Flux publications Open Science ISAE-SUPAERO

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Rafik Younes, Budinger Marc, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Palanque Valérian, Resonant Electromechanical Ice Protection Systems : Test Results on NACA Profiles. 2024, International Conference on More Electric Aircraft (MEA2024), 2024-02-08 - 2024-02-07 (2024-02-07, Toulouse)

Resonant Electromechanical Ice Protection Systems : Test Results on NACA Profiles

Delbecq Scott, Planès Thomas, Salgas, Antoine, Pollet Félix, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Climate and energy impact analysis of electric, hybrid-electric and hydrogen aircraft in prospective scenarios for air transport. 2024, International Conference on More Electric Aircraft (MEA2024), 2024-02-08 - 2024-02-07 (2024-02-07, Toulouse)

Climate and energy impact analysis of electric, hybrid-electric and hydrogen aircraft in prospective scenarios for air transport

Habrard, Valentine, Hazyuk Ion, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Jézégou Joël, Bénard Emmanuel, Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization of a Liquid Cooling Thermal Management System for Hybrid Fuel Cell Aircraft. 2024, International Conference on More Electric Aircraft (MEA2024), 2024-02-08 - 2024-02-07 (2024-02-07, Toulouse)

Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization of a Liquid Cooling Thermal Management System for Hybrid Fuel Cell Aircraft

Gastaldo Giulia, Rafik Younes, Budinger Marc, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Palanque Valérian, Full instantaneous electromechanical de-icing using extensional modes. 2024, International Conference on More Electric Aircraft (MEA2024), 2024-02-08 - 2024-02-07 (2024-02-07, Toulouse)

Full instantaneous electromechanical de-icing using extensional modes

Palanque Valérian, Planès Thomas, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Budinger Marc, Delbecq Scott, Piezoelectric resonant ice protection systems - Part 2/2 : benefits at aircraft level. 2024, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. 37 (6). 50-63. ISSN 1000-9361

Piezoelectric resonant ice protection systems - Part 2/2: benefits at aircraft level

Salgas, Antoine, Sun, Junzi, Delbecq Scott, Planès Thomas, Lafforgue, Gilles, Compilation and Applications of an Open-Source Dataset on Global Air Traffic Flows and Carbon Emissions. 2024, Journal of Open Aviation Science. 2 (1). ISSN 2773-1626

Compilation and Applications of an Open-Source Dataset on Global Air Traffic Flows and Carbon Emissions

Gastaldo Giulia, Budinger Marc - 077607236, Rafik Younes, Pommier-Budinger Valérie - https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3949-3749, Palanque Valérian - 266920861, Yaich Ahmed, Full instantaneous de-icing using extensional modes : The role of architectured and multilayered materials in modes decoupling. 2024, Ultrasonics. 138. ISSN 0041-624X

Full instantaneous de-icing using extensional modes: The role of architectured and multilayered materials in modes decoupling

Mabboux Jordan, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Delbecq Scott, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Co-design of a multirotor UAV with robust control considering handling qualities and motor failure. 2024, Aerospace Science and Technology. 144. ISSN 1270-9638

Co-design of a multirotor UAV with robust control considering handling qualities and motor failure

Hernández Rodríguez Gabriel, Gastaldo Giulia, Stendardo Luca, Rafik Younes, Pothin Jason, Budinger Marc - 077607236, Antonini Carlo, Pommier-Budinger Valérie - https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3949-3749, Coclite Anna Maria, Icephobic Gradient Polymer Coatings Coupled with Electromechanical De-icing Systems : A Promising Ice Repellent Hybrid System. 2024, Advanced engineering materials. ISSN 1438-1656

Icephobic Gradient Polymer Coatings Coupled with Electromechanical De-icing Systems: A Promising Ice Repellent Hybrid System

Palanque Valérian, Pothin Jason, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Budinger Marc, Piezoelectric resonant ice protection systems – Part 1/2 : Prediction of power requirement for de-icing a NACA 0024 leading edge. 2024, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. 37. 92-103. ISSN 1000-9361

Piezoelectric resonant ice protection systems – Part 1/2: Prediction of power requirement for de-icing a NACA 0024 leading edge

Rafik Younes, Palanque Valérian, Budinger Marc, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Olivier Philippe, Improving resonant ice protection systems with substrate optimization. 2024, Smart Materials and Structures. 33. ISSN 0964-1726

Improving resonant ice protection systems with substrate optimization

Stendardo Luca, Gastaldo Giulia, Budinger Marc - 077607236, Tagliaro Irene, Pommier-Budinger Valérie - https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3949-3749, Antonini Carlo, Why the adhesion strength is not enough to assess ice adhesion on surfaces. 2024, Applied Surface Science. 672. 160740. ISSN 0169-4332

Why the adhesion strength is not enough to assess ice adhesion on surfaces

di Giuseppe Roberto, Delbecq Scott, Pauvert Vincent, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Incremental trade-off study of a hydrogen fuel cell-based propulsion system using MDAO techniques. 2024, 34th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, 2024-09-13 - 2024-09-09 (2024-09-09, Florence)

Incremental trade-off study of a hydrogen fuel cell-based propulsion system using MDAO techniques

Toledo-Zucco, Jesus-Pablo, Matignon Denis, Poussot-Vassal Charles, Scattering-Passive Structure-Preserving Finite Element Method for the Boundary Controlled Transport Equation with a Moving Mesh : Proceedings LHMNLC 2024. 2024, 8th IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Non Linear Control, 2024-06-12 - 2024-06-10 (2024-06-10, Besançon)

Scattering-Passive Structure-Preserving Finite Element Method for the Boundary Controlled Transport Equation with a Moving Mesh : Proceedings LHMNLC 2

Lutz Florent - 259324396, Jézégou Joël, Budinger Marc - 077607236, Reysset Aurelien - 18414003X, Study of hybridisation scenarios for turboprop aircraft in the general aviation segment. 2024, 34th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, 2024-09-13 - 2024-09-09 (2024-09-09, Florence)

Study of hybridisation scenarios for turboprop aircraft in the general aviation segment

Planès Thomas, Delbecq Scott, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Bénard Emmanuel, Modeling and Design Optimization of an Electric Environmental Control System for Commercial Passenger Aircraft. 2023, Aerospace. 10 (3). ISSN 2226-4310

Modeling and Design Optimization of an Electric Environmental Control System for Commercial Passenger Aircraft

Amigues Louis, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Comparison of control strategies for hysteresis attenuation in electromechanical actuators subject to dispersion. 2023, Control Engineering Practice. 130. 105348. ISSN 0967-0661

Comparison of control strategies for hysteresis attenuation in electromechanical actuators subject to dispersion

Palladino Vincenzo, Bartoli Nathalie, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Bénard Emmanuel, Schmollgruber Peter, Jordan Arnaud, Optimization of a hydrogen-based hybrid propulsion system under aircraft performance constraints. 2023, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. 36 (5). 41-56. ISSN 1000-9361

Optimization of a hydrogen-based hybrid propulsion system under aircraft performance constraints

Stendardo Luca, Gastaldo Giulia, Budinger Marc - 077607236, Pommier-Budinger Valérie - https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3949-3749, Tagliaro Irene, Ibanez-Ibanez Pablo, Antonini Carlo, Reframing ice adhesion mechanisms on a solid surface. 2023, Applied Surface Science. ISSN 0169-4332

Reframing ice adhesion mechanisms on a solid surface

Palanque Valérian - 266920861, Villeneuve Eric, Budinger Marc - 077607236, Pommier-Budinger Valérie - https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3949-3749, Momen Gelareh, Experimental measurement and expression of atmospheric ice Young’s modulus according to its density. 2023, Cold Regions Science and Technology. 212. ISSN 1872-7441

Experimental measurement and expression of atmospheric ice Young’s modulus according to its density

di Giuseppe Roberto, Delbecq Scott, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Pauvert Vincent, An exploratory study of open-source frameworks for MDAO : II ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Aerospace Systems. 2023, AeroBest 2023, 2023-07-21 - 2023-07-19 (2023-07-19, Lisboa)

An exploratory study of open-source frameworks for MDAO : II ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Aerospace Systems

Habrard, Valentine, Pommier-Budinger Valérie - https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3949-3749, Hazyuk Ion, Jézégou Joël, Bénard Emmanuel, Thermal Management System Modeling for Preliminary Design of Fuel Cell-Based Aircraft. 2023, AIAA Aviation 2023 Forum, 16/06/2023 - 12/06/2023 (12/06/2023, San Diego)

Thermal Management System Modeling for Preliminary Design of Fuel Cell-Based Aircraft

Palanque Valérian, Villeneuve Eric, Budinger Marc, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Momen Gelareh, Cohesive strength and fracture toughness of atmospheric ice. 2022, Cold Regions Science and Technology. 204. 103679. ISSN 0165-232X

Cohesive strength and fracture toughness of atmospheric ice

Marboeuf Alexis, Budinger Marc, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Palanque Valérian, Bennani Lokman, Improving mechanical ice protection systems with topology optimization. 2022, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 65 (5). ISSN 1615-147X

Improving mechanical ice protection systems with topology optimization

Delbecq Scott, Planès Thomas, Delavenne Martin, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Joksimović Aleksandar, Aircraft fleet models using a bottom-up approach for simulating aviation technological prospective scenarios. 2022, 33rd Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS), 2022-09-04 - 2022-09-09 (2022-09-09, Stockholm)

Aircraft fleet models using a bottom-up approach for simulating aviation technological prospective scenarios

Lutz Florent, Jézégou Joël, Reysset Aurelien, Busteros Ramos Aitor, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, FAST-OAD-GA : an open-source extension for Overall Aircraft Design of General Aviation aircraft. 2022, 33th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences - ICASS 2022, 2022-09-04 - 2022-09-09 (2022-09-09, Stockholm)

FAST-OAD-GA: an open-source extension for Overall Aircraft Design of General Aviation aircraft

Mabboux Jordan, Delbecq Scott, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Truc-Hermel Ana, Jean-Marie Kai, A bi-level co-design approach for multicopters. 2022, 33rd Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS), 2022

A bi-level co-design approach for multicopters

Planès Thomas, Delbecq Scott, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Palanque Valérian, Bénard Emmanuel, Sizing and optimization of a more electric aircraft integrating short-term incremental technologies. 2022, 33rd Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS), 2022-09-04 - 2022-09-09 (2022-09-09, Stockholm)

Sizing and optimization of a more electric aircraft integrating short-term incremental technologies

Palanque Valérian, Marboeuf Alexis, Budinger Marc, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Bennani Lokman, Improving mechanical ice protection systems with substrate shape optimization. 2022, Cold Regions Science and Technology. 202. 103641. ISSN 0165-232X

Improving mechanical ice protection systems with substrate shape optimization

Fabre, Alice, Planès Thomas, Delbecq Scott, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Lafforgue, Gilles, Life cycle assessment models for overall aircraft design. 2022, AIAA SciTech 2022 Forum, 2022-07-03 - 2022-07-07 (2022-07-07, San Diego, CA & Virtual)

Life cycle assessment models for overall aircraft design

Planès Thomas, Delbecq Scott, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Bénard Emmanuel, Simulation and evaluation of sustainable climate trajectories for aviation. 2021, Journal of Environmental Management. 295. 113079. ISSN 0301-4797

Simulation and evaluation of sustainable climate trajectories for aviation

Budinger Marc, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Reysset Aurelien, Palanque Valérian, Electro-mechanical Resonant Ice Protection Systems : Energetic and Power Considerations. 2021, AIAA Journal. 59 (7). ISSN 0001-1452

Electro-mechanical Resonant Ice Protection Systems: Energetic and Power Considerations

Brugnoli Andrea, Alazard Daniel, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Matignon Denis, Port-Hamiltonian flexible multibody dynamics. 2021, Multibody System Dynamics. 51 (3). 343-375. ISSN 1384-5640

Port-Hamiltonian flexible multibody dynamics

Sanfedino Francesco, Preda Valentin, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Alazard Daniel, Boquet Fabrice, Bennani Samir, Robust Active Mirror Control Based on Hybrid Sensing for Spacecraft Line-of-Sight Stabilization. 2021, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. 29 (1). 220-235. ISSN 1063-6536

Robust Active Mirror Control Based on Hybrid Sensing for Spacecraft Line-of-Sight Stabilization

Brugnoli Andrea, Alazard Daniel, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Matignon Denis, A port-Hamiltonian formulation of linear thermoelasticity and its mixed finite element discretization. 2021, Journal of Thermal Stresses. 44 (6). 643-661. ISSN 0149-5739

A port-Hamiltonian formulation of linear thermoelasticity and its mixed finite element discretization

Brugnoli Andrea, Alazard Daniel, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Matignon Denis, Structure-preserving discretization of port-Hamiltonian plate models. 2021, Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, 2021-08 - 2021-08 (2021-08, Cambridge)

Structure-preserving discretization of port-Hamiltonian plate models

Planès Thomas, Habrard, Valentine, Delbecq Scott, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Bénard Emmanuel, Thermal management system models for overall aircraft design : AIAA AVIATION 2021 FORUM. 2021, AIAA Aviation Forum 2021, 02-08-2021 - 06-08-2021 (06-08-2021, online)

Thermal management system models for overall aircraft design : AIAA AVIATION 2021 FORUM

Matignon Denis, Positive attitude and Exchange of ideas : the port-Hamiltonian way of life, a tribute to Bernhard Maschke. 2021, workshop on the occassion of Bernhard Maschke’s 60th birthday and the 30th anniversary of Port-Hamiltonian systems., 15/10/2021 - 14/10/2021 (14/10/2021, Berlin)

Positive attitude and Exchange of ideas: the port-Hamiltonian way of life, a tribute to Bernhard Maschke

Cardoso-Ribeiro Flávio Luiz, Matignon Denis, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Port-Hamiltonian model of two-dimensional shallow water equations in moving containers. 2020, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information. 37 (4). 1348-1366. ISSN 0265-0754

Port-Hamiltonian model of two-dimensional shallow water equations in moving containers

Marboeuf Alexis, Bennani Lokman, Budinger Marc, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Electromechanical Resonant Ice Protection Systems : Numerical Investigation through a Phase-Field mixed Adhesive / Brittle Fracture Model. 2020, Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 230. 1-23. ISSN 0013-7944

Electromechanical Resonant Ice Protection Systems: Numerical Investigation through a Phase-Field mixed Adhesive / Brittle Fracture Model

Brugnoli Andrea, Alazard Daniel, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Matignon Denis, Interconnection of the Kirchhoff plate within the port-Hamiltonian framework. 2020

Interconnection of the Kirchhoff plate within the port-Hamiltonian framework

Brugnoli Andrea, Alazard Daniel, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Matignon Denis, Port-Hamiltonian formulation and symplectic discretization of plate models Part I : Mindlin model for thick plates. 2019, Applied Mathematical Modelling. 75. 940-960. ISSN 0307-904X

Port-Hamiltonian formulation and symplectic discretization of plate models Part I: Mindlin model for thick plates

Brugnoli Andrea, Alazard Daniel, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Matignon Denis, Port-Hamiltonian formulation and symplectic discretization of plate models. Part II : Kirchhoff model for thin plates. 2019, Applied Mathematical Modelling. 75. 961-981. ISSN 0307-904X

Port-Hamiltonian formulation and symplectic discretization of plate models. Part II : Kirchhoff model for thin plates

Huang Xiao, Tepylo Nick, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Budinger Marc, Bonaccurso Elmar, Villedieu Philippe, Bennani Lokman, A survey of icephobic coatings and their potential use in a hybrid coating/active ice protection system for aerospace applications. 2019, Progress in Aerospace Sciences. 105. 74-97. ISSN 0376-0421

A survey of icephobic coatings and their potential use in a hybrid coating/active ice protection system for aerospace applications

Brugnoli Andrea, Alazard Daniel, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Matignon Denis, Partitioned finite element method for the Mindlin plate as a port-Hamiltonian system. 2019

Partitioned finite element method for the Mindlin plate as a port-Hamiltonian system

Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Budinger Marc, Rouset Pierrick, Dezitter Fabien, Huet Florent, Wetterwald Marc, Bonaccurso Elmar, Electro-mechanical Resonant Ice Protection Systems : Initiation of Fractures with Piezoelectric Actuators. 2018, AIAA Journal. 56 (11). 4400-4411. ISSN 0001-1452

Electro-mechanical Resonant Ice Protection Systems: Initiation of Fractures with Piezoelectric Actuators

Budinger Marc, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Bennani Lokman, Rouset Pierrick, Bonaccurso Elmar, Dezitter Fabien, Electro-mechanical Resonant Ice Protection Systems : Analysis of Fracture Propagation Mechanisms. 2018, AIAA Journal. 56 (11). 4412-4422. ISSN 0001-1452

Electro-mechanical Resonant Ice Protection Systems: Analysis of Fracture Propagation Mechanisms

Sanfedino Francesco, Alazard Daniel, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Falcoz Alexandre, Boquet Fabrice, Finite element based N-Port model for preliminary design of multibody systems. 2018, Journal of Sound and Vibration. 415. 128-146. ISSN 0022-460X

Finite element based N-Port model for preliminary design of multibody systems

Sanfedino Francesco, Alazard Daniel, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Boquet Fabrice, Falcoz Alexandre, A novel dynamic model of a reaction wheel assembly for high accuracy pointing space missions. 2018, ASME 2018 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC2018), 2018-09-30 - 2018-10-03 (2018-10-03, Atlanta)

A novel dynamic model of a reaction wheel assembly for high accuracy pointing space missions

Cardoso-Ribeiro Flávio Luiz, Matignon Denis, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, A port-Hamiltonian model of liquid sloshing in moving containers and application to a fluid-structure system. 2017, Journal of Fluids and Structures. 69. 402-427. ISSN 0889-9746

A port-Hamiltonian model of liquid sloshing in moving containers and application to a fluid-structure system

Sanfedino Francesco, Alazard Daniel, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Boquet Fabrice, Falcoz Alexandre, Dynamic modeling and analysis of micro-vibration jitter of a spacecraft with solar arrays drive mechanism for control purposes. 2017, 10th International ESA Conference on Guidance, Navigation & Control Systems (GNC 2017), 2017-05-29 - 2017-06-02 (2017-06-02, Salzburg)

Dynamic modeling and analysis of micro-vibration jitter of a spacecraft with solar arrays drive mechanism for control purposes

Rouset Pierrick, Budinger Marc, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Ultrasonic ice protection systems. 2017, More Electric Aircraft - MEA 2017, 2017-02-01 - 2017-02-02 (2017-02-02, Bordeaux)

Ultrasonic ice protection systems

Rouset Pierrick, Budinger Marc, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Comparison of extensional and flexural modes for the design of piezoelectric ice protection systems. 2017, 7th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences (EUCASS), 2017-07-03 - 2017-07-06 (2017-07-06, Milan)

Comparison of extensional and flexural modes for the design of piezoelectric ice protection systems

Budinger Marc, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Napias Gaël, Costa Da Silva Arthur, Ultrasonic ice protection systems : analytical and numerical models for architecture trade-off. 2016, Journal of Aircraft. 53 (3). 680-690. ISSN 0021-8669

Ultrasonic ice protection systems: analytical and numerical models for architecture trade-off

Debéda Hélène, Lucat Claude, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Printed piezoelectric materials for vibration-based damage detection. 2016, Procedia Engineering. 168. 708-712. ISSN 1877-7058

Printed piezoelectric materials for vibration-based damage detection

Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Budinger Marc, Tepylo Nick, Huang Xiao, Analysis of piezoelectric ice protection systems combined with ice-phobic coatings. 2016, 8th AIAA Atmospheric and Space Environments Conference, AIAA AVIATION Forum, 2016-06-13 - 2016-06-17 (2016-06-17, Washington)

Analysis of piezoelectric ice protection systems combined with ice-phobic coatings

Cardoso-Ribeiro Flávio Luiz, Matignon Denis, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Modeling by interconnection and control by damping injection of a fluid-structure system with non-collocated actuators and sensors. 2016, International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering - ISMA 2016, 2016-09-19 - 2016-09-21 (2016-09-21, Leuven)

Modeling by interconnection and control by damping injection of a fluid-structure system with non-collocated actuators and sensors

Cardoso-Ribeiro Flávio Luiz, Matignon Denis, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Piezoelectric beam with distributed control ports : a power-preserving discretization using weak formulation. 2016

Piezoelectric beam with distributed control ports: a power-preserving discretization using weak formulation

Debéda Hélène, Lucat Claude, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Printed piezoelectric materials for vibration-based damage detection. 2016, 30th Eurosensors Conference, EUROSENSORS 2016, 2016-09-04 - 2016-09-07 (2016-09-07, Budapest)

Printed piezoelectric materials for vibration-based damage detection

Waitschat Arne, Nordmann Lennard, Thielecke Frank, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Enhanced toolbox for the combined analysis of fluid- and structure borne-noise of hydraulic systems. 2016, ASME/BATH 2016 Symposium on Fluid Power & Motion Control, 2016-09-07 - 2016-09-09 (2016-09-09, Bath)

Enhanced toolbox for the combined analysis of fluid- and structure borne-noise of hydraulic systems

Pommier-Budinger Valérie - https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3949-3749, Bury Yannick, Michon Guilhem, Napias Gaël - 234139994, In-flight piv for cror flight test demonstration. 2016, 32nd AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference, AIAA AVIATION Forum, 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-11 (2016-06-11, Washington)

In-flight piv for cror flight test demonstration

Napias Gaël - 234139994, Bury Yannick, Pommier-Budinger Valérie - https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3949-3749, In-flight PIV for CROR flight-test demonstration. 2016, Greener Aviation 2016, 2016-10-13 - 2016-10-11 (2016-10-11, Bruxelles)

In-flight PIV for CROR flight-test demonstration

Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Cherrier Olivier, Baffle silencer with tunable resonators for adaptive control of variable tonal noise. 2015, Journal of Vibration and Control. 21 (9). 1801-1809. ISSN 1077-5463

Baffle silencer with tunable resonators for adaptive control of variable tonal noise

Cardoso-Ribeiro Flávio Luiz, Matignon Denis, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Modeling of a Fluid-Structure Coupled System Using Port-Hamiltonian Formulation. 2015

Modeling of a Fluid-Structure Coupled System Using Port-Hamiltonian Formulation

Cardoso-Ribeiro Flávio Luiz, Matignon Denis, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Control design for a coupled fluid-structure system with piezoelectric actuators. 2015, 3rd CEAS EuroGNC, Specialist Conference on Guidance Navigation & Control, 2015-04-13 - 2015-04-15 (2015-04-15, Toulouse)

Control design for a coupled fluid-structure system with piezoelectric actuators

Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Budinger Marc, Sizing optimization of piezoelectric smart structures with meta-modeling techniques for dynamic applications. 2014, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics. ISSN 1875-8800

Sizing optimization of piezoelectric smart structures with meta-modeling techniques for dynamic applications

Debéda Hélène, Lakhmi Riadh, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Lucat Claude, Study of Free-Standing Electroded PZT Thick-Films : From Materials to Microsystems. 2014, Key Engineering Materials. 605. 55-58. ISSN 1013-9826

Study of Free-Standing Electroded PZT Thick-Films: From Materials to Microsystems

Debéda Hélène, Lucat Claude, Maglione Mario, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Hochart Xavier, Sourbe Wilfrid, Feasibility of Screen-Printed PZT Microceramics for Structural Health Monitoring Applications. 2014, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology. ISSN 1744-7402

Feasibility of Screen-Printed PZT Microceramics for Structural Health Monitoring Applications

Cardoso-Ribeiro Flávio Luiz, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Schotte Jean-Sebastien, Arzelier Denis, Modeling of a coupled fluid-structure system excited by piezoelectric actuators. 2014, AIM2014 - International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, 2014-07-08 - 2014-07-11 (2014-07-11, Besançon)

Modeling of a coupled fluid-structure system excited by piezoelectric actuators

Cherrier Olivier, Selva Pierre, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Lachaud Frédéric, Morlier Joseph, Damage localization map using electromechanical impedance spectrums and inverse distance weighting interpolation : Experimental validation on thin composite structures. 2013, Structural Health Monitoring. 12 (4). 311-324. ISSN 1475-9217

Damage localization map using electromechanical impedance spectrums and inverse distance weighting interpolation: Experimental validation on thin comp

Wang Xuan, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Gourinat Yves, A Specific Methodology of Creep Compensation for Piezoelectric Actuators by Open-loop control. 2013, Applied Mechanics and Materials. 281. 141-145. ISSN 1660-9336

A Specific Methodology of Creep Compensation for Piezoelectric Actuators by Open-loop control

Selva Pierre, Cherrier Olivier, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Lachaud Frédéric, Morlier Joseph, Smart monitoring of aeronautical composites plates based on electromechanical impedance measurements and artificial neural networks. 2013, Engineering Structures. 56. 794-804. ISSN 0141-0296

Smart monitoring of aeronautical composites plates based on electromechanical impedance measurements and artificial neural networks

Wang Xuan, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Gourinat Yves, A Specific Methodology of Creep Compensation for piezoelectric Actuators by Open-loop control. 2013, International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Energy (ICMEME 2012), 2012-10-26 - 2012-10-27 (2012-10-27, Dalian)

A Specific Methodology of Creep Compensation for piezoelectric Actuators by Open-loop control

Wang Xuan, Reysset Aurelien, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Gourinat Yves, A Modified Preisach Model for Hysteresis in Piezoelectric Actuators. 2013, 11th International Workshop of Electronics, Control, Measurement, Signals & application to Mechatronics (ECMSM), 2013-06-24 - 2013-06-26 (2013-06-26, Toulouse)

A Modified Preisach Model for Hysteresis in Piezoelectric Actuators

Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Cherrier Olivier, Morlier Joseph, Lachaud Frédéric, Damage location method for thin composites structures - application to an aircraft door. 2013, AST 2013 4th International Workshop on Aircraft System Technologies, 2013-04-23 - 2013-04-24 (2013-04-24, Hamburg)

Damage location method for thin composites structures - application to an aircraft door

Cherrier Olivier, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Simon Frank, Panel of resonators with variable resonance frequency for noise control. 2012, Applied Acoustics. 73 (8). 781-790. ISSN 0003-682X

Panel of resonators with variable resonance frequency for noise control

Lanusse Patrick, Oustaloup Alain, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Stability of closed-loop fractional-order systems and definition of damping contours for the design of controllers. 2012, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (IJBC). 22 (4). ISSN 0218-1274

Stability of closed-loop fractional-order systems and definition of damping contours for the design of controllers

Cherrier Olivier, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Silencer with tunable resonators for active noise control. 2012, ESDA2012 - ASME 2012 11th Biennial Conference On Engineering Systems Design And Analysis, 2012-07-02 - 2012-07-04 (2012-07-04, Nantes)

Silencer with tunable resonators for active noise control

Minck Olivier, Binder Nicolas, Cherrier Olivier, Lamotte Lucie, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Fan noise analysis using a microphone array : Proceedings of the Fan 2012 - International Conference on Fan Noise, Technology, and Numerical Methods. 2012, Fan 2012 - International Conference on Fan Noise, Technology, and Numerical Methods, 2012-04-18 - 2012-04-20 (2012-04-20, Senlis)

Fan noise analysis using a microphone array : Proceedings of the Fan 2012 - International Conference on Fan Noise, Technology, and Numerical Methods

Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Beaugendre Guillaume, Berranger Matthieu, Vincent François, Pascaud Romain, Instrumentation d’une Fusée à Eau. 2011, Colloque sur l’Enseignement des Technologies et des Sciences de l’Information et des Systèmes (CETSIS 2011)

Instrumentation d’une Fusée à Eau

Selva Pierre, Cherrier Olivier, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Lachaud Frédéric, Morlier Joseph, Smart EMI monitoring of thin composite structures. 2011, 16th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS16), 2011-06-28 - 2011-06-30 (2011-06-30, Porto)

Smart EMI monitoring of thin composite structures

Marger Thibaut, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Maré Jean-Charles, Malburet François, Designing redundant metering valves for hydraulic actuators under mixability and low cost-constraints. 2010, 10th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations (ATIO) Conference

Designing redundant metering valves for hydraulic actuators under mixability and low cost-constraints

Robu Bogdan, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Prieur Christophe, Baudouin Lucie, Arzelier Denis, Simultaneous Hinfini vibration control of fluid/plate system via reduced-order controller. 2010, 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2010-12-15 - 2010-12-17 (2010-12-17, Atlanta)

Simultaneous Hinfini vibration control of fluid/plate system via reduced-order controller

Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Mouton Bernard, Vincent François, Exemple d’acquisition automatique de mesures sur une maquette de contrôle actif de vibrations. 2009, J3eA. 8 (1 HS). ISSN 1638-5705

Exemple d’acquisition automatique de mesures sur une maquette de contrôle actif de vibrations

Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Budinger Marc, Martinez Javier Romero, Galan Galan Rafael, F.E.M. design method of metallic and composite smart structures with piezoelectric actuators. 2009, ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference

F.E.M. design method of metallic and composite smart structures with piezoelectric actuators

Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Janat Yaman, Nelson-Gruel Dominique, Lanusse Patrick, Oustaloup Alain, Fractional active robust control. 2008, Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés (JESA). 4 (6-8). 1015-1035. ISSN 1269-6935

Fractional active robust control

Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Janat Yaman, Nelson-Gruel Dominique, Lanusse Patrick, Oustaloup Alain, Fractional robust control with iso-damping property. 2008, American Control Conference (ACC08)

Fractional robust control with iso-damping property

Minotti Angelot, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Simon Frank, Enhancement of a passive acoustic liner by active control of intensity. 2007, Inter-Noise

Enhancement of a passive acoustic liner by active control of intensity

Nelson-Gruel Dominique, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Lanusse Patrick, Oustaloup Alain, Robust control system design for multivariable plants with lightly damped modes. 2007, ASME/IEEE International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA07)

Robust control system design for multivariable plants with lightly damped modes

Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Richelot Julien, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Active control of a structure with sloshing phenomena. 2006, IFAC Conference on Mechatronic Systems

Active control of a structure with sloshing phenomena

Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Janat Yaman, Lanusse Patrick, Oustaloup Alain, Fractional robust control of ligthly damped systems. 2006, IEEE conf. IECON 2006

Fractional robust control of ligthly damped systems

Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Lanusse Patrick, Sabatier Jocelyn, Oustaloup Alain, Fractional robust control of a nonlinear plant : Control of a nonlinear testing bench using the singular perturbation technique and the CRONE approach. 2006, Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés. 4 (2). 211-231. ISSN 1269-6935

Fractional robust control of a nonlinear plant : Control of a nonlinear testing bench using the singular perturbation technique and the CRONE approach

Richelot Julien, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Active control of a clamped beam equipped with piezoelectric actuator and sensor using generalized predictive control. 2004, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2004)

Active control of a clamped beam equipped with piezoelectric actuator and sensor using generalized predictive control

Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Budinger Marc, Lever Phillipe, Richelot Julien, Bordeneuve-Guibé Joël, FEM design of a piezoelectric active control structure. Application to an aircraft wing model. 2004, International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering ISMA04

FEM design of a piezoelectric active control structure. Application to an aircraft wing model

Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Janat Yaman, Lanusse Patrick, Oustaloup Alain, CRONE control of the elevation of a helicopter model. 2004, Fractional Differentiation and its Applications (FDA’04)

CRONE control of the elevation of a helicopter model

Oustaloup Alain, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Lanusse Patrick, Design of a fractional control using performance contours. Application to an electromechanical system. 2003, Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis. 6 (1). ISSN 1311-0454

Design of a fractional control using performance contours. Application to an electromechanical system

Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Musset Roland, Lanusse Patrick, Oustaloup Alain, Study of two robust controls for an hydraulic actuator. 2003, European Control Conference

Study of two robust controls for an hydraulic actuator

Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Sabatier Jocelyn, Lanusse Patrick, Oustaloup Alain, Crone control of a nonlinear hydraulic actuator. 2002, Control Engineering Practice. 1 (4). 391-402. ISSN 0967-0661

Crone control of a nonlinear hydraulic actuator

Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Sabatier Jocelyn, Garcia Iturricha Aitor, Oustaloup Alain, A nyquist criterion for time-varying periodic systems, with application to a hydraulic test bench. 2002, IEEE Conference on Control Applications CCA02

A nyquist criterion for time-varying periodic systems, with application to a hydraulic test bench

Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Lanusse Patrick, Sabatier Jocelyn, Oustaloup Alain, Input-output linearization and fractional robust control of a non-linear system. 2001, European Control Conference

Input-output linearization and fractional robust control of a non-linear system