, and experimental study of a miniature VHF antenna using a plasma discharge", funded by the CEA through the AID and the Région Occitanie, co-supervised by Olivier Pascal (LAPLACE), now Engineer at Anyfields.
  • Carlos David Morales Peña, Ph.D. 2021, "Compact antennas with radiation constraints manufactured using additive technologies for UAV and nanosatellite applications", funded by the ENAC and the Région Occitanie, co-supervised by Alexandre Chabory (ENAC), now Engineer at jember GmbH.
  • Valentin Mazières, Ph.D. 2020, "Development of a new plasma source using time reversal of microwaves", funded by the AID and the Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier, co-supervised by Olivier Pascal (LAPLACE), now Associate Professor at ISAE-SUPAERO (Video of the Ph.D. defense).
  • Antoine Simon, Ph.D. 2018, "Study of microwave power limiters in printed circuit technology using plasma discharges", funded by the Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées and the Région Occitanie, co-supervised by Thierry Callegari (LAPLACE), now Engineer at Anywaves.
  • Vincent Laquerbe, Ph.D. 2017, "Electrically small and tunable VHF antenna using a plasma discharge", funded by the AID and the ISAE-SUPAERO, co-supervised by Olivier Pascal (LAPLACE), now Engineer at CNES.
  • Francisco Pizarro-Torres, Ph.D. 2013, "Potentialities of a non-thermal localized plasma discharge for reconfigurable and self-power-limiting microstrip antennas", funded by the Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées and the Région Occitanie, co-supervised by Olivier Pascal (LAPLACE), now Associate Professor at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso (PUCV).


Link to Google Scholar profile.

Journal Papers

  1. L. Fuster, R. Pascaud, J. Sokoloff, G. Hagelaar, P. Hoffmann, O. Pascal, and T. Callegari, "Microwave plasma interaction in a printed transmission line for a power limiting application : from surface-wave-sustained to leaky-wave-sustained discharge", Plasma Sources Science and Technology, vol. 33, no. 6, p. 065007, June 2024.
  2. B. de Araùjo, C. Morlaas, R. Pascaud, A. Chabory, M. Grzeskowiak, and G. Mazingue, "3D-printed heterogeneous isotropic–anisotropic dielectric resonator for singly fed dual-band circularly polarised antennas", IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 220-230, April 2024.
  3. V. Mazières, F. Gaboriau, A. Guglielmi, V. Laquerbe, R. Pascaud, and O. Pascal, "Broadband (kHz−GHz) characterization of instabilities in Hall thruster inside a metallic vacuum chamber", Physics of Plasmas, vol. 29, no. 7, p. 072107, July 2022.
  4. N. de Mejanes, R. Pascaud, V. Mazières, A. Rossi, V. Laquerbe, L. Garrigues, and O. Pascal, "Simulation of the microwave propagation through the plume of a Hall thruster integrated on small spacecraft", Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 131, no. 24, p. 243303, June 2022 (read also "Modeling interference from CubeSat electric propulsion systems", AIP Scilight).
  5. L. Fuster, G. Hagelaar, R. Pascaud, A. Simon, P. Hoffmann, L. Liard, O. Pascal, and T. Callegari, "Plasma-based microwave power limitation in a printed transmission line : a self-consistent model compared with experimental data", Plasma Sources Science and Technology, vol. 31, no. 2, p. 025009, February 2022.
  6. V. Mazières, O. Pascal, R. Pascaud, L. Liard, S. Dap, R. Clergereaux, and J.-P. Boeuf, "Space-time plasma-steering source : Control of microwave plasmas in overmoded cavities", Physical Review Applied, vol. 16, no. 5, p. 054038, November 2021.
  7. C. D. Morales, C. Morlaas, A. Chabory, R. Pascaud, M. Grzeskowiak, and G. Mazingue, "3-D-printed ceramics with engineered anisotropy for dielectric resonator antenna applications", Electronics Letters, vol. 57, no. 18, pp. 679-681, August 2021.
  8. A. Laffont, R. Pascaud, T. Callegari, L. Liard, O. Pascal, and J.-P. Adam, "A harmonic oscillator model to study the intensification of microwave radiation by a subwavelength uniform plasma discharge", Physics of Plasmas, vol. 28, no. 3, p. 033503, March 2021.
  9. V. Mazières, R. Pascaud, O. Pascal, R. Clergereaux, L. Stafford, S. Dap, and L. Liard, "Spatio-temporal dynamics of a nanosecond pulsed microwave plasma ignited by time reversal", Plasma Sources Science and Technology, vol. 29, no. 12, p. 125017, December 2020.
  10. V. Mazières, A. Al Ibrahim, C. Chauvière, P. Bonnet, R. Pascaud, R. Clergereaux, S. Dap, L. Liard, and O. Pascal, "Transient Electric Field Shaping With the Linear Combination of Configuration Field Method for Enhanced Spatial Control of Microwave Plasmas", IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 177084-177091, September 2020.
  11. V. Mazières, R. Pascaud, L. Liard, S. Dap, R. Clergereaux, and O. Pascal, "Plasma generation using time reversal of microwaves", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 115, p. 154101, October 2019.
  12. V. Laquerbe, R. Pascaud, A. Laffont, T. Callegari, L. Liard, and O. Pascal, "Towards antenna miniaturization at radio frequencies using plasma discharges", Physics of Plasmas, vol. 26, no. 3, p. 033509, March 2019.
  13. A. Simon, R. Pascaud, T. Callegari, L. Liard, and O. Pascal, "Experimental study of microwave power limitation in a microstrip transmission line using a DC plasma discharge for pre-ionization", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol. 46, no. 7, pp. 2512-2520, July 2018.
  14. V. Laquerbe, R. Pascaud, T. Callegari, L. Liard, and O. Pascal, "Analytical model to study the electrostatic resonance of sub-wavelength radially inhomogeneous negative permittivity spheres", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 16, pp. 2894-2897, 2017.
  15. V. Laquerbe, R. Pascaud, T. Callegari, L. Liard, and O. Pascal, "Frequency-agile microstrip resonator using DC plasma discharge", Electronics Letters, vol. 53, no. 6, pp. 415-417, March 2017.
  16. R. Pascaud, F. Pizarro, T. Callegari, L. Liard, O. Pigaglio, and O. Pascal, "Low insertion loss microplasma-based limiter integrated into a microstrip bandpass filter", Electronics Letters, vol. 51, no. 14, pp. 1090-1092, July 2015.
  17. J. Sokoloff, O. Pascal, T. Callegari, R. Pascaud, F. Pizarro, L. Liard, J. Lo, and A. Kallel, "Non-thermal plasma potentialities for microwave device reconfigurability", Comptes Rendus Physique, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 468-478, May 2014.
  18. R. Pascaud, R. Gillard, and R. Loison, "On the comparison between multiple-region and dual-grid finite-difference time-domain methods for the analysis of antenna arrays", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 52, no. 10, pp. 2316-2319, October 2010.
  19. R. Pascaud, R. Gillard, R. Loison, J. Wiart, and M.-F. Wong, "Exposure assessment using the dual-grid finite-difference time-domain method", IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 18, no. 10, pp. 656-658, October 2008.
  20. R. Pascaud, G. Godi, R. Gillard, R. Loison, J. Wiart, and M.-F. Wong, "Extending the capabilities of the dual-grid finite-difference time-domain method", Proceedings of the European Microwave Association, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 102-111, June 2008.
  21. R. Pascaud, R. Gillard, R. Loison, J. Wiart, and M.-F. Wong, "Dual-grid finite-difference time-domain scheme for the fast simulation of surrounded antennas", IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 700-706, June 2007.
  22. R. Pascaud, R. Gillard, R. Loison, J. Wiart, and M.-F. Wong, "Near-field data compression for the far-field computation in FDTD", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 1155-1157, June 2006.

Book Sections

  1. G. A. E. Vandenbosch, R. Pascaud, A. Vasylechko, R. Gillard, R. Loison, J.-L. Dubard, R. Staraj, W. Simon, and A. Wien, "Numerical Analysis and Simulation Tools" in Handbook on Small Antennas, edited by L. Jofre Roca, M. Martinez-Vazquez, R. Serrano Calvo, and G. Roqueta Crusats, EurAAP AISBL Technical Working Group on Compact Antennas, 2012.

International Conference Papers

  1. O. Pascal, R. Pascaud, N. de Mejanes, V. Laquerbe, C. Cailhol, and L. Garrigues, "Mimicking electric thruster plumes on earth to measure the radiation patterns of CubeSat antennas", to be presented in 2025 ESA Workshop on Aerospace EMC, Toulouse (France), Seville (Spain), May 2025.
  2. C. Bouyssou, V. Mazières, R. Pascaud, O. Pascal, F. Gaboriau, L. Liard, and L. Garrigues, "Simulating the electromagnetic behaviour of a vacuum chamber in the presence of a thruster’s plume : comparison with experimental measurements", International Electric Propulsion Conference IEPC 2024, Toulouse (France), June 2024.
  3. T. Callegari, R. Pascaud, L. Fuster, A. Simon, P. Hoffmann, C. Cailhol, G. Ducros, G. Hagelaar, L. Liard, O. Pascal, C. Pouant, and J. Sokoloff, "Better protect our communications systems against electromagnetic attacks thanks to microdischarges", 12th International Workshop on Microplasmas IWM-12, Orléans (France), June 2024.
  4. G. Antoine, R. Pascaud, C. Morlaas, A. Chabory, V. Laquerbe, and G. Mazingue, "Study of frequency dispersion of 3D-printed dielectric crystals for dielectric resonator antenna applications", European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2024, Glasgow (Scotland), March 2024.
  5. S. Diaz, R. Pascaud, G. Antoine, C. Morlaas, A. Chabory, and F. Pizarro, "3D-printed circular polarized dielectric resonator antenna with enhanced axial ratio bandwidth using anisotropic material", European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2024, Glasgow (Scotland), March 2024.
  6. B. de Araujo, C. Morlaas, R. Pascaud, A. Chabory, M. Grzeskowiak, and G. Mazingue, "Triple-band dielectric resonator antenna based on anisotropic and heterogeneous ceramics", IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications IEEE-APWC 2023, Venice (Italy), October 2023.
  7. G. Antoine, B. de Araujo, R. Pascaud, C. Morlaas, A. Chabory, V. Laquerbe, and G. Mazingue, "Comparison of effective permittivity retrieval methods of 3D-printed unit cells for dielectric resonator antenna applications", European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2023, Florence (Italy), March 2023.
  8. L. Fuster, G. Hagelaar, R. Pascaud, A. Simon, P. Hoffmann, L. Liard, O. Pascal and T. Callegari, "Experimental and numerical studies of a plasma-based microwave power limiter", Europhysics Conference on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases ESCAMPIG 2022, Paris (France), July 2022.
  9. N. de Mejanes, R. Pascaud, O. Pascal, L. Garrigues, V. Laquerbe, and A. Rossi, "Simulation of the interaction between electric thrusters and communication system integrated on a small spacecraft", International Electric Propulsion Conference IEPC 2022, Boston (MA, USA), June 2022.
  10. A. Laffont, J.-P. Adam, T. Callegari, L. Liard, O. Pascal, and R. Pascaud, "Nonlinear effects of electromagnetic pulse on a plasma-based electrically small VHF antenna", European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2022, Madrid (Spain), March 2022.
  11. V. Mazières, R. Pascaud, L. Liard, S. Dap, R. Clergereaux, and O. Pascal, "Time Reversal Plasmas as a Versatile Space-Time Patterning Deposition Method", IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference NMDC 2021, Invited Presentation, Vancouver (Canada), December 2021.
  12. C. D. Morales, J. B. de Araujo, C. Morlaas, A. Chabory, R. Pascaud, M. Grzeskowiak, and G. Mazingue, "Circularly Polarized Huygens Source Antenna Based on Two Stacked Dielectric Resonators", IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation AP-S 2021, Marina Bay Sands (Singapore), December 2021.
  13. J. B. de Araujo, C. D. Morales, C. Morlaas, A. Chabory, R. Pascaud, M. Grzeskowiak, and G. Mazingue, "A Dual-Band Hollow Dielectric Resonator Antenna for GPS Applications", IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation AP-S 2021, Marina Bay Sands (Singapore), December 2021.
  14. A. Laffont, R. Pascaud, T. Callegari, L. Liard, O. Pascal, and J.-P. Adam, "Experimental and Numerical Studies of the Plasmonic Resonance of a Low-Pressure Hemispherical Plasma Discharge in the Upper VHF Band", IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements and Applications CAMA 2021, Antibes (France), November 2021.
  15. V. Mazières, R. Pascaud, O. Pascal, L. Liard, S. Dap, L. Stafford, and R. Clergereaux, "Microwave plasma source in overmoded cavities : space-time plasma steering source", Plasma Thin Film International Union Meeting PLATHINIUM 2021, Antibes (France), September 2021.
  16. N. de Mejanes, L. Garrigues, V. Laquerbe, A. Rossi, O. Pascal, and R. Pascaud, "Simulation of the interaction between microwave antennas and the plume of a Hall thruster integrated on small spacecraft", Workshop on MicroPropulsion & CubeSats MPCS 2021, Toulouse (France), September 2021.
  17. V. Mazières, R. Pascaud, L. Stafford, P. Bonnet, A. Al Ibrahim, C. Chauvière, L. Liard, S. Dap, R. Clergereaux, and O. Pascal, "Wave plasma brush : Synthesis and Outlooks", URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium GASS 2021, Rome (Italy), August 2021.
  18. C. D. Morales, C. Morlaas, A. Chabory, R. Pascaud, M. Grzeskowiak, and G. Mazingue, "Huygens Source Antenna using Stacked Dielectric Resonators", IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation AP-S 2020, Montréal (Canada), July 2020.
  19. A. Laffont, T. Delage, R. Pascaud, M. Grzeskowiak, C. Cailhol, T. Callegari, L. Liard, O. Pascal, and J.-P. Adam, "Design of a Tunable Subwavelength Plasma-Based Resonator for Electrically Small Antenna Applications in L-band", European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2020, Copenhagen (Denmark), March 2020.
  20. C. D. Morales, C. Morlaas, A. Chabory, R. Pascaud, M. Grzeskowiak, and G. Mazingue, "Single-fed circularly polarized dielectric resonator antenna using a uniaxial anisotropic material", IET’s Antennas and Propagation Conference APC 2019, Birmingham (UK), November 2019.
  21. J. Sokoloff, T. Callegari, L. Liard, O. Pascal, R. Pascaud, and L. Simonchik, "Plasma‐based microwave materials and devices", 10th International Workshop on Microplasmas IWM-10, Kyoto (Japan), May 2019.
  22. V. Laquerbe, R. Pascaud, T. Callegari, L. Liard, and O. Pascal, "Towards antenna miniaturization using plasma", European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2019, Krakow (Poland), April 2019.
  23. A. Simon, G. Hagelaar, T. Callegari, L. Liard, O. Pascal, and R. Pascaud, "Fluid simulations of plasma-based microwave power limitation", 71st Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference 2018, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Portland (OR, USA), November 2018.
  24. A. Simon, R. Pascaud, T. Callegari, L. Liard, and O. Pascal, "Experimental comparison of wideband and narrowband plasma-based microstrip power limiters", IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements and Applications CAMA 2018, Vasteras (Sweden), September 2018.
  25. V. Laquerbe, R. Pascaud, T. Callegari, L. Liard, and O. Pascal, "Experimental study of a tunable sub-wavelength plasma-based VHF-UHF resonator", IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements and Applications CAMA 2018, Vasteras (Sweden), September 2018.
  26. A. Simon, T. Callegari, R. Pascaud, L. Liard, and O. Pascal, "Temporal analysis of DC- and microwave-driven plasma micro-discharges", International High-Tech Plasma Processes Conference HTPP 2018, Toulouse (France), July 2018.
  27. A. Simon, R. Pascaud, T. Callegari, L. Liard, and O. Pascal, "Experimental study of microwave plasma breakdown in microstrip devices for power limiting applications", International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases ICPIG 2017, Lisbon (Portugal), July 2017.
  28. V. Laquerbe, R. Pascaud, T. Callegari, L. Liard, and O. Pascal, "Modeling and Experimental Measurements of a Tunable Microstrip Resonator using Plasma Discharges", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium IMS 2017, Honolulu (HI, USA), June 2017.
  29. A. Simon, R. Pascaud, T. Callegari, L. Liard, O. Pascal, and O. Pigaglio, "Static and Dynamic Control of Limiting Threshold in Plasma-based Microstrip Microwave Power Limiter", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium IMS 2017, Honolulu (HI, USA), June 2017.
  30. V. Laquerbe, R. Pascaud, T. Callegari, L. Liard, and O. Pascal, "Preliminary Study on the Feasability of a Plasma-Based Electrically Small ENG Antenna", European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2016, Davos (Switzerland), April 2016.
  31. T. Callegari, A. Kallel, L. Liard, O. Pascal, R. Pascaud, F. Pizarro, L. V. Simonchik, J. Sokoloff, and M. S. Usachonak, "Plasma Properties to Make Microwave Devices Reconfigurable", VIII International Conference Plasma Physics and Plasma Technology, Minsk (Belarus), September 2015.
  32. L. Liard, R. Pascaud, F. Pizarro, T. Callegari, and O. Pascal, "Microwave Sustained Plasma Microdischarge as Power-Induced Limiter Element in Microstrip Devices", IX International Workshop on Microwave Discharges : Fundamentals and Applications, Cordoba (Spain), September 2015.
  33. R. Pascaud, F. Pizarro, T. Callegari, L. Liard, and O. Pascal, "Plasma Microdischarge as Power-Induced Limiter Element in Microstrip Devices", European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2015, Lisbon (Portugal), April 2015.
  34. R. Pascaud, F. Pizarro, O. Pascal, T. Callegari, and L. Liard, "Theoretical and Numerical Study of a Plasma-Based Frequency Tunable Microstrip Antenna", European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2014, The Hague (The Netherlands), April 2014.
  35. F. Pizarro, R. Pascaud, O. Pascal, T. Callegari, and L. Liard, "Experimental Study of RF/Microplasma Interaction Using an Inverted Microstrip Line", European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2013, Gothenburg (Sweden), April 2013.
  36. R. Pascaud, H. Legay, and T. Calmettes, "Compact Dual-Polarized VHF Microstrip Antenna for Satellite Applications", International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics ANTEM 2012, Toulouse (France), June 2012.
  37. F. Pizarro, R. Pascaud, O. Pascal, T. Callegari, and L. Liard, "Evaluation of Microplasma Discharges as Active Components for Reconfigurable Antennas", European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2012, Prague (Czech Republic), March 2012.
  38. F. Pizarro, R. Pascaud, O. Pascal, T. Callegari, and L. Liard, "Wideband Characterization of Micro-Discharge Plasma Parameters", International Conference on Microwave and High Frequency Heating AMPERE 2011, Toulouse (France), September 2011.
  39. S.Rougerie, G. Carrié, L. Ries, F. Vincent, R. Pascaud, E. Corbel, and M. Monnerat, "Multipath Mitigation Methods Based On Antenna Array", International Technical Meeting of the Institute Of Navigation ION ITM 2011, San Diego (CA, USA), January 2011.
  40. S.Rougerie, A. Konovaltsev, M. Cuntz, G. Carrié, L. Ries, F. Vincent, and R. Pascaud, "Comparison of SAGE and Classical Multi-Antenna Algorithms for Multipath Mitigation in Real-World Environment", Navitec 2010, Noordwijk (The Netherlands), December 2010.
  41. S.Rougerie, G. Carrié, L. Ries, F. Vincent, R. Pascaud, E. Corbel, and M. Monnerat, "A New Sensor Array Receiver for Multipath Mitigation in GNSS", European Navigation Conference ENC GNSS 2010, Braunschweig (Germany), October 2010.
  42. R. Pascaud, R. Gillard, R. Loison, L. Le Coq, J. Thévenard, A. Louzir, D. Lo Hine Tong, C. Nicolas, C. Person, and J. P. Coupez, "Numerical Modeling of an Integrated Multi-Sector Antenna Using the DG-FDTD Method", European Microwave Conference EuMC 2009, Rome (Italy), October 2009.
  43. A. Louzir, J. Thévenard, D. Lo Hine Tong, C. Nicolas, C. Person, J. P. Coupez, R. Pascaud, R. Gillard, and R. Loison, "Integration of a Multi-Sector Antenna System on a Wireless Camera", IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation AP-S 2009, Charleston (SC, USA), June 2009.
  44. G. Godi, R. Pascaud, R. Gillard, R. Loison, J. Wiart, M.-F. Wong, B. Lindmark, and L. Garcia-Garcia, "Applications of the DG-FDTD Method", European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2007, Edinburgh (UK), November 2007.
  45. R. Pascaud, R. Gillard, R. Loison, J. Wiart, M.-F. Wong, B. Lindmark, and L. Garcia-Garcia, "New DG-FDTD Method : Application to the Study of a MIMO Array", IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation AP-S 2007, Honolulu (HI, USA), pp. 3085-3088, June 2007.
  46. R. Pascaud, R. Gillard, R. Loison, J. Wiart, and M.-F. Wong, "A New Multiresolution FDTD Approach Based on the Hybridization of MR-FDTD and DG-FDTD Methods", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium IMS 2007, Honolulu (HI, USA), pp. 883-886, June 2007.
  47. R. Pascaud, R. Gillard, R. Loison, J. Wiart, and M.-F. Wong, "Multiresolution FDTD with Switchable Grid", European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2006, Nice (France), November 2006.
  48. R. Pascaud, M.-A. Milon, and R. Loison, "Small Short-Circuited Antennas Fed by Electromagnetic Coupling", International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics ANTEM 2005, Saint-Malo (France), June 2005.

National Conference Papers (in French)

  1. G. Antoine, R. Pascaud, C. Morlaas, A. Chabory, G. Mazingue, et V. Laquerbe, "Etude de la dispersion de cristaux diélectriques imprimés en 3D pour des applications d’antennes à résonateur diélectrique", Journées Nationales Microondes JNM 2024, Antibes Juan-Les-Pins (France), Juin 2024.
  2. C. Bouyssou, V. Mazières, R. Pascaud, O. Pascal, F. Gaboriau, L. Liard, et L. Garrigues, "Etude du comportement d’une chambre à vide réverbérante en présence d’une plume plasma d’un propulseur à effet Hall", Journées Nationales Microondes JNM 2024, Antibes Juan-Les-Pins (France), Juin 2024.
  3. A. Luc, R. Pascaud, V. Mazières, T. Callegari, A. Simon, V. Laquerbe, D. Monchaux, et P. Pouliguen, "Le champ magnétique statique, une solution au blackout RF ?", Journées Nationales Microondes JNM 2024, Antibes Juan-Les-Pins (France), Juin 2024.
  4. C. Pouant, L. Fuster, P. Hoffmann, R. Pascaud, G. Hagelaar, A. Simon, L. Liard, O. Pascal, et T. Callegari, "Caractérisations expérimentales des performances d’un limiteur de puissance microonde large bande en ligne microruban intégrant une micro-décharge plasma", Colloque International et Exposition sur la Compatibilité ÉlectroMagnétique CEM 2023, Toulouse (France), Juin 2023.
  5. A. Laffont, R. Pascaud, J.-P. Adam, C. Cailhol, T. Callegari, L. Liard, et O. Pascal, "Caractérisation expérimentale des capacités en rayonnement d’une antenne VHF/UHF miniature exploitant une décharge plasma", Journées Nationales Microondes JNM 2022, Limoges (France), Juin 2022.
  6. J. B. de Araujo, C. Morlaas, R. Pascaud, A. Chabory, M. Grzeskowiak, et G. Mazingue, "Inhomogeneous and anisotropic 3D-printed dielectric resonator antenna with dual-band and circular polarization", Journées Nationales Microondes JNM 2022, Limoges (France), Juin 2022.
  7. C. D. Morales, C. Morlaas, A. Chabory, R. Pascaud, M. Grzeskowiak, et G. Mazingue, "Huygens source antenna based on a uniaxial anisotropic dielectric resonator", Journées Nationales Microondes JNM 2022, Limoges (France), Juin 2022.
  8. L. Fuster, G. Hagelaar, R. Pascaud, A. Simon, P. Hoffmann, L. Liard, O. Pascal, et T. Callegari, "Dispositif de protection microonde par décharge plasma : un modèle numérique auto-cohérent confronté aux mesures expérimentales", Journées Nationales Microondes JNM 2022, Limoges (France), Juin 2022.
  9. N. de Mejanes, L. Garrigues, V. Laquerbe, A. Rossi, O. Pascal, et R. Pascaud, "Simulation de l’interaction entre une antenne micro ondes et la plume d’un propulseur à effet Hall intégrés sur un CubeSat", Journées Nationales Microondes JNM 2022, Limoges (France), Juin 2022.
  10. L. Fuster, R. Pascaud, G. Hagelaar, P. Hoffmann, L. Liard, O. Pascal, et T. Callegari, "Dispositif de protection microonde par décharge plasma : un modèle numérique auto-consistant confronté aux mesures expérimentales", Journées 2021 du GDR EMILI, Paris (France), Septembre 2021 - Best Student Oral Presentation Award.
  11. V. Mazières, R. Pascaud, L. Liard, S. Dap, R. Clergereaux, et O. Pascal, "Contrôle spatial et temporel d’un claquage micro-onde par retournement temporel", Journées de Caractérisation Microondes et Matériaux JCMM 2020, Toulouse (France), Mars 2020 - Best Student Presentation Award.
  12. C. D. Morales, C. Morlaas, A. Chabory, R. Pascaud, M. Grzeskowiak, et G. Mazingue, "Additive manufacturing of a uniaxial anisotropic dielectric material for antenna applications", Journées de Caractérisation Microondes et Matériaux JCMM 2020, Toulouse (France), Mars 2020.
  13. A. Laffont, V. Laquerbe, R. Pascaud, T. Callegari, L. Liard, O. Pascal, et J.-P. Adam, "Caractérisation de la résonance plasmonique microonde d’une décharge plasma hémisphérique", Journées de Caractérisation Microondes et Matériaux JCMM 2020, Toulouse (France), Mars 2020.
  14. V. Mazières, R. Pascaud, L. Liard, S. Dap, R. Clergereaux, et O. Pascal, "Contrôle spatial et temporel d’un claquage micro-onde par retournement temporel", Assemblée Générale du GdR Ondes 2019, Gif-sur-Yvette (France), Novembre 2019.
  15. V. Laquerbe, A. Laffont, R. Pascaud, T. Callegari, L. Liard, et O. Pascal, "Utilisation de la résonance plasmonique de surface d’une décharge plasma pour la conception d’antennes miniatures accordables", Journées Nationales Microondes JNM 2019, Caen (France), Mai 2019 - Best Paper Award.
  16. V. Laquerbe, R. Pascaud, T. Callegari, L. Liard, et O. Pascal, "Vers des antennes VHF miniatures et reconfigurables en fréquence par décharge plasma", Assemblée Générale du GdR Ondes 2017, Sophia-Antipolis (France), Octobre 2017.
  17. A. Simon, R. Pascaud, T. Callegari, L. Liard, et O. Pascal, "Etude expérimentale d’un limiteur de puissance microonde large bande et faible pertes utilisant une décharge plasma", Assemblée Générale du GdR Ondes 2017, Sophia-Antipolis (France), Octobre 2017.
  18. V. Laquerbe, R. Pascaud, T. Callegari, L. Liard, et O. Pascal, "Antenne VHF miniature reconfigurable en fréquence par décharge plasma : modélisation et résultats expérimentaux", Journées Nationales Microondes JNM 2017, Saint-Malo (France), Mai 2017.
  19. V. Laquerbe, R. Pascaud, T. Callegari, L. Liard, et O. Pascal, "Modélisation et caractérisation expérimentale d’un résonateur microruban reconfigurable en fréquence par décharge plasma", Journées Nationales Microondes JNM 2017, Saint-Malo (France), Mai 2017.
  20. A. Simon, R. Pascaud, T. Callegari, L. Liard, O. Pascal, et O. Pigaglio, "Contrôle statique et dynamique du seuil de limitation pour les limiteurs à base de plasma en technologie microruban", Journées Nationales Microondes JNM 2017, Saint-Malo (France), Mai 2017.
  21. R. Pascaud, F. Pizarro, T. Callegari, L. Liard, O. Pascal, et O. Pigaglio, "Antenne imprimée reconfigurable en fréquence par décharge plasma", Journées Nationales Microondes JNM 2015, Bordeaux (France), Juin 2015.
  22. R. Pascaud, F. Pizarro, T. Callegari, L. Liard, O. Pascal, et O. Pigaglio, "Micro-Décharge plasma comme élément limiteur de puissance dans des dispositifs micro-ondes en technologie circuit imprimé", Journées Nationales Microondes JNM 2015, Bordeaux (France), Juin 2015.
  23. F. Pizarro, R. Pascaud, O. Pascal, T. Callegari, et L. Liard, "Caractérisation Expérimentale de l’Interaction entre une Onde Electromagnétique RF et une Micro-Décharge Plasma", Journées Nationales Microondes JNM 2013, Paris (France), Mai 2013.
  24. J. Sokoloff, O. Pascal, T. Callegari, R. Pascaud, F. Pizarro, L. Liard, J. Lo, et A. Kallel, "Potentialités des Plasmas Froids pour la Reconfigurabilité de Dispositifs Micro-Ondes", Journées Scientifiques 2013 d’URSI France, Paris (France), Mars 2013.
  25. F. Pizarro, R. Pascaud, O. Pascal, T. Callegari, et L. Liard, "Caractérisation RF Large Bande d’une Micro-Décharge Plasma", Assemblée Générale du GdR Ondes 2011, Nice (France), Octobre 2011.
  26. F. Vincent, M. Berranger, G. Beaugendre, et R. Pascaud, "Contrôle d’un Système de Tir Balistique", Colloque sur l’Enseignement des Technologies et des Sciences de l’Information et des Systèmes CETSIS 2011, Trois-Rivières (Canada), Octobre 2011.
  27. V. Budinger, G. Beaugendre, M. Berranger, F. Vincent, et R. Pascaud, "Instrumentation d’une Fusée à Eau", Colloque sur l’Enseignement des Technologies et des Sciences de l’Information et des Systèmes CETSIS 2011, Trois-Rivières (Canada), Octobre 2011 - Best Project Award.
  28. R. Pascaud, R. Loison, et R. Gillard, "Simulation Numérique de Réseaux d’Antennes à l’aide de la Méthode FDTD à Grilles Duales", Journées Nationales Microondes JNM 2011, Brest (France), Mai 2011.
  29. F. Pizarro et R. Pascaud, "Concept d’Antenne Filtrante pour des Applications GNSS", Journées Nationales Microondes JNM 2011, Brest (France), Mai 2011.
  30. R. Pascaud, R. Gillard, R. Loison, J. Wiart, et M.-F. Wong, "Dosimétrie Numérique à l’aide de la Méthode DG-FDTD", Journées Nationales Microondes JNM 2009, Grenoble (France), Mai 2009.
  31. S. Déniel, C. Person, J. P. Coupez, R. Pascaud, Y. Toutain, et M. Abou El Anouar, "Détermination du Coefficient de Corrélation entre Antennes pour Caméra Sans Fil HD dans un Contexte MIMO", Journées Nationales Microondes JNM 2009, Grenoble (France), Mai 2009.
  32. C. Miry, R. Pascaud, R. Gillard, et R. Loison, "Application de la FDTD à Grilles Duales (DG-FDTD) dans un Contexte BAN", Réunion GDR Ondes - GT1 : Objets Communicants sur et dans la Personne - Les Défis de la Communication, Paris (France), Janvier 2008.
  33. R. Pascaud, R. Gillard, R. Loison, J. Wiart, et M.-F. Wong, "Une Amélioration de la MR-FDTD Basée sur son Hybridation avec la DG-FDTD", Journées Nationales Microondes JNM 2007, Toulouse (France), Mai 2007.
  34. R. Pascaud, R. Gillard, R. Loison, J. Wiart, et M.-F. Wong, "Nouvelle Méthode Multirésolution en FDTD : la DG-FDTD", Journées Nationales Microondes JNM 2007, Toulouse (France), Mai 2007.
  35. R. Loison, R. Gillard, J. M. Lesage, et R. Pascaud, "Panorama des méthodes de simulation électromagnétique globale et multi-échelle développées à l’IETR", IEEE Workshop : Simulation Globale, Villeneuve d’Ascq (France), Mai 2007.
  36. R. Pascaud, R. Gillard, et R. Loison, "Nouvelles Approches Multiresolution en FDTD", Réunion GDR Ondes - GT6 : Modélisation multi-domaine et multi-physique en CEM, Chatillon (France), Janvier 2007.
  37. R. Pascaud, R. Gillard, R. Loison, J. Wiart, et M.-F. Wong, "Nouvelles Approches Multiresolution pour le Calcul Electromagnétique en FDTD", Réunion GDR Ondes - GT1 : Méthodes Numériques en Régime Temporel, Paris (France), Octobre 2006.
  38. R. Pascaud, R. Gillard, R. Loison, J. Wiart, et M.-F. Wong, "Optimisation du Stockage du Champ Proche pour le Calcul du Champ Lointain en FDTD", Colloque International et Exposition sur la Compatibilité Electromagnétique CEM 2006, Saint-Malo (France), Avril 2006.

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