Academic responsabilities
I am currently in charge of Computer Science curriculum for 1st and 2nd year at ISAE-SUPAERO. This involves :
- general organisation and planning
- following through students studies
- reflexion on content
I teach or am involved in the following courses at SUPAERO (click on the course number to go to the course website [1]) :
- TCS1-IN Algorithms and Programming
- EISC101 Functional and logic programming languages
- TSC3-IN Complexity and Integer Linear Programming
- FITR304 Formal Methods
- FSD301 Optimization in Graphs
I have teached the following courses at SUPAERO (click on the course number to go to the course website [2]) :
- IN112 Mathematical logic
- IN201 Object-oriented design and programming
- IN306 Databases
- IN323 Software engineering
- IN324 Software validation (deductive methods part)
- IN325 Real-time programming languages (RTSJ part)
- IN328 Distributed programming with Java and J2EE
- IN329 Operating systems with Prof. Pierre Siron
- IN331 Software engineering
I teach the following courses at ENSEEIHT :
- Mathematics for Computer Science (mathematical logic, program proof, Coq proof assistant, formal language theory)
- Declarative Programming (logic programming, Prolog, SAT and SMT solvers)
I teach the following courses at Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier :
- lab sessions for introduction on Functional Programming (undergraduate students)
- lab sessions for Verified Compilation with Coq (undergraduate students)
Students projects for 2022/2023
- TBA, but something on SPARK or compilation