Les pages professionnellesdes enseignants chercheurs

Wallace Martins

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I am a Full Professor at ISAE-SUPAERO, Université de Toulouse, France, since September 2023. My research interests encompass digital signal processing and telecommunications, focusing on future wireless and satellite networks.

Prior to joining ISAE-SUPAERO, I worked as a researcher at SnT, University of Luxembourg, from 2019 to 2023. I was also affiliated with the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil, as an Associate Professor from 2013 to 2022. At UFRJ, I was responsible for various activities, including serving as the Academic Coordinator for the Electronics and Computer Engineering undergraduate course and the Deputy Department Chairman (DEL/Poli/UFRJ) from 2016 to 2017. Before that, I held the position of Assistant Professor at CEFET/RJ, Brazil, from 2010 to 2013. Additionally, I had the opportunity to work as a Research Visitor at the University of Notre Dame (USA, 2008), Université de Lille (France, 2016), and Universidad de Alcalá (Spain, 2018).

Throughout my professional career, I have collaborated on research projects with various companies such as HP Labs, GE, Siemens, Halliburton, Thales Alenia Space, and SES. I also supervised several undergraduate, master’s, and Ph.D. students in digital signal processing and telecommunications.

I was the recipient of the Best Student Paper Award from EURASIP at EUSIPCO-2009 in Glasgow, Scotland, the 2012 Best Brazilian D.Sc. Dissertation Award from Capes, and the Best Paper Award at SBrT-2020 in Florianópolis, Brazil.

I am an IEEE Senior Member and an ADR holder (Right to Supervise Doctoral Candidates, equivalent to HDR, granted by the University of Luxembourg).


The main application area of my research efforts is Digital Communications, and I usually approach the related problems through the lens of Signal Processing Theory & Methods (SPTM). More specifically, my ongoing efforts focus on addressing physical-layer problems of satellite communications (SATCOM) within the NewSpace context.

In my research topics, I try to balance some fundamental long-term research with some hot-topic current interests of the research community. The following non-comprehensive list of research topics reflects this fact (for the big picture of my research dissemination, refer to my resumé) :

  • Distributed signal processing for satellite communications (e.g., beamforming for satellite swarms)
  • Waveform design for future wireless networks (e.g., for enhanced multiple access and resource allocation in IoT networks)
  • Set-theoretic online machine learning (e.g., for data-selective reinforcement learning applied to SATCOM resource allocation)


I currently serve as :


  • Books
    • Diniz, P. S. R. ; Campos, M. L. R. ; Martins, W. A. ; Lima, M. V. S., and Apolinário Jr., J. A., Online Learning and Adaptive Filters, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2022 (hardback ISBN 9781108842129, e-book ISBN 9781108896139).
    • Lima, J. B. ; Ribeiro, G. B. ; Martins, W. A. ; Elias, V. R. M. ; Lewenfus, G., Graph Signal Processing : Fundamentals and Applications (in Portuguese), Brazilian Society of Applied and Computational Mathematics (Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional), Brazil, 2021 (ISBN 978-65-86388-05-3, e-ISBN 978-65-86388-04-6).
    • Diniz, P. S. R. ; Martins, W. A. ; Lima, M. V. S., Block Transceivers : OFDM and Beyond, Springer, Switzerland, 2012 (ISBN 978-3-031-00549-7, e-ISBN 978-3-031-01677-6).
  • Book chapters
    • Chougrani, H ; Kodheli, O. ; Martins, W. A. ; Chatzinotas, S., PHY Aspects of MTC and Satellite Integration, chapter in Integration of MTC and Satellites for IoT Toward 6G Era, by Marko, H. ; Mikhaylov, K. ; Alves, H. (editors), Wiley/IEEE Press, 2023. (ISBN-13 : 9781119933977).
    • Martins, W. A. ; Lima, J. B. ; Richard, C. ; Chatzinotas, S., A Primer on Graph Signal Processing, chapter in Signal Processing and Machine Learning Theory, by Diniz, P.S.R. (editor), Academic Press, New York, NY, 2023. (ISBN-13 : 978-0323917728, ISBN-10 : 0323917720).
    • Lima, J. B. ; Martins, W. A. ; Ribeiro, G. B. ; Elias, V. R. M. — chapter on Graph Signal Processing : Fundamentals and Applications (in Portuguese) in the shortcouse book of the SBrT-2018 conference. João Pessoa, Brazil : IFPB Publisher, 2019 (pp. 43-85).
  • Publications after September 2023
    • In construction
  • Full list of publications


There are no openings currently.


Head of Satellite Applications and NewSpace (SANS) major, Master in Aerospace Engineering (MAE).

Currently in charge of the course "Digital Communication Basics" (APS203) in the Advanced Master Space Applications & Services (SPAPS).



You can reach me on the ISAE-SUPAERO campus, building 7, office 1115 (coordinates 43.565233, 1.475407), contact me by e-mail, or by phone : +33 (0)5 61 33 85 74.

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