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- Sébastien Prothin
- Flux publications Open Science ISAE-SUPAERO
Flux publications Open Science ISAE-SUPAERO
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Fernandez-Escudero Claudia - 251052753, Prothin Sébastien, Laurendeau Eric, Ross Annie, Michon Guilhem, Nonlinear flap for passive flutter control of bidimensional wing. 2023, Journal of Vibration and Control. ISSN 1077-5463
Nonlinear flap for passive flutter control of bidimensional wing

Chambon Anais, Sanches Leonardo, Prothin Sébastien, Eloy Christophe, Michon Guilhem, Experimental aeroelastic analysis of flexible rotating blades with optical laser vibrometer. 2022, International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics (IFASD 2022), 2022-06-13 - 2022-06-17 (2022-06-17, Madrid)
Experimental aeroelastic analysis of flexible rotating blades with optical laser vibrometer

Chambon Anais, Sanches Leonardo, Prothin Sébastien, Eloy Christophe, Michon Guilhem, Structural dynamics of flexible rotor blades to study aeroelastic phenomena. 2022, AIAA AVIATION FORUM 2022, 2022-06-27 - 2022-07-01 (2022-07-01, Chicago)
Structural dynamics of flexible rotor blades to study aeroelastic phenomena

Proulx-Cabana Vincent, Nguyen Minh Tuan, Prothin Sébastien, Michon Guilhem, Laurendeau Eric, A Hybrid Non-Linear Unsteady Vortex Lattice-Vortex Particle Method for Rotor Blades Aerodynamic Simulations. 2022, Fluids. 7 (2). 81. ISSN 2311-5521

Fernandez-Escudero Claudia - 251052753, Gagnon Miguel, Laurendeau Eric, Prothin Sébastien, Ross Annie, Michon Guilhem, Experimental and Numerical Aeroelastic Analysis of Airfoil-Aileron System with Nonlinear Energy Sink : Nonlinear Structures and Systems, Volume 1. 2020, 37th Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (IMAC 2019), 2019-01-28 - 2019-01-31 (2019-01-31, Orlando)

Bensebaa Tarek - 250970864, Jardin Thierry, Prothin Sébastien, Doué Nicolas, Rotor performance enhancement through blade surging. 2019, International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles. 11. 1-7. ISSN 1756-8293

Prothin Sébastien, Fernandez-Escudero Claudia - 251052753, Doué Nicolas, Jardin Thierry, Aerodynamics of MAV rotors in ground and corner effect. 2019, International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles. 11. 1-13. ISSN 1756-8293

Fernandez-Escudero Claudia - 251052753, Gagnon Miguel, Laurendeau Eric, Prothin Sébastien, Michon Guilhem, Ross Annie, Comparison of low, medium and high fidelity numerical methods for unsteady aerodynamics and nonlinear aeroelasticity. 2019, Journal of Fluids and Structures. 91. 102744. ISSN 0889-9746

Fernandez-Escudero Claudia - 251052753, Gagnon Miguel, Laurendeau Eric, Prothin Sébastien, Michon Guilhem, Ross Annie, Comparison of low, medium and high fidelity numerical methods for unsteady aerodynamics and nonlinear aeroelasticity. 2018, IUTAM Symposium on Critical flow dynamics involving moving/deformable structures with design applications, 2018-06-18 - 2018-06-22 (2018-06-22, Santorini)

Gourdain Nicolas, Jardin Thierry, Serré Ronan - 183888855, Prothin Sébastien, Moschetta Jean-Marc, Application of a lattice Boltzmann method to some challenges related to micro-air vehicles. 2018, International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles. 10 (3). 285-299. ISSN 1756-8293
Application of a lattice Boltzmann method to some challenges related to micro-air vehicles

Jardin Thierry, Prothin Sébastien, Barricau Philippe, Frutos Jean-Renaud - 104443626, Development of a 200 mg bio-inspired nano-flying robot. 2018, 10th International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition (IMAV2018), 2018-11-22 - 2018-11-23 (2018-11-23, Melbourne)

Prothin Sébastien, Fernandez-Escudero Claudia - 251052753, Jardin Thierry, Doué Nicolas, ARChEaN : Aerodynamics of Rotors in Confined ENvironments Study in Ground and Corner Effect. 2018, 10th International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition (IMAV2018), 2018-11-22 - 2018-11-23 (2018-11-23, Melbourne)
ARChEaN: Aerodynamics of Rotors in Confined ENvironments Study in Ground and Corner Effect

Jardin Thierry, Prothin Sébastien, García Magaña Cristian - 221453784, Aerodynamic Performance of a Hovering Microrotor in Confined Environment. 2017, Journal of the American Helicopter Society. 62 (2). 1-7. ISSN 0002-8711
Aerodynamic Performance of a Hovering Microrotor in Confined Environment

Moschetta Jean-Marc, Hattenberger Gautier, De Plinval Henry, Proceedings of the International Micro Air Vehicles Conference and Flight Competition 2017 (IMAV 2017). 2017

Gourdain Nicolas, Deepali Singh, Jardin Thierry, Prothin Sébastien, Analysis of the Turbulent Wake Generated by a Micro Air Vehicle Hovering near the Ground with a Lattice Boltzmann Method. 2017, Journal of the American Helicopter Society. 62 (4). 1-12. ISSN 0002-8711

Jardin Thierry, Doué Nicolas, Prothin Sébastien, Moschetta Jean-Marc, Numerical analysis of pitching-rotor aerodynamics. 2016, Journal of Fluids and Structures. 62. 175-186. ISSN 0889-9746

Mohd Zawawi Fazila - 196562953, Lv Peng - 192130595, Prothin Sébastien, Morlier Joseph, Bénard Emmanuel, Moschetta Jean-Marc, Performance Enhancement of Tilt-Body Micro Air Vehicle by Use of Orthotropic Laminated Proprotors. 2016, Applied Mechanics and Materials. 819. 585-590. ISSN 1660-9336
Performance Enhancement of Tilt-Body Micro Air Vehicle by Use of Orthotropic Laminated Proprotors

Prothin Sébastien, Billard Jean-Yves, Djeridi Henda, Image processing using proper orthogonal and dynamic mode decompositions for the study of cavitation developing on a NACA0015 foil. 2016, Experiments in Fluids. 57 (157). 1-25. ISSN 0723-4864

Lv Peng - 192130595, Prothin Sébastien, Mohd Zawawi Fazila - 196562953, Bénard Emmanuel, Morlier Joseph, Moschetta Jean-Marc, Performance improvement of small-scale rotors by passive blade twist control. 2015, Journal of Fluids and Structures. 55. 25-41. ISSN 0889-9746
Performance improvement of small-scale rotors by passive blade twist control

Prothin Sébastien, Djeridi Henda, Billard Jean-Yves, Coherent and turbulent process analysis of the effects of a longitudinal vortex on boundary layer detachment on a NACA0015 foil. 2014, Journal of Fluids and Structures. 47. 2- 20. ISSN 0889-9746

Mohd Zawawi Fazila, Lv Peng - 192130595, Prothin Sébastien, Morlier Joseph, Moschetta Jean-Marc, Bénard Emmanuel, Study of a flexible UAV proprotor. 2014, International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation. 6 (3/4). 149-161. ISSN 1755-9758

Prothin Sébastien, Moschetta Jean-Marc, A Vectoring Thrust Coaxial Rotor for Micro Air Vehicle : Modeling, Design and Analysis. 2013, 21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 2013-08-26 - 2013-08-30 (2013-08-30, Bordeaux)
A Vectoring Thrust Coaxial Rotor for Micro Air Vehicle: Modeling, Design and Analysis

Prothin Sébastien, Moschetta Jean-Marc, A Vectoring Thrust Coaxial Rotor for Micro Air Vehicle : Modeling, Design and Analysis. 2013, ERCOFTAC international symposium « Unsteady separation in fluid-structure interaction », 2013-06-17 - 2013-06-21 (2013-06-21, Mykonos)
A Vectoring Thrust Coaxial Rotor for Micro Air Vehicle: Modeling, Design and Analysis

Mohd Zawawi Fazila, Prothin Sébastien, Lv Peng - 192130595, Bénard Emmanuel, Moschetta Jean-Marc, Morlier Joseph, Study of a Flexible UAV Proprotor. 2013, 48th International Symposium of Applied Aerodynamics, 2013-03-25 - 2013-03-27 (2013-03-27, Saint-Louis)

Prothin Sébastien, Moschetta Jean-Marc, A Vectoring Thrust Coaxial Rotor for Micro Air Vehicle : Modeling, Design and Analysis. 2013, 3AF - 48th International Symposium of Applied Aerodynamics, 2013-03-25 - 2013-03-27 (2013-03-27, Saint Louis)
A Vectoring Thrust Coaxial Rotor for Micro Air Vehicle: Modeling, Design and Analysis

Lv Peng - 192130595, Mohd Zawawi Fazila, Bénard Emmanuel, Prothin Sébastien, Moschetta Jean-Marc, Morlier Joseph, An Application of Adaptive Blades on Convertible MAVs. 2013, International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles. 5 (4). 229-243. ISSN 1756-8293

Mohd Zawawi Fazila, Prothin Sébastien, Lv Peng - 192130595, Bénard Emmanuel, Morlier Joseph, Moschetta Jean-Marc, Numerical and experimental study on flexible blade for tilt-body drones. 2013, 21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique - CFM 2013, 2013-08-26 - 2013-08-30 (2013-08-30, Bordeaux)
Numerical and experimental study on flexible blade for tilt-body drones

Prothin Sébastien, Billard Jean-Yves, Djeridi Henda, Traitement d’image utilisant la POD et la DMD pour l’étude du développement de la cavitation sur un NACA0015. 2013, 21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 2013-08-26 - 2013-08-30 (2013-08-30, Bordeaux)

Lv Peng - 192130595, Mohd Zawawi Fazila, Bénard Emmanuel, Prothin Sébastien, Moschetta Jean-Marc, Morlier Joseph, Adaptive proprotors as applied to convertible MAVs. 2013, International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition (IMAV2013), 2013-09-17 - 2013-09-20 (2013-09-20, Toulouse)

Lv Peng - 192130595, Prothin Sébastien, Mohd Zawawi Fazila, Bénard Emmanuel, Morlier Joseph, Moschetta Jean-Marc, Study of A Flexible Blade for Optimized Proprotor. 2013, ERCOFTAC International symposium Unsteady separation in fluid-structure interaction, 2013-06-17 - 2013-06-21 (2013-06-21, Mykonos)

Aeschlimann Vincent, Prothin Sébastien, Barre Stephane, Djeridi Henda, High speed visualizations of the cavitating vortices of 2D mixing layer. 2012, European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids. 31. 171 - 180. ISSN 0997-7546
High speed visualizations of the cavitating vortices of 2D mixing layer

Prothin Sébastien, Billard Jean-Yves, Djeridi Henda, Traitement d’image utilisant la POD et la DMD pour l’étude du développement de la cavitation sur un NACA0015. 2012, 13emes Journées de l’Hydrodynamique, 2012-11-21 - 2012-11-23 (2012-11-23, Chatou)

Prothin Sébastien, Interaction entre un tourbillon et une couche limite Application au contrôle d’écoulement. 2011. 978-613-1-56645-5
Interaction entre un tourbillon et une couche limite Application au contrôle d’écoulement

Prothin Sébastien, Djeridi Henda, Billard Jean-Yves, Interaction entre un tourbillon longitudinal et une couche limite se développant sur un NACA0015. 2011, 20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 2011-08-29 - 2011-09-02 (2011-09-02, Besançon)
Interaction entre un tourbillon longitudinal et une couche limite se développant sur un NACA0015

Prothin Sébastien, Djeridi Henda, Billard Jean-Yves, Effet d’un vortex sur le décollement d’une couche limite turbulente sur profil NACA0015 2D. 2010, 12ème Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser, CFTL 2010, 2010-09-14 - 2010-09-17 (2010-09-17, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy)
Effet d’un vortex sur le décollement d’une couche limite turbulente sur profil NACA0015 2D

Prothin Sébastien, Djeridi Henda, Billard Jean-Yves, Effect of longitudinal vortex on boundary layer state and separation on Naca symmetric foil. 2010, Proceedings of ASME 2010 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting and 8th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, 2010-08-01 - 2010-08-05 (2010-08-05, Montreal)
Effect of longitudinal vortex on boundary layer state and separation on Naca symmetric foil

Prothin Sébastien, Djeridi Henda, Billard Jean-Yves, Effet d’un tourbillon longitudinal sur le comportement d’un profil portant bidimensionnel. 2010, 12ème Journées de l’Hydrodynamique, 2010-11-17 - 2010-11-19 (2010-11-19, Nantes)
Effet d’un tourbillon longitudinal sur le comportement d’un profil portant bidimensionnel

Prothin Sébastien, Lasserre Jean-Jacques, Pust Oliver, Djeridi Henda, Billard Jean-Yves, Effect of vortex generator on the boundary layer detachment on NACA0015 2D foil. 2010, IUTAM Symposium on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations BBVIV 6, 2010-06-22 - 2010-06-25 (2010-06-25, Capri)
Effect of vortex generator on the boundary layer detachment on NACA0015 2D foil

Sarraf Christophe, Djeridi Henda, Prothin Sébastien, Billard Jean-Yves, Thickness effect of Naca foils on hydrodynamic global parameters, boundary layer states and stall establishment. 2010, Journal of Fluids and Structures. 26 (4). 559-578. ISSN 0889-9746

Prothin Sébastien, Djeridi Henda, Billard Jean-Yves, Caractérisation par POD, issue des champs PIV non résolus en temps, des effets d’épaisseur sur le phénomène d’hystérésis au décrochage statique des profils Naca. 2009, 19ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 2009-08-24 - 2009-08-28 (2009-08-28, Marseille)

Prothin Sébastien, Djeridi Henda, Billard Jean-Yves, Physical analysis of the coherent motion during hysteretic static stall of Naca foil using proper orthogonal decomposition. 2009, Second International conference on high Reynolds number vortex interactions, 2009-08-31 - 2009-09-02 (2009-09-02, Brest)

Prothin Sébastien, Djeridi Henda, Billard Jean-Yves, Mesure de champs de vitesse en PIV Diphasique. Application aux écoulements cavitants.. 2008, Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser, CFTL 2008, 2008-09-16 - 2008-09-19 (2008-09-19, Poitiers)
Mesure de champs de vitesse en PIV Diphasique. Application aux écoulements cavitants.