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- Sébastien Scannella
- Flux publications Open Science ISAE-SUPAERO
Flux publications Open Science ISAE-SUPAERO
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Lebely Claire, Scannella Sébastien, Cognitive remediation combined with brain stimulation after acquired brain injury : A single-case experimental design with 15 individuals. 2025, Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine

Lebely Claire, Lepron Evelyne - 142803383, Villepinte Claire, Scannella Sébastien, De Boissezon Xavier, Assessment of executive function impairments in adults with acquired brain injury across single-case experimental design : A scoping review of primary outcomes. 2024, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. ISSN 0960-2011

Lebely Claire, Scannella Sébastien, Chenot Quentin - 250909049, Hamery Caroline, EEG Spectral Power Changes in Patients With Dysexecutive Syndrome Following Cognitive Intervention. 2024, Brain and Behavior
EEG Spectral Power Changes in Patients With Dysexecutive Syndrome Following Cognitive Intervention

Chenot Quentin - 250909049, Scannella Sébastien, Hamery Caroline, Investigating the relationship between resting-state EEG microstates and executive functions : A null finding. 2024, Cortex

Scannella Sébastien, Chenot Quentin - 250909049, From Laboratory to Cockpit : Evaluating the Predictive Value of Cognitive Tasks on Flight Simulator Performance. 2024, ScitePress

Scannella Sébastien, Évaluation et modulation des fonctions exécutives en neuroergonomie - Continuums cognitifs et expérimentaux. 2023.

Rihet, Mathias, Cabrera Castillo, Kalou, Scannella Sébastien, Torre Tresols Juan Jesus, Dehais Frédéric, Roy Raphaëlle N., Enhancing Human-Robot Interaction : Riemannian Classification and Clustering for Error Potential Detection and Error Occurrence Estimation. 2023, IJCAI Inter-HRI competition, 2023-08-24 - 2023-08-24 (2023-08-24, Macao)

Lanzilotti Cosima, Andéol Guillaume, Scannella Sébastien, Cocktail party training induces increased speech intelligibility and decreased cortical activity in bilateral inferior frontal gyri. A functional near-infrared study. 2022, PlOS ONE

Chenot Quentin - 250909049, Hamery Caroline, Lepron Evelyne - 142803383, Scannella Sébastien, Performance after training in a complex cognitive task is enhanced by high-definition transcranial random noise stimulation. 2022, Scientific Reports

Chenot Quentin - 250909049, Lepron Evelyne - 142803383, De Boissezon Xavier, Scannella Sébastien, Functional connectivity within the fronto-parietal network predicts complex task performance : A FNIRS study. 2021, Frontiers in Neuroergonomics

Dehais Frédéric, Roy Raphaëlle N., Scannella Sébastien, Inattentional deafness to auditory alarms : Inter-individual differences, electrophysiological signature and single trial classification. 2019, Behavioural Brain Research. 360. 51-59. ISSN 0166-4328

Ponzoni Carvalho Chanel Caroline, Wilson Matthew D., Scannella Sébastien, Online ECG-based Features for Cognitive Load Assessment. 2019, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC), 2019-10-06 - 2019-10-09 (2019-10-09, Bari)

Valéry Benoît - 232655200, Matton Nadine - 130016500, Scannella Sébastien, Dehais Frédéric, Global difficulty modulates the prioritization strategy in multitasking situations. 2019, Applied Ergonomics. 80. 1-8. ISSN 0003-6870
Global difficulty modulates the prioritization strategy in multitasking situations

Dehais Frédéric, Duprès Alban - 199442886, Blum Sarah, Drougard Nicolas, Scannella Sébastien, Roy Raphaëlle N., Lotte Fabien - 139468617, Monitoring Pilot’s Mental Workload Using ERPs and Spectral Power with a Six-Dry-Electrode EEG System in Real Flight Conditions. 2019, Sensors. 19 (6). 1-14. ISSN 1424-8220

Drougard Nicolas, Roy Raphaëlle N., Scannella Sébastien, Dehais Frédéric, Ponzoni Carvalho Chanel Caroline, Physiological Assessment of Engagement during HRI : Impact of Manual vs Automatic Mode. 2018, 2nd International Neuroergonomics Conference, 2018-06-27 - 2018-06-29 (2018-06-29, Philadelphia)
Physiological Assessment of Engagement during HRI: Impact of Manual vs Automatic Mode

Duprès Alban - 199442886, Roy Raphaëlle N., Scannella Sébastien, Dehais Frédéric, Pre-stimulus EEG engagement ratio predicts inattentional deafness to auditory alarms in realistic flight simulator. 2018, 3rd International Mobile Brain/Body Imaging Conference (MOBI 2018), 2018-07-11 - 2018-07-14 (2018-07-14, Berlin)

Scannella Sébastien, Peysakhovich Vsevolod, Ehrig Florian - 231468385, Lepron Evelyne - 142803383, Dehais Frédéric, Assessment of Ocular and Physiological Metrics to Discriminate Flight Phases in Real Light Aircraft. 2018, Human Factors : The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. 60 (7). 922-935. ISSN 0018-7208
Assessment of Ocular and Physiological Metrics to Discriminate Flight Phases in Real Light Aircraft

Valéry Benoît - 232655200, Scannella Sébastien, Peysakhovich Vsevolod, Barone Pascal, Causse Mickaël, Can an aircraft be piloted via sonification with an acceptable attentional cost ? A comparison of blind and sighted pilots. 2017, Applied Ergonomics. 62. 227-236. ISSN 0003-6870

Reynal Maxime - 204382823, Rister Frank, Scannella Sébastien, Wickens Christopher D., Dehais Frédéric, Investigating pilot’s decision making when facing an unstabilized approach : an eye-tracking study. 2017, 6th Congress of the International Society for Applied Phycolog (ISAP 2017), 2017-06-18 - 2017-06-23 (2017-06-23, Dayton)
Investigating pilot’s decision making when facing an unstabilized approach: an eye-tracking study

Andéol Guillaume, Suied Clara, Scannella Sébastien, Dehais Frédéric, The Spatial Release of Cognitive Load in Cocktail Party Is Determined by the Relative Levels of the Talkers. 2017, Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology. 18 (3). 457-464. ISSN 1525-3961

Scannella Sébastien, Pariente Jérémie, De Boissezon Xavier, Castel-Lacanal Evelyne, Chauveau Nicolas, Causse Mickaël, Dehais Frédéric, Pastor Josette, N270 sensitivity to conflict strength and working memory : A combined ERP and sLORETA study. 2016, Behavioural Brain Research. 297. 231-240. ISSN 0166-4328
N270 sensitivity to conflict strength and working memory: A combined ERP and sLORETA study

Durantin Gautier - 195925076, Scannella Sébastien, Gateau Thibault, Delorme Arnaud, Dehais Frédéric, Processing Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy Signal with a Kalman Filter to Assess Working Memory during Simulated Flight. 2016, International Journal of Psychophysiology. 1-22. ISSN 0167-8760

Dehais Frédéric, Roy Raphaëlle N., Gateau Thibault, Scannella Sébastien, Auditory alarm misperception in the cockpit : a preliminary ERP study to undercover evidences of inattentional deafness : Foundations of Augmented Cognition : Neuroergonomics and Operational Neuroscience. 2016, 10th International Conference on Augmented Cognition, 2016-07-17 - 2016-07-22 (2016-07-22, Toronto)

Giraudet Louise - 200733273, St-Louis Marie-Eve, Scannella Sébastien, Causse Mickaël, P300 Event-Related Potential as an Indicator of Inattentional Deafness ?. 2015, PLoS ONE. 10 (2). 1-18. ISSN 1932-6203
P300 Event-Related Potential as an Indicator of Inattentional Deafness?

Peysakhovich Vsevolod, Causse Mickaël, Dehais Frédéric, Scannella Sébastien, Frequency analysis of a task-evoked pupillary response : Luminance-independent measure of mental effort. 2015, International Journal of Psychophysiology. 97 (1). 30-37. ISSN 0167-8760

Dehais Frédéric, Peysakhovich Vsevolod, Scannella Sébastien, Fongue Jennifer, Gateau Thibault, "Automation Surprise" in Aviation : Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI ’15. 2015, CHI ’15 Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2015-04-18 - 2015-04-23 (2015-04-23, Seoul)

Gateau Thibault, Durantin Gautier - 195925076, Scannella Sébastien, Lancelot François - 233229442, Dehais Frédéric, Real-Time State Estimation in a Flight Simulator Using fNIRS. 2015, PLOS ONE. 10 (3). 1-19. ISSN 1932-6203
Real-Time State Estimation in a Flight Simulator Using fNIRS

Cermolacce Michel, Scannella Sébastien, All that glitters is not … alone”. Congruity effects in highly and less predictable sentence contexts. 2014, Clinical Neuropsychology

Lacko Ivan, Moravek Zdenek, Osterloh Jan Patrick, Rister Frank, Dehais Frédéric, Scannella Sébastien, Modeling approach to multi-agent system of human and machine agents : Application in design of early experiments for novel aeronautics systems. 2013, 11th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN) 2013, 2013-07-29 - 2013-07-31 (2013-07-31, Bochum)

Scannella Sébastien, Causse Mickaël, Chauveau Nicolas, Pastor Josette, Dehais Frédéric, Effects of the audiovisual conflict on auditory early processes. 2013, International Journal of Psychophysiology. 89 (1). 115-122. ISSN 0167-8760
Effects of the audiovisual conflict on auditory early processes