Flux publications Open Science ISAE-SUPAERO

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Jézégou Joël, André Robert, Gourinat Yves, Hydrogen Aircraft Certification : Determination of Regulatory Gaps. 2024, International Conference on More Electric Aircraft (MEA2024), 2024-02-08 - 2024-02-07 (2024-02-07, Toulouse)

Hydrogen Aircraft Certification: Determination of Regulatory Gaps

Gourinat Yves, Rolland Arnaud, Hanchin Thomas, Guillaumont Marie-Stephane, Legois Quentin, Topological Approach of 1D Solid Solutions for Singularity in Semicircular Canals. 2024, Journal of Radiology and Clinical Imaging ISSN 2644-2809

Topological Approach of 1D Solid Solutions for Singularity in Semicircular Canals

de Longueville Sébastien, Bouvet Christophe, Bénard Emmanuel, Jézégou Joël, Gourinat Yves, Digital Thread-Based Optimisation Framework for Aeronautical Structures : A Vertical Tail Plane Use Case. 2024, Aerospace. 12 (1). ISSN 2226-4310

Digital Thread-Based Optimisation Framework for Aeronautical Structures: A Vertical Tail Plane Use Case

Charpentier Gabin, Ruffenach Marine, Benacquista Rémi, Ecoffet Robert, Cappe Alexandre, Dossat Cédric, Varotsou Athina, Cintas Hugo, Paillet Alexis, Boyer Laure, Mekki Julien, Valet Philippe, Gourinat Yves, ARAMIS : a Martian radiative environment model built from GEANT4 simulations. 2024, Journal of Space Weather & Space Climate

ARAMIS: a Martian radiative environment model built from GEANT4 simulations

Parello, Romain, Gourinat Yves, Bénard Emmanuel, Defoort Sébastien, Structural sizing of a hydrogen tank for a commercial aircraft : Journal of Physics : Conference Series. 2024, 13th EASN International Conference on : Innovation in Aviation & Space for opening New Horizons, 2023-09-08 - 2023-09-05 (2023-09-05, Salerno)

Structural sizing of a hydrogen tank for a commercial aircraft : Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Parello, Romain, Gourinat Yves, Bénard Emmanuel, Defoort Sébastien, Design and Integration of a Liquid Hydrogen Tank on an Aircraft. 2024, AIAA Scitech Forum 2024, 2024-01-12 - 2024-01-08 (2024-01-08, Orlando)

Design and Integration of a Liquid Hydrogen Tank on an Aircraft

Gourinat Yves, Hanchin Thomas, Rolland Arnaud, Dynamique des poutres - Cours niveau M1. 2024.

Dynamique des poutres - Cours niveau M1

Gourinat Yves, Rolland Arnaud, Hanchin Thomas, Constitutive Equations of Structural Dynamics - Course, M2 Level. 2024.

Constitutive Equations of Structural Dynamics - Course, M2 Level

Parello, Romain, Defoort Sébastien, Bénard Emmanuel, Gourinat Yves, Integrating Cryogenic Tanks Model in Hydrogen Aircraft Design for Parametric Performance Analysis : ICAS 2024 Procedings. 2024, 34th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS 2024), 12/09/2024 - 09/09/2024 (09/09/2024, Florence)

Integrating Cryogenic Tanks Model in Hydrogen Aircraft Design for Parametric Performance Analysis : ICAS 2024 Procedings

Charpentier Gabin, Dossat Cédric, Galy Lucien, Cappe Alexandre, Benacquista Rémi, Chatry Nathalie, Mekki Julien, Ecoffet Robert, Valet Philippe, Gourinat Yves, Attenuating the Martian Neutron and Photon surface environment with optimized Multi-Layer Shielding including Regolith Materials. 2024, American Nuclear Society Conference, Radiation Protection and Shielding Division 2024 (RPSD 2024), 21/11/2024 - 17/11/2024 (17/11/2024, Orlando)

Attenuating the Martian Neutron and Photon surface environment with optimized Multi-Layer Shielding including Regolith Materials

Charlotte Miguel, Fernández Núnez Ignacio, Gourinat Yves, Matignon Denis, Port-Hamiltonian Formulations of Some Elastodynamics Theories of Isotropic and Linearly Elastic Shells : Naghdi–Reissner’s Moderately Thick Shells. 2023, Applied Sciences. ISSN 2076-3417

Port-Hamiltonian Formulations of Some Elastodynamics Theories of Isotropic and Linearly Elastic Shells: Naghdi–Reissner’s Moderately Thick Shells

Gourinat Yves, Akisheva Yulia, Cowley Aidan, Boyer Laure, Paillet Alexis, Hybrid Material for Radiation Protection in Lunar Environment. 2022, Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research (BJSTR). ISSN 2574 -1241

Hybrid Material for Radiation Protection in Lunar Environment

Chambe Jean-Emmanuel - 240622596, Charlotte Miguel, Gourinat Yves, Cryogenic tank characterization by experimental testing – Identification of the structure mode shapes. 2022, SciTech Forum 2022, AIAA, 07/01/2022 - 03/01/2022 (03/01/2022, San Diego)

Cryogenic tank characterization by experimental testing – Identification of the structure mode shapes

Chambe Jean-Emmanuel - 240622596, Charlotte Miguel, Gourinat Yves, Characterization of Fluid-Filled Tank and Mode Shapes Identification - Approach via Cryogenic Fluid Substitution by Granular Meta-Material. 2022, IMAC-XL, SEM, 10/02/2022 - 07/02/2022 (07/02/2022, Orlando)

Characterization of Fluid-Filled Tank and Mode Shapes Identification - Approach via Cryogenic Fluid Substitution by Granular Meta-Material

Gourinat Yves, Christon Laura, Adaptative structures : the key for future airship certification. 2022, 9th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences (EUCASS-3AF 2022), 01/07/2022 - 28/06/2022 (28/06/2022, Lille)

Adaptative structures: the key for future airship certification

de Longueville Sébastien, Jézégou Joël, Bénard Emmanuel, Gourinat Yves, Enabling the digital thread for aeronautical structures : A Vertical Tail Plane use case. 2022, 12th EASN International Conference on Innovation in Aviation & Space, 21/10/2022 - 18/10/2022 (18/10/2022, Barcelona)

Enabling the digital thread for aeronautical structures: A Vertical Tail Plane use case

Akisheva Yulia, Dossat Cédric, Gourinat Yves, Guatelli Susanna, Robin-Chabanne Steven, Varotsou Athina, Cowley Aidan, Makaya Advenit, New Simulations for Radiation Shielding Materials in Human Lunar Missions : IAC2022. 2022, International Astronautical Congress, IAC2022, 22/09/2022 - 18/09/2022 (18/09/2022, Paris)

New Simulations for Radiation Shielding Materials in Human Lunar Missions : IAC2022

Murdoch Naomi, Drilleau Mélanie, Sunday Cecily, Thuillet Florian, Wilhelm Arnaud, Nguyen Gautier, Gourinat Yves, Low-velocity impacts into granular material : application to small-body landing. 2021, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 503 (3). 3460-3471. ISSN 0035-8711

Low-velocity impacts into granular material: application to small-body landing

Bon Valentin, Gourinat Yves, A dynamic model for preliminary design of vertical tail plane. 2021, Academic Journal of Engineering Studies

A dynamic model for preliminary design of vertical tail plane

Akisheva Yulia, Gourinat Yves, Utilisation of Moon Regolith for Radiation Protection and Thermal Insulation in Permanent Lunar Habitats. 2021, Applied Science

Utilisation of Moon Regolith for Radiation Protection and Thermal Insulation in Permanent Lunar Habitats

Gourinat Yves, Christon Laura, Structural Dynamics in Biology. A bridge Given by Implicit Vibratory Crossed Models. 2021, Engineering

Structural Dynamics in Biology. A bridge Given by Implicit Vibratory Crossed Models

Chambe Jean-Emmanuel - 240622596, Charlotte Miguel, Gourinat Yves, Vibration analysis of a fully - and partially - filled container. Application to cryogenic tank characterization and dynamic behavior. 2021, 16th Dynamical Systems, Theory & Applications International Conference (DSTA 2021), 09/12/2021 - 06/12/2021 (06/12/2021, Lodz)

Vibration analysis of a fully - and partially - filled container. Application to cryogenic tank characterization and dynamic behavior

de Longueville Sébastien, Jézégou Joël, Bénard Emmanuel, Gourinat Yves, Enhancing preliminary aircraft design through operational considerations : a data-driven approach.. 2020, 10th EASN International Conference on Innovation in Aviation & Space, 04/09/2020 - 02/09/2020 (02/09/2020)

Enhancing preliminary aircraft design through operational considerations: a data-driven approach.

Nguyen Sinh-Khoa, Chiambaretto Pierre-Louis, Charlotte Miguel, Michon Guilhem, Morlier Joseph, Gourinat Yves, Experimental testing of pre-stressed granular assemblies as a surrogate material for the dynamic analysis of launcher cryogenic tanks. 2019, Engineering Structures. 197. 1-14. ISSN 0141-0296

Experimental testing of pre-stressed granular assemblies as a surrogate material for the dynamic analysis of launcher cryogenic tanks

Gourinat Yves, La Théorie des Singularités. Un complément aux modèles locaux par éléments finis en Physique : Modélisation mécanique. 2019« In :» Modélisation mécanique, Sciences fondamentales, Physique Chimie

La Théorie des Singularités. Un complément aux modèles locaux par éléments finis en Physique : Modélisation mécanique

Nguyen Sinh-Khoa, Chiambaretto Pierre-Louis, Charlotte Miguel, Morlier Joseph, Gourinat Yves, Villedieu Philippe, Towards an analytical formulation for Fluid Structure tank vibration analysis : Modal equivalency using granular materials. 2018, Engineering Structures. 177. 345-356. ISSN 0141-0296

Towards an analytical formulation for Fluid Structure tank vibration analysis: Modal equivalency using granular materials

Paroissien Eric, Gourinat Yves, Stratégie de modélisation avancée des assemblages structuraux aérospatiaux. Matériaux, interfaces, fatigue, dynamique. 2018

Stratégie de modélisation avancée des assemblages structuraux aérospatiaux. Matériaux, interfaces, fatigue, dynamique

Vellas Mathilde, Fualdes C., Morley J. E., Dray C., Rodriguez-Manas L., Meyer Forsting Alexander, Michel Laurent, Rolland Y., Gourinat Yves, Aeroaging — A new collaboration between life sciences experts and aerospace engineers. 2017, The journal of nutrition, health & aging. 21 (9). 1024-1030. ISSN 1279-7707

Aeroaging — A new collaboration between life sciences experts and aerospace engineers

Murdoch Naomi, Avila Martinez Iris, Sunday Cecily, Zenou Emmanuel, Cherrier Olivier, Cadu Alexandre, Gourinat Yves, An experimental study of low-velocity impacts into granular material in reduced gravity. 2017, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 468 (2). 1259-1272. ISSN 0035-8711

An experimental study of low-velocity impacts into granular material in reduced gravity

Sunday Cecily, Murdoch Naomi, Cherrier Olivier, Morales Serrano Sara, Valeria Nardi Claudia, Janin Tristan, Avila Martinez Iris, Gourinat Yves, Mimoun David, A novel facility for reduced-gravity testing : A setup for studying low-velocity collisions into granular surfaces. 2016, Review of Scientific Instruments. 87 (8). 084504-084515. ISSN 0034-6748

A novel facility for reduced-gravity testing: A setup for studying low-velocity collisions into granular surfaces

Lefrançois Olivier, Matton Nadine, Gourinat Yves, Peysakhovich Vsevolod, Causse Mickaël, The role of Pilots’ monitoring strategies in flight performance. 2016, European Association for Aviation Psychology Conference EAAP32, 2016-09-26 - 2016-09-30 (2016-09-30, Cascais)

The role of Pilots' monitoring strategies in flight performance

Maillet Irène, Michel Laurent, Souric Frédéric, Gourinat Yves, Mode II fatigue delamination growth characterization of a carbon/epoxy laminate at high frequency under vibration loading. 2015, Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 149. 298-312. ISSN 0013-7944

Mode II fatigue delamination growth characterization of a carbon/epoxy laminate at high frequency under vibration loading

Foucaud Simon, Michon Guilhem, Gourinat Yves, Pelat Adrien, Gautier François, Artificial cochlea and acoustic black hole travelling waves observation : Model and experimental results. 2014, Journal of Sound and Vibration. 333 (15). 3428-3439. ISSN 0022-460X

Artificial cochlea and acoustic black hole travelling waves observation: Model and experimental results

Maillet Irène, Michel Laurent, Rico Germain, Fressinet Mathieu, Gourinat Yves, A new test methodology based on structural resonance for mode I fatigue delamination growth in an unidirectional composite. 2013, Composite Structures. 97. 353-362. ISSN 0263-8223

A new test methodology based on structural resonance for mode I fatigue delamination growth in an unidirectional composite

Wang Xuan, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Gourinat Yves, A Specific Methodology of Creep Compensation for Piezoelectric Actuators by Open-loop control. 2013, Applied Mechanics and Materials. 281. 141-145. ISSN 1660-9336

A Specific Methodology of Creep Compensation for Piezoelectric Actuators by Open-loop control

Wang Xuan, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Gourinat Yves, A Specific Methodology of Creep Compensation for piezoelectric Actuators by Open-loop control. 2013, International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Energy (ICMEME 2012), 2012-10-26 - 2012-10-27 (2012-10-27, Dalian)

A Specific Methodology of Creep Compensation for piezoelectric Actuators by Open-loop control

Wang Xuan, Reysset Aurelien, Pommier-Budinger Valérie, Gourinat Yves, A Modified Preisach Model for Hysteresis in Piezoelectric Actuators. 2013, 11th International Workshop of Electronics, Control, Measurement, Signals & application to Mechatronics (ECMSM), 2013-06-24 - 2013-06-26 (2013-06-26, Toulouse)

A Modified Preisach Model for Hysteresis in Piezoelectric Actuators

Ferraioli Giuseppe, Causse Mickaël, Lizy-Destrez Stéphanie, Gourinat Yves, Habitability of manned vehicules : the impact of human factors on future long duration human space exploration missions en route to Mars. 2013, Proceedings of 64th International Astronautical Congress, Beijing, China, September 23-27, 2013, 2013 - 2013 (2013, Beijing)

Habitability of manned vehicules : the impact of human factors on future long duration human space exploration missions en route to Mars

Gouache Thibault, Brunskill Christopher, Scott Gregory, Gao Yang, Coste Pierre, Gourinat Yves, Regolith simulant preparation methods for hardware testing. 2011, Planetary and Space Science. 58 (14-15). 1977-1984. ISSN 0032-0633

Regolith simulant preparation methods for hardware testing

Haddad Madjid, Gourinat Yves, Charlotte Miguel, Equivalence Theory Applied to Anisotropic Thin Plates. 2011, Engineering. 3 (7). 669-679. ISSN 1947-3931

Equivalence Theory Applied to Anisotropic Thin Plates

Shahdin Amir, Morlier Joseph, Niemann Hanno, Gourinat Yves, Correlating low energy impact damage with changes in modal parameters : diagnosis tools and FE validation. 2011, Structural Health Monitoring. 10 (2). 199-217. ISSN 1475-9217

Correlating low energy impact damage with changes in modal parameters: diagnosis tools and FE validation

Shahdin Amir, Morlier Joseph, Mezeix Laurent, Bouvet Christophe, Gourinat Yves, Evaluation of the impact resistance of various composite sandwich beams by vibration tests. 2011, Shock and Vibration. 18 (6). 789-805. ISSN 1070-9622

Evaluation of the impact resistance of various composite sandwich beams by vibration tests

Foucaud Simon, Michon Guilhem, Morlier Joseph, Gourinat Yves, Harmonic response of the organ of corti : results for wave dispersion. 2011, The 11th International Mechanics of Hearing Workshop

Harmonic response of the organ of corti: results for wave dispersion

Shahdin Amir, Morlier Joseph, Michon Guilhem, Mezeix Laurent, Bouvet Christophe, Gourinat Yves, Application of modal analysis for evaluation of the impact resistance of aerospace sandwich materials. 2011, IMAC XXIX, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics : Advanced Aerospace Applications, 2011-01-31 - 2011-02-03 (2011-02-03, Jacksonville)

Application of modal analysis for evaluation of the impact resistance of aerospace sandwich materials

Gouache Thibault. Auteur, Gourinat Yves. Directeur de thèse, Gao Yves. Directeur de thèse, Forage alternatif dual de régolithe extra-terrestre : évolution d’une solution bio-inspirée / Gouache Thibault. 2011

Forage alternatif dual de régolithe extra-terrestre : évolution d’une solution bio-inspirée / Gouache Thibault

Niemann Hanno, Morlier Joseph, Shahdin Amir, Gourinat Yves, Damage localization using experimental modal parameters and topology optimization. 2010, Mechanical systems and signal processing. 24 (3). 636-652. ISSN 0888-3270

Damage localization using experimental modal parameters and topology optimization

Shahdin Amir, Morlier Joseph, Gourinat Yves, Damage monitoring in sandwich beams by modal parameter shifts : a comparative study of burst random and sine dwell vibration testing. 2010, Journal of Sound and Vibration. 3 (5). 566-584. ISSN 0022-460X

Damage monitoring in sandwich beams by modal parameter shifts: a comparative study of burst random and sine dwell vibration testing

Gourinat Yves, Apel Uwe, Delbart Franck, The aerocrew mission : training space session at Ny Aalesund Arctic base. 2010, Acta Astronautica. 66 (1-2). 74-77. ISSN 0094-5765

The aerocrew mission: training space session at Ny Aalesund Arctic base

Selva Pierre, Morlier Joseph, Gourinat Yves, Toward a three-dimensional finite-element model of the human inner ear angular accelerometers sensors. 2010, International Journal for Computational Vision and Biomechanics (IJCV & B). 3 (2). 149-156. ISSN 0973-6778

Toward a three-dimensional finite-element model of the human inner ear angular accelerometers sensors

Shahdin Amir, Mezeix Laurent, Bouvet Christophe, Morlier Joseph, Gourinat Yves, Fabrication and mechanical testing of a new sandwich structure with carbon fiber network core.. 2010, Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials. 12 (5). 569-589. ISSN 1099-6362

Fabrication and mechanical testing of a new sandwich structure with carbon fiber network core.

Gouache Thibault, Gao Yang, Gourinat Yves, Coste Pierre, Wood wasp inspired space and earth drill : Biomimetics Learning from Nature. 2010« In :» Biomimetics Learning from Nature. 978-953-3-07025-4

Wood wasp inspired space and earth drill : Biomimetics Learning from Nature

Shahdin Amir, Mezeix Laurent, Bouvet Christophe, Morlier Joseph, Gourinat Yves, Fabrication and mechanical testing of glass fiber entangled sandwich beams : A comparison with honeycomb and foam sandwich beams. 2009, Composite Structures. 9 (4). 404-412. ISSN 0263-8223

Fabrication and mechanical testing of glass fiber entangled sandwich beams: A comparison with honeycomb and foam sandwich beams

Shahdin Amir, Mezeix Laurent, Bouvet Christophe, Morlier Joseph, Gourinat Yves, Monitoring the effects of impact damages on modal parameters in carbon fiber entangled sandwich beams. 2009, Engineering Structures. 31 (12). 2833-2841. ISSN 0141-0296

Monitoring the effects of impact damages on modal parameters in carbon fiber entangled sandwich beams

Selva Pierre, Gourinat Yves, Morlier Joseph, Development of a dynamic virtual reality model of the inner ear sensory system as a learning and demonstrating tool. 2009, Modelling and simulation in engineering. 2009. ISSN 0965-0393

Development of a dynamic virtual reality model of the inner ear sensory system as a learning and demonstrating tool

Shahdin Amir, Morlier Joseph, Gourinat Yves, Significance of low energy impact damage on modal parameters of composite beams by design of experiments. 2009, Journal of Physics : Conference Series (JPCS). 181 (1). ISSN 1742-6596

Significance of low energy impact damage on modal parameters of composite beams by design of experiments

Shahdin Amir, Morlier Joseph, Gourinat Yves, Correlating low energy impact damage with changes in modal parameters : a preliminary study on composite beams. 2009, Structural Health Monitoring. 8 (6). 523-536. ISSN 1475-9217

Correlating low energy impact damage with changes in modal parameters: a preliminary study on composite beams

Gourinat Yves, Les formalismes de la dynamique rationnelle des systèmes mécaniques : de Newton à Kane : Fonctions et Composants Mécaniques. 2009« In :» Fonctions et Composants Mécaniques, Génie Mécanique

Les formalismes de la dynamique rationnelle des systèmes mécaniques: de Newton à Kane : Fonctions et Composants Mécaniques

Gourinat Yves, Équations générales des coques - Modèle dynamique linéaire des éléments minces gauches : Fonctions et Composants Mécaniques. 2009« In :» Fonctions et Composants Mécaniques, Génie Mécanique

Équations générales des coques - Modèle dynamique linéaire des éléments minces gauches : Fonctions et Composants Mécaniques

Selva Pierre, Morlier Joseph, Gourinat Yves, A Matlab/Simulink model of the inner ear angular accelerometers sensors. 2009, ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 2009-08-30 - 2009-09-02 (2009-09-02, San Diego)

A Matlab/Simulink model of the inner ear angular accelerometers sensors

Morlier Joseph, Chermain Boris, Gourinat Yves, Original statistical approach for the reliability in modal parameters estimation. 2009, MAC XXVII A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics

Original statistical approach for the reliability in modal parameters estimation

Shahdin Amir, Mezeix Laurent, Bouvet Christophe, Morlier Joseph, Gourinat Yves, Diagnosis of the fabrication process of a sandwich structure with fiber network core by vibration testing. 2009, Composites 2009, 2009-04-01 - 2009-04-03 (2009-04-03, London)

Diagnosis of the fabrication process of a sandwich structure with fiber network core by vibration testing

Shahdin Amir, Mezeix Laurent, Bouvet Christophe, Morlier Joseph, Gourinat Yves, Static and dynamic testing of glass fiber entangled sandwich beams : a comparison with honeycomb and foam sandwich beams. 2009, 15th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS15), 2009-06-15 - 2009-06-17 (2009-06-17, Porto)

Static and dynamic testing of glass fiber entangled sandwich beams: a comparison with honeycomb and foam sandwich beams

Shahdin Amir, Morlier Joseph, Gourinat Yves, Significance of low energy impact damage on modal parameters of composite beams by design of experiments. 2009, 7th International Conference on Modern Practice in Stress and Vibration Analysis, 2009-09-08 - 2009-09-10 (2009-09-10, Cambridge)

Significance of low energy impact damage on modal parameters of composite beams by design of experiments

Selva Pierre. Auteur, Gourinat Yves. Directeur de thèse, De Lauzun Yves. Directeur de thèse, Modélisation du système vestibulaire et modèles non-linéaires de perception de l’orientation spatiale = Modeling of the vestibular system and nonlinear models for human spatial orientation perception / Selva Pierre. 2009

Modélisation du système vestibulaire et modèles non-linéaires de perception de l'orientation spatiale = Modeling of the vestibular system and nonlinea

Shahdin Amir. Auteur, Gourinat Yves. Directeur de thèse, Morlier Yves. Directeur de thèse, Surveillance vibratoire de l’endommagement dû à l’impact sur poutres en matériaux composites stratifiés, sandwiches et matériaux enchevêtrés par variations des paramètres modaux / Shahdin Amir. 2009

Surveillance vibratoire de l'endommagement dû à l'impact sur poutres en matériaux composites stratifiés, sandwiches et matériaux enchevêtrés par varia

Gourinat Yves, Lapoujade Vincent, A dynamic modelling of safety nets. 2008, Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures. 4 (3). 207-226. ISSN 1573-6105

A dynamic modelling of safety nets

Gourinat Yves, Endommagement dynamique structural et phénomènes dissipatifs. 2008.

Endommagement dynamique structural et phénomènes dissipatifs

Gourinat Yves, Apel Uwe, Delbart Franck, The aerocrew mission : training space Session at Ny Aalesund Arctic base. 2008, Northern and Arctic Bases : a concrete opportunity for man-machine complementarity test. 59th IAC, Human Exploration of the Moon and Mars Symposium

The aerocrew mission : training space Session at Ny Aalesund Arctic base

Gourinat Yves, Apel Uwe, Delbart Franck, Northern and arctic bases : a concrete opportunity for man-machine complementarity test. 2008, The Aerocrew Mission : Training Space Session at Ny Aalesund Arctic Base. 59th IAC, Space Education and Outreach Symposium

Northern and arctic bases : a concrete opportunity for man-machine complementarity test

Bès Caroline, Belloeil Victorien, Plantier Guy, Gourinat Yves, Bosch Thierry, A self-mixing laser sensor design with an extended kalman filter for optimal online structure analysis and damping evaluation. 2007, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. 1 (3). 387-394. ISSN 1083-4435

A self-mixing laser sensor design with an extended kalman filter for optimal online structure analysis and damping evaluation

Romero Manola, Escudier Bénédicte, Gourinat Yves, Hands-on education and students formation for aerospace systems engineering : looking back upon the Soprano experience. 2006, IAC/IAA : 57th International Astronautical Congress

Hands-on education and students formation for aerospace systems engineering : looking back upon the Soprano experience

Gourinat Yves, Belloeil Victorien, An analytical model of an elementary elliptical cell forming an alveolar elastic material under plane stress. 2006, Materials & Design. 2 (10). 1055-1064. ISSN 0261-3069

An analytical model of an elementary elliptical cell forming an alveolar elastic material under plane stress

Belloeil Victorien. Auteur, Gourinat Yves. Directeur de thèse, Huet Yves. Directeur de thèse, Développement et optimisation d’un revêtement alvéolaire pour le contrôle passif de vibrations / Belloeil Victorien. 2006

Développement et optimisation d'un revêtement alvéolaire pour le contrôle passif de vibrations / Belloeil Victorien

Gourinat Yves, Mueller Joerg P., Ferrer Rogelio, Krysinski Tomasz, Kerdreux Benjamin, A numerical study on active control for tiltrotor whirl flutter stability augmentation. 2004, American Helicopter Society Journal. 244-254. ISSN 0002-8711

A numerical study on active control for tiltrotor whirl flutter stability augmentation

Mueller Joerg P., Ferrer Rogelio, Krysinski Tomasz, Gourinat Yves, Kerdreux Benjamin, A multibody study on single- and multi-variable control algorithms for tiltrotor whirl flutter stability augmentation. 2004

A multibody study on single- and multi-variable control algorithms for tiltrotor whirl flutter stability augmentation

Gourinat Yves, Haddad Florent, Rousseau Martial, Un dispositif pour la caractérisation des propriétés amortissantes de matériaux viscoélastiques non-linéaires en cisaillement. 2002, Mécanique & Industries. 3 (2). 271-278. ISSN 1296-2139

Un dispositif pour la caractérisation des propriétés amortissantes de matériaux viscoélastiques non-linéaires en cisaillement

Salem Amgad, Gourinat Yves, Evaluation of linear and non-linear structural internal damping : experimental and numerical investigations. 2002, 10th international conference on applied mechanics and mechanical engineering

Evaluation of linear and non-linear structural internal damping : experimental and numerical investigations

Gourinat Yves, Applications de la dynamique explicite à l’ENSICA : atterrissage et amerrissage des spationefs et problèmes d’absorption d’énergie. 2001, Mécanique et Industries. 2 (1). 63-68. ISSN 1296-2139

Applications de la dynamique explicite à l’ENSICA : atterrissage et amerrissage des spationefs et problèmes d’absorption d’énergie

Gourinat Yves, Salem Amgad, L’amortissement dynamique non-destructif au sein des matériaux structuraux. 2001, Sciences. 3. 57-65. ISSN 0151-0304

L’amortissement dynamique non-destructif au sein des matériaux structuraux

Gourinat Yves, Introduction à la dynamique des structures. 2001. 285428545X

Introduction à la dynamique des structures

Gourinat Yves, Exercices et problèmes de mécanique des solides et des structures. Applications aéronautiques et aérospatiales.. 2001, Collection Sciences Sup. 9782100567003

Exercices et problèmes de mécanique des solides et des structures. Applications aéronautiques et aérospatiales.

Bucur P., Gourinat Yves, Balasoiu Sorin, Analytical dynamic equations : Topics in Mechanics of Embarked Systems. 2001« In :» Topics in Mechanics of Embarked Systems. 973828455X

Analytical dynamic equations : Topics in Mechanics of Embarked Systems

Gourinat Yves, F-Ma = 0 : the unique certitude in Aerospace ?. 2001

F-Ma = 0 : the unique certitude in Aerospace?

Gourinat Yves, Delente Edouard, Pasquier Aurélie, Calculus of hypersonic polar curves for re-rentry spacecraft using the Newton’s theory. 2001, 52th International Astronautical Congress

Calculus of hypersonic polar curves for re-rentry spacecraft using the Newton's theory

Balasoiu Sorin, Gourinat Yves, Équations analytiques explicites du mouvement d’une minifusée. 2000, Congrès Français de Mécanique, 1990-09

Équations analytiques explicites du mouvement d’une minifusée

Gourinat Yves, Englund Jan, Sweden specific polar experiments for long range flight ergonomics. 2000, 51st International Astronautical Congress, Life Science Symposium Proceedings

Sweden specific polar experiments for long range flight ergonomics

Gourinat Yves, Pramono Agus Sigit, Educational applications of photoelastodynamics for solid mechanics and dynamics of structures. 1999, Machine Graphics and Vision. 8 (4). 655-666. ISSN 1230-0535

Educational applications of photoelastodynamics for solid mechanics and dynamics of structures

Gourinat Yves, Pramono Agus Sigit, Educational applications of photoelastodynamics for solid mechanics and dynamics of structures. 1999, Euromech 406 Image Processing in Applied Mechanics, European Mechanics Society

Educational applications of photoelastodynamics for solid mechanics and dynamics of structures

Gourinat Yves, Pramono Agus Sigit, Stress-Wave Propagation in the infinite plate and stress distribution on the Spur Gears Transmission by dynamic photoelasticity. 1999, European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Mechanical Test

Stress-Wave Propagation in the infinite plate and stress distribution on the Spur Gears Transmission by dynamic photoelasticity

Gourinat Yves, Jagger Louise-Mary, Spacecraft architectural design with minimal artificial weightness concept. 1998, 49th International Astronautical Congress, 1998-09-28 - 1998-10-02 (1998-10-02, Melbourne)

Spacecraft architectural design with minimal artificial weightness concept

Gourinat Yves. Auteur, Locatelli Jacqueline. Directeur de thèse, Conception et réalisation du didacticiel de calcul de structures de l’Aérospatiale = Structure analysis computer aided teaching software of Aerospatiale design and realization / Gourinat Yves. 1989

Conception et réalisation du didacticiel de calcul de structures de l'Aérospatiale = Structure analysis computer aided teaching software of Aerospatia