Les pages professionnellesdes enseignants chercheurs

Jean-Charles Chaudemar

Mis à jour le


Head of Systems Engineering Advanced Master Program

Office : 07.0101
Phone : +33 (0)5 61 33 83 68
E-mail : jean-charles.chaudemar isae-supaero.fr


Dr.-Ing. Jean-Charles CHAUDEMAR is an Associate Professor at the Complex Systems Engineering Department (DISC) of the Institute for Space and Aeronautics Engineering (ISAE-SUPAERO) in Toulouse. He holds a PhD (2012) and Engineering degree (1998) from SUPAERO.

Before joining ISAE-SUPAERO, he was a consulting senior engineer for two companies, SEGIME, and then SILOGIC. On the one hand, he worked for AIRBUS on behalf of SILOGIC as an integration engineer for A380 development simulators. For ROCKWELL-COLLINS, he was an engineer in software quality assurance for the DO 178A certification of a Real-Time OS (Lynx OS). In the context of STNA (Technical Information Service for the French Civil Aviation Authority, DGAC), he was an assistant project manager for the support and the deployment of software products delivered to Air Traffic Approach Centers. On the other hand, he worked for RENAULT SA on behalf of SEGIME as an assistant project manager in the engine control for the CAMLESS prototype vehicle. Also, he started his professional career for PEUGEOT-CITROEN SA as an engineer in the engine control for a hybrid vehicle, dual combustion and electric engines.

At ISAE-SUPAERO (from 2004), he participates in a lot of training programs by teaching diverse courses such as systems engineering, avionics architecture design, diagnosis. In the framework of the interdisciplinary pedagogy based on projects, he collaborates with colleagues across a discipline spectrum including control theory, computer science, structure. His research interests mainly concern the formal modeling of critical control systems from the point of view of safety and security. He participates in several think tanks or research institutions, e.g. AFIS, CCT CNES, GDR-GPL, Competitiveness Cluster called Aerospace Valley, IRT Saint-Exupery.


- Introduction to Systems Engineering
- Requirement engineering
- Functional design
- Avionics architecture design
- Aircraft embedded data communication buses
- Sensors and actuators
- Diagnosis


- Model Based Safety Assessment of layered architectures for critical autonomous systems
- Safety design approach for aircraft architectures with human in the loop (Dassault Aviation chair)
- Lean Systems Engineering Management for VSME/SME in aeronautics domain

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